Chapