Chapter 157: Killing Enemy

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 One wave is not over, but another wave is rising. Yang Zhan, the commander-in-chief of Jiading, Sichuan, Ming Dynasty, was killed.

The ones who harmed Yang Zhan were his sworn brothers Yuan Tao and Wu Dading.

Yuan Tao is the most powerful mastermind of the Yaohuang Thirteenth family and a powerful bandit, nicknamed "The King of Fighting for Heaven"; Wu Dading, who was also a member of the Yaohuang Thirteenth family, has a similar odor with Yuan Tao.

When Chen Bangyan attacked Zhu Rong Fan, the puppet king of Chu, he induced Yuan Tao to capture Jiangjin City under the control of Wang Xiang, restrained Wang Xiang from supporting Zhu Rong Fan, and appointed him as the deputy general of Jiangjin. Later, Yuan Tao became ambitious and started a civil war. Follow Huang Shisan

Hu Jiusi, a member of the family's "100,000 Travelers" team up, attacked Chongqing. Fuzhou's Ming Vice-General Dahai and Li Zhanchun were defeated and unable to gain a foothold in Jiangjin.

Wu Dading was Yuan Tao's brother. He was originally based in Mianzhou and Zitong, Sichuan. Later, he tried to plot against Zhao Ronggui of Long'an Prefecture, but failed. Zhao Ronggui forced him to lose his footing and defect to Yuan Tao.

After Yuan Tao failed in the civil war, he took Hu Jiusi and Wu Dading to defect to Yang Zhan in Jiading. Zhu Hengjia hated him for starting a civil war without authorization, and without any transfer orders, he left the defense line Jiangjin privately and dismissed him as deputy general of Jiangjin.

As well-known big bandits, Yuan, Hu, and Wu had a very bad reputation. Yang Zhan was unwilling to accept the three of them, but thanks to the intercession of Li Qiande, an old minister of Yongli.

Li Qiande was originally the governor of northern Sichuan appointed by Emperor Yongli Zhu Youlang. After Zhu Youlang was attacked and destroyed by Zhu Hengjia's troops, he had no one to rely on, so he simply became the counselor of the big bandit Yuan Tao.

Li Qiande ran to Yang Zhan and said, "Those who do great things never shy away from the crowd." These three people have come to you in desperation. If you take them in, they will definitely be grateful to you. Without any effort, you can get tens of thousands of soldiers. Such a good thing,

Why not do it?

Yang Zhan pondered for a long time and then agreed. He ordered Yuan Tao and Hu Jiusi to move the camp to Qianwei, and Wuhan University settled in Qingshen.

Later, Hu Jiusi died of illness, and Yuan Tao and Wu Dading decided to divide them up.

When Yuan Tao and Wu Dading were in the most difficult time, Yang Zhan took them in, gave them a place to stay, and provided them with food and salary. He was more kind to them than heaven. It is said that these two people should be grateful and would like to repay them.

That's not the case. These two are ruthless men who are used to being bandits. They are as ruthless as jackals, sinister and vicious. They have no kindness in their hearts, only interests.

Yang Zhan loved the people like a son and managed the Jiading area extremely well. Jiading is one of the few areas in Sichuan that has not suffered major military disasters and is self-sufficient in food.

Yuan Tao and Wu Dading came to Yang Zhan's territory. Seeing how wealthy Jiading was, they coveted it and started to covet it. Counselor Li Qiande was not an easy man either. He took the opportunity to instigate and seize Jiading and expand his power.

On this day, the three of them were discussing how to murder their benefactor Yang Zhan and seize Jiading Prefecture.

Yuan Tao suddenly let out a long sigh: "Alas! In the past, we were defeated and had no food. Countless soldiers starved to death. Fortunately, Yang Zhan helped us. This Yang Zhan was kind to us. He killed them and took their land. Will the world say that

Are we ungrateful?"

Li Qiande said: "General, you are wrong! You think that Yang Zhan is kind to you because he provided you with some food and salary. But local money and food are public property of the imperial court. How can you use your private interests to benefit your colleagues? And Zhan Zhan If we hold the southwest, we will never lose it. We are all outstanding people, how can we look up to Ruo Ren?"

It’s amazing, no matter how unreasonable something is, it seems to become “reasonable” again after a shameless scholar explains it.

After listening to Li Qiande's fallacies, Yuan Tao perked up. Yes, Yang Zhan separatist Jiading and treated Jiading's money and grain as private property, which was a great crime. If I kill him, I can't count it as "ungrateful", but as "a substitute for heaven". "Practice the Way", no, "clean up the feudal towns for the imperial court".

But after thinking about it for a while, Yuan Tao became discouraged again.

"Yang Zhan loves the people like a son, helps people out of poverty, has an excellent reputation in Sichuan, and has many soldiers and horses, so it is not easy to do it!"

Li Qiande rolled his eyes and had a bad idea immediately.

"Yang Zhan has many soldiers and generals, and he has won the hearts of the people. In a head-to-head confrontation, you and the generals together are no match for him. If you want to seize Jiading, you must make him believe in you and take advantage of his unpreparedness to attack." /p>

"How to make them believe in us?"

"Sworn vows!"


After Li Qiande came up with the bad idea, Yuan Tao and Wu Dading put aside their dignity as big bandits and ran to Jiading City as soon as they had nothing to do.

