Chapter 419 Liaodong (3)

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"Your Excellency Stepanov, Kamarsk (Kumar Village on the south bank of Heilongjiang) is a suitable place for building a fort. I suggest building a fort here. In this way, our soldiers will have a strong support." Cossack Centurion

Chief Peter Beketov said to Stepanov.

After Stepanov suffered the defeat, he became unprecedentedly enthusiastic about repairing the castle. Beketov gave him whatever he asked for.

It was extremely cold in Siberia in October, with heavy snowfall and difficult movement. The Cossacks braved the wind, snow and severe cold to construct.

A few months later, Kamarsk Fort was built. Beketov built the castle very solidly, with square earth walls around it and protruding forts at the four corners. There were two wooden palisades in front of the earth walls and the forts.

The wall was filled with sand in the middle. A trench two feet wide and one foot deep was dug around the castle. Qing army arrow clusters captured in Uzala Village were also creatively buried in front of the trench and sprinkled thinly on top.

The upper layer of loose soil is called "garlic planting". There is a very high fort with cannons built in the fort. A well is dug in the middle of the fort, and the wellhead is equipped with water pipes leading to all directions.

"Beketov, you are really the greatest architect in Russia. We are proud of you." Stepanov was very satisfied with Kamarsk Fort and kept praising Beketov.

Beketov is fifty years old this year and is a veteran colonist. Unlike Stepanov and other Cossacks who just want to rob and make a fortune, he has ideals, and his ideal is to open up territory for Russia.

Hearing this, he smiled modestly and said: "Your Excellency, a castle alone is not enough. The Bogd people (Manchu Qing) will soon attack us. The most important thing now is to ask for help from the governor."

"Don't worry, Beketov, I have sent an envoy to the warlord Bashkov for help." Stepanov smiled gently.

After the castle was built, the Cossacks suddenly felt much safer. They gathered around the campfire and sang loudly:

Around Kamarsk Castle,

Digging deep trenches,

A high earth wall was built,

The horse is placed,

A thorn barrier was set up,

The lighting resin is also ready.


Nerchinsk is a beautiful and fertile land with many forests and rivers. Historically, fifty years later, the Russians discovered a large silver mine here.

Warlord Bashkov is looking at the map of Nerchinsk with great satisfaction. After being appointed as Warlord of Heilongjiang, he sent Beketov to invade Nerchinsk and build the city of Nerchinsk.

This place is great! There are forests and lakes everywhere, suitable for living. One castle is not enough, so Bashkov plans to build two more. He has already thought of the names, called Yaksa City and Nerchinsk City respectively.

"Your Majesty the Governor, Stepanov has sent a messenger."

"What, Stepanov suffered a defeat and asked me for help?"

After hearing the report, Bashkov frowned.

He must be rescued. He is the governor of Heilongjiang personally appointed by His Majesty the Tsar. If he is driven out of Heilongjiang, wouldn’t it become a joke?

However, after coming to Nerchinsk, he found that the Bogd people were not as weak as Khabarov said. On the contrary, they were a very powerful eastern country. Once a full-scale war broke out, Yakutsk and Nerchinsk alone could

Chu is not good at this.

So, while Bashkov ordered Duke Fedor Pushkin to lead fifty Tomsk Cossacks to reinforce Stepanov, he also wrote a letter to Tsar Alexei asking for help.

"Dear Your Majesty: Kamarsk Fort is now in an extremely dangerous state??"


Tsar Alexei received Bashkov's letter asking for help.

The tsar was not in Moscow at this time, but in Smolensk, Poland. He had just captured this important Polish town.

A few months ago, Russia and Poland went to war.

The reason, of course, is for the land.

A few years ago, Khmelnytsky, the chief of the Zabarozhye Cossacks, launched an uprising against Poland. In order to get help from the Russian Tsar, Khmelnytsky asked the Tsar for permission to center Zabarozhye.

Eastern Ukraine was annexed to Russia.

With such a good thing, the young Tsar Alexei naturally refused to let it go. He led his army to conquer Poland and captured Smolensk.

His Majesty Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov is a smart man. The biggest characteristic of smart people is that they are good at assessing the situation.

At this time, his situation was not good. He had just received news that King Carl

Its strength is far inferior to that of Sweden. Historically, it was not until his son, Peter the Great, succeeded to the throne and defeated Sweden that Russia truly became a powerful country.

Alexey summoned his teacher, the great minister and great scholar Morozov, "Teacher, Bashkov asked me to send thousands of troops to an expedition to Heilongjiang controlled by the Bogds. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, now the Swedes are coveting our newly acquired Polish territory, and it is unwise to provoke a war with the Bogds. Moreover, fighting the Poles will almost exhaust the treasury and travel thousands of miles away to attack

As a big country in the East, we need to spend more on military expenditures than we can afford."

Alexey frowned, "Are you saying that we have to give up Heilongjiang? You know, Russia spent decades in order to get that rich land."

