Chapter 421 Liaodong (5)

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 "Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet??"

Three forts and fifteen red cannons fired for a whole day and night. After the war, the Russians collected the artillery shells inside and outside the fort, a total of 730 rounds, all of which were large artillery shells weighing more than one pound each.

.However, the Russian side believes: "The shooting was very inaccurate and just made a useless roar."

In this era, there was actually not much difference in artillery performance between the Qing army and the Russian army. The main reason for inaccurate shooting was backward scientific knowledge. Qing gunners did not understand geometry, let alone ballistics, and did not even have the concept of coordinates.

If you shoot roughly in one direction, you will naturally be inaccurate.

"Hahaha", Stepanov laughed at Beketov, "This Bogd cannon has a loud sound, but I don't know where it flew to."


Just as they were laughing at the Qing army, a big cannonball exploded on the fortress wall. Even if a blind cat encounters a dead mouse, more than 700 big cannonballs can always hit a few. Stepanov and Beketov were frightened.

He hurriedly lowered his body and hid in the shell-proof cave.

Seeing that the bombardment was ineffective, Ming Andali deployed his troops and prepared to attack the city directly.

He is a veteran general and is good at using troops. He first besieged the city for ten days but did not attack it. He then sent word that he would wait until the Rakshasa people ran out of food before attacking.

After paralyzing the enemy for ten consecutive days, on the night of March 24, an unexpected siege began.

The old rule is that the Sauron soldiers from Ghentmur, Boke and other tribes are at the front; the Xibo soldiers from Melezhangjing Tuoba Huairen follow the Sauron soldiers. The Xibe people surrendered to the Qing court very early.

, many belong to "Buddha Manchuria (Eight Banners Manchuria compiled before entering the customs)", and another part belongs to "Yiche Manchuria (Eight Banners Manchuria compiled after entering the customs)", and their treatment is much better than that of most Sauron people, at least they have the Eight Banners flag.

The ones at the end are the real "Buddha Manchus".

Seeing that his tribe was placed at the front again, Gentemul secretly resented it, but he dared not speak out in anger.

"Dong dong dong??"

As the marching drums sounded, the Qing army set up ladders and stormed Kamarsk Fort.

"Enemy attack!"

The Cossacks were not stupid. They also set up multiple layers of sentries at night. The Qing army's night attack did not make the defenders panic.

"Boom boom boom!"

The three bronze cannons on the top of the city rained down bullets on the Qing army. Although the Cossacks only had three cannons, the quality of the gunners was higher than that of the Qing army, and their shooting was also more accurate than that of the Qing army.

Cannonballs exploded among the Sauron people, causing a large number of casualties. These Sauron soldiers were not equipped with armor and had low defense. The cannonballs swept away a large area.

They also don’t have muskets, only bows and arrows and cold weapons.

But they were born warriors. Even though the Manchu Qing Dynasty only gave them a small amount of military pay, they were still not afraid of death when fighting, and they surged towards the city walls like a tide.

Beketov was an excellent castle designer. The entire Kamarsk Fort adopted a bastion-shaped structure. No matter which side the Qing army attacked, they would be shot from other sides. Breasts were also built on the city wall, and Cossack copper

Cannons and muskets were hidden behind the walls and fired.

The Sauron soldiers' offensive was blocked, and they kept rushing up the city wall and falling down again. In the blink of an eye, they suffered hundreds of casualties, and their momentum was depressing.

Ming Andali saw that Sauron's troops could not attack, so he ordered Xibo's troops to attack.


The retreat horn sounded, and Ghentmur was granted amnesty and led his men to withdraw. After counting the number of people, it was found that the tribesmen had suffered more than thirty casualties, and they were heartbroken.

Tuoba Huairen's Xibo soldiers were authentic Eight Banners soldiers, and their equipment was much better than that of the Saurons. They not only had armors, but also fire blunderbuss.

After recharging their energy for a long time, once they broke out, they were unstoppable, and many teams attacked the city.

"Your Excellency, if this continues, the castle will be lost. Please allow me to lead a death squad to fight back." Batonov asked Stepanov for a fight.

"Go," Stepanov sighed, "we must come back alive!"

Batonov led eighty-four of his men, armed with spears and heavy swords, to rush out of the fortress and fight back against the Qing army.

Although there were only eighty-five Cossacks, this group fought extremely fiercely. The Qing army did not expect that Kamarsk Fort, which had only a few hundred defenders, dared to fight back, and was killed in a chaos.

"Call to Duke and Asitu to surround this group of Rakshasa ghosts and not let any of them escape." Ming Andali was furious.

The fierce hand-to-hand fighting lasted all night, and at dawn, although the Qing army wiped out all 85 Cossacks who came out of the city, they still failed.

Due to heavy losses, he had to retreat and withdraw from the battle.

Ming Andali was very angry. While attacking the city, he used arrow books to persuade him to surrender. The Rakshasa people saw that the Qing army often fired arrows with notes attached to the fort, but they could not understand what was written and just regarded it as a strange thing.

Picking up the things, these surrender letters were later regarded as a symbol of Cossack courage.

The fierce siege battle lasted until April 4th. Ming Andali found out to his embarrassment that his army rations were insufficient. When he came, he brought five months of army rations and spent four months on the way back and forth.

Wan Dajun took down hundreds of Rakshasa ghosts in one month. Unexpectedly, they fought for 21 days and still failed to defeat them.