When they met Yang Zhan, the eldest brother yelled loudly, and the eldest brother yelled. They flattered and flattered Yang Zhan. They were willing to go through fire and water no matter what Yang Zhan asked.

Yang Zhan is a kind-hearted person with soft ears. After getting along for a few months, he regarded the two of them as confidants.

Yuan Tao was thin and short, he looked like an ape, and he was as clever as a monkey. When he saw that the heat was coming, he immediately suggested: "Brother Yang, it's rare for the three of us to agree with each other, so why not marry Jinlan?"

Yang Zhan was overjoyed: "Two worthy brothers, I also have this intention."

So the three of them exchanged the "Golden Orchid Pu"; placed pork, fish, eggs, etc. as offerings to the statue of Guan Gong; and prepared live chicken blood wine, bit their fingers, dripped the blood into the wine, and drank in order of age. Alliance.

The three of them vowed to be friends for life and death. Yang Zhan was the eldest and became the eldest brother; Yuan Tao came second and became the second brother; Wu Dading was the youngest and became the third brother.

The word "Golden Orchid" is taken from the "Book of Changes·Xici" in "The Book of Changes·Xici" "Two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can break metal; if they speak the same mind, they smell like orchids".

Jinlanpu is to write your name, birth date, place of residence, and the names of the three generations of your ancestors on a piece of red paper.

After exchanging golden orchids, the three became brothers with different surnames.

This sworn sworn relationship is amazing! Yang Zhanen treats the two of them like brothers, and he will do whatever they want and provide them with everything. It's great. Whatever the two lack, Yang Zhan will give them whatever they need. They are closer than real brothers.

The two of them did not weaken their intention to murder at all because of Yang Zhan's kindness to him. They are really great thieves!

On July 26th in Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, it was the birthday of the great bandit "King of Fighting for Heaven" Yuan Tao. He sent someone to invite his eldest brother to his station in Jianwei for a birthday banquet, saying that he wanted to celebrate it well.

"Father, Yuan Tao and Wu Dading were originally bandits and have no faith. My son, I'm afraid they will be unfavorable to you, so you'd better not go yourself. Just send someone to give you a generous gift."

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Yang Zhan's eldest son Yang Jingxin suspected fraud and advised Yang Zhan not to go.

Yang Zhan was furious: "Shut up, your two uncles and I are as close as brothers. How can you say such nonsense!"

"Father is determined to go, please bring more troops and horses."

"I went to my brother's place for a banquet. Why did I bring so many soldiers and horses?"

Yang Zhan did not listen to the good advice and took only 300 soldiers with him to Qianwei for the banquet.

When they arrived at Qianwei City, Yuan Tao and Wu Dading left the city for thirty miles to greet him. They beat gongs and drums to welcome Yang Zhan into the city.

The banquet has begun. It is a large scale, with delicacies from mountains and seas, mountains of meat and preserved meats, drums and music, singing and dancing, and the aroma of wine overflows.

"Brother, please!"

"Second brother, third brother, drink!"

After drinking for a few rounds, all three of them were drunk.

Yuan Tao suddenly said to Yang Zhan: "I want to borrow something from my elder brother, but I wonder if he is willing to part with it?"

"My brother, why are you so polite? Whatever the second brother wants, the eldest brother will give it to him."

"The younger brother wants to borrow Jiading City from the elder brother."

"What?" Yang Zhan was shocked.

Yuan Tao showed his fierce look, took out his sword, and pierced Yang Zhan's chest. Yang Zhan covered the wound and backed away slowly. Wu Dading pulled out the steel knife and chopped off Yang Zhan's head.

Yang Zhan's personal soldiers wanted to rescue Yang Zhan, and ambushes broke out everywhere. All three hundred soldiers were killed.

After the two killed Yang Zhan, they sent troops to surround Jiading City and captured Emei, Jiajiang and other counties.

Yang Zhan's eldest son, Yang Jingxin, resisted desperately and sent envoys to Fan Yiheng, the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and Chen Bangyan, the governor of Sichuan, for help.

Fan Yiheng was furious and wrote a letter to reproach Yuan Tao: "In Jialing, there are two or three remaining people in Mount Emei who refuse to sacrifice themselves to thieves. General Yang has no power. If you forget your good deeds and take away a glass of wine, what will the world say about you?"

After Yuan Tao read the letter, he burst out laughing: "Those who are interested in big things don't stick to trivial matters. A man who is unkind and unjust only does ordinary things!"

Li Zhanchun, the deputy general of Fuzhou, had received food and salary support from Yang Zhan. When he heard about the incident, he took action and said: "If you are greedy for profit, how can you kill my righteous man?" He led troops to aid Jiading, but was defeated by Yuan Tao and Wu Dading.

Jiading City is in danger. Fan Yiheng and Chen Bangyan are on guard against Wang Xiang, but there are really no troops to help Jiading. They have to ask Zhu Hengjia for help.

Zhu Hengjia was about to send troops to attack Ganzhou, but he had no troops to send to Sichuan. He had to send envoys to dissuade Yuan Tao, and Wu Dading withdrew his troops.

Seeing that Zhu Hengjia was unable to take care of Sichuan affairs, the two men became more arrogant and attacked Jiading City day and night.

This chapter has been completed!
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