Morozov smiled, "Your Majesty, what I mean is that maybe we can get what we can't get on the battlefield through negotiation."


The tsar's special envoy Bayikov arrived in Beijing.

The order given to him by Tsar Alexei was to blackmail the Tatars as much as possible in order to force them to make maximum concessions on territorial issues.

In order to achieve this goal, Baykov had an arrogant attitude and repeatedly denied the crimes of aggression committed by Russia in Liaodong.

As a result, it backfired and angered Emperor Shunzhi.

Emperor Shunzhi ordered that Baykov, who did not know etiquette, should not be seen.


Ningguta Angbang Zhangjing Mansion, Shaerhuda received the imperial edict from Emperor Shunzhi.

Emperor Shunzhi asked him to do a good job in the defense of the Ninggu Tower area and assist the first-class light chariot captain Ming Andali in annihilating the Rakshasa people in Humar Village (called Kamarsk Fort in Russia).

Sirut Ming'andali is a Mongolian from the Zhengbai Banner. He comes from the Horqin tribe in Mongolia. He is also a veteran of the three dynasties and has participated in a series of battles such as the Ningjin War. He used to be the Minister of the Lifan Academy. He was demoted by Emperor Shunzhi because he protected his subordinates from killing innocent people indiscriminately.

He is a first-class light carriage captain.

Although Emperor Shunzhi demoted Ming Andali, he felt that although Ming Andali was cruel and easy to kill, he was a good fighter and there was no need to pity him. It happened that the Rakshasa people were making a lot of noise, so he asked him to lead an army of 10,000 people.

Humarzhai wiped out the Rakshasa people who broke into Liaodong.

Anyway, they are all Rakshasa ghosts. You can kill as many people as you want in your Ming Anda ideal. As long as you don’t kill the people under my rule indiscriminately, I will pretend you didn’t see them.

In order to improve Ming Andali's fighting spirit, Emperor Shunzhi also gave him a hint: if he wins the battle, he will be reinstated.

Good guy, with this hint, Ming Andali immediately led an army of 10,000 to kill Humar Village like a spark.


Hearing that Ming Andali had arrived, Ningguta Angbang Zhangjing Sarhuda called his son Bahai and said, "Go and see Ming Andali, Minister, and ask him if he needs my help." Although Ming Andali

Even after he was demoted, Sarhuda still habitually called him Shangshu.


When he heard that Sarhuda had sent his son, Ming Andali laughed, "This old Sarhuda obviously wants to share the credit for my work!"

He received Bahai in a pleasant manner.

"My nephew, I would like to say hello to Uncle Shi." As soon as he saw Ming Andali, Bahai immediately said hello.

"My nephew, why does your father want you to see me?" Ming Andali asked warmly.

"My father asked my nephew to ask Uncle Shi if there is anyone who needs help in this expedition to Humar Village."

"Hahaha", Ming Andali laughed loudly, "to deal with hundreds of Rakshasa ghosts, my army of ten thousand is enough! Go back and tell your father to prepare more wine. When I have defeated Humar,

Village, and then go to Ninggu Pagoda to drink celebration wine with him."

Ming Andali was eager to make meritorious service and resume his duties, and did not want others to share the credit, so he refused to let Shalhuda help.

Bahai went back and reported the situation to his father.

Sarhuda frowned slightly, "Most of the Eight Banners have entered the pass, and Liaodong is short of Dingkou. Did Uncle Ru Shi say how he will solve the problem of providing food and grass for this 10,000-strong army?"

"Amma, Uncle Shi said that he brought five months of military rations, and it would take four months to go back and forth. With 10,000 troops, one month would be enough to capture the city!"


In the Ningguta Angbang Zhangjing Mansion, Sarhuda served wine as a farewell party for Shen Liu, the servant of North Korea and his party.

It was agreed at the beginning that after the Rakshasa people were driven out of the Houtong River (Songhua River), the North Korean army could return to the country. Of course, they had to keep their word.

"Come, Shen Liu Zhangjing has worked hard, and I will give you a bowl of it." Salhuda is a cheerful person, and he will give you a bowl of it.

"Thank you so much, Commander", Shen Liu said with emotion. Although this man is a barbarian, he is generous and loyal. If it weren't for his different stance, he would be worth making friends with! He picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

The King of Korea, Li Hao, regarded the Manchu Qing Dynasty as a barbarian dog and sheep. While sending troops to assist in the battle, he secretly ordered Shen Liu to observe the strength of the Qing army in Liaodong.

Shen Liu fought with the Qing army in this battle and was deeply shocked by the powerful combat power of the Eight Banners outside the Pass. He wished he could return home quickly and report the truth to the Qing army in Liaodong to Li Hao.

"Shen Liu Zhangjing, don't worry. I have informed the imperial court of your bravery in killing the enemy. After you return, you will be awarded a title for your meritorious service. Hahaha, come on, drink again." Sharhuda shouted loudly.

Laughed and raised the glass again.

This chapter has been completed!
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