He was a veteran general and liked to prepare an extra seven days of military rations. Based on experience, even if he attacked for another seven days, he might not be able to defeat them. So he decisively ordered a retreat, and before retreating, he destroyed all the Rakshasa ships anchored on the shore of Heilongjiang River.

At this time, Kamarsk Fort was also close to running out of fuel. The Russians felt incredible about the retreat of the Qing army and thought it was God appearing. In his report to Governor Bashkov, Stepanov wrote:

"The Bogd people saw God descending to earth, so they felt terror and trembling!"

Both sides claimed to have won this battle. The Qing Dynasty's "Strategy for the Peace of the Rakshasa" recorded: "Attacked the city and gained a lot, and then used the army to pay the troops." This means that many Rakshasa people were killed, if not

Due to insufficient military supplies, the city was captured. In order to celebrate the "victory", Emperor Shunzhi also restored his position as Minister of the Lifan Yuan.

The Cossacks made up a song to cheer for the victory. The song sang:

General Bogard, leaving the castle,

And vowed never to come again:

Oh my god, don’t ask us to come back again!

On the glorious Amur River,

A fort has been built,

And it’s built extremely solidly!

It is worth noting that the Russians believed that the equipment of the Qing army was good. "However, the equipment of the Bogds is quite good. In addition to fifteen cannons, they also have many matchlocks??".


After the Battle of Kamarsk Fort, the Qing army united with Daur, Ewenki, Oroqen, Hezhe, Chiler, Feyaka and other ethnic groups to fight against the Rakshasa people in the Heilongjiang Basin, making their supplies extremely difficult.

In June of the third year of the reign of Emperor Guangwu of the Ming Dynasty (1655), Stepanov wrote in his report: "There is no grain of food left in the army. The hardship is extraordinary. We eat grass and tree roots every day to satisfy our hunger. Everything feels lacking."

, the treasury's gunpowder was also exhausted on the great Amur, and was therefore unable to defend the castle, the Emperor's property, and our own water life; while not far from us there were many of Bogd's various military men, many of whom were subordinate to Bogd.

The Daurs, Jichers and other ethnic groups under the Gede regime. They did not allow their servants to stay anywhere for a long time. "They often had to stay in the city to avoid the invasion of foreigners. Every summer they had to fight to the death.

, snatching food from the fields." "We were running around in the summer, and our people were helpless because they had many people and we had few; besides, all their soldiers were equipped with neat firearms: cannons and matchlocks."



Niulu Zhangjing (College) Gentemul returned to the Nelyud tribe of the Daur tribe with tears in his eyes. This time he went on the expedition, costing the lives of fifty more tribesmen, but gained no benefit at all.

Damn Jurchens! You really don’t treat us Daur people as human beings!

In this battle, the fierce artillery fire of the Rakshasa people left a deep impression on him, and the Manchu discrimination made him aggrieved, so he began to think of defecting to the Rakshasa people.

In fact, the Qing court not only discriminated against and extorted these tribes in the Liaodong border areas, but also tried to win them over.

In order to win over the leaders of various tribes, the Manchu Qing Dynasty often selected some Manchu girls from the capital or Shengjing, who were not necessarily from the clan, but pretended to be "clan girls" and married them to the children of tribal leaders. Among the thirteen sons of Ghentmur,

Several married Manchu women.

Huo Jihun (Manchu: son-in-law) and Sarhanzui (clan daughter) made great contributions to the Qing government's firm control of Liaodong.

But the funny thing is that a few years later, the leader of Ghentmur became a traitor because his Manchu daughter-in-law rebelled against the Qing Dynasty and surrendered to Russia. His daughter-in-law was a Manchu noblewoman and acted domineeringly. He was furious.

, sued his daughter-in-law to the government. The Manchu government naturally helped the Manchus, and they failed to win the lawsuit. In anger, they defected to Russia.

What’s even more funny is that although this Daur leader is big, he is by no means a dull man. After defecting to Russia, he fooled the Russians around him.

The Russians asked him what official position he held in the Qing Dynasty. He was obviously just a junior assistant leader (Niu Lu Zhangjing) in charge of a mere 300 people, but he boasted that he was the commander-in-chief of the Zhenghong Banner of the Qing Dynasty (Gushan Ezhen) and received a salary every year.

One thousand two hundred taels of silver and three boxes of gold. He also said, "I once received nine poods of silver (4200 taels) and 4 ingots of gold as rewards.

I liked the Russian governor very much and reported to the Tsar: Your Majesty, there is a big, big official from the Bogd people who has defected to us.

Tsar Alexei was overjoyed when he heard this, saying that such a high-ranking official came to join us, and we could not treat him badly. He immediately made him a Duke and rewarded him with a large amount of land.

If history develops according to its original trajectory, Ghentmur will surrender to Russia a few years later. He and his son Katan will join the Orthodox Church in Nerchinsk and be baptized as Peter and Pavel. The father and son will serve the Tsarist Russia wholeheartedly and instigate rebellion.

He led three small tribes to surrender to Russia and made great contributions to Russia's control of Nerchinsk. Then, his descendant, Nikolay Gentemur, known as the young prince, also participated in the Russo-Japanese War and won four medals. "

Executed after the "October Revolution".

However, in this time and space, with the intrusion of a time traveler named Zhu Hengjia, the wheel of history somewhat deviated from the runway, and the Ming army came to Liaodong.

This chapter has been completed!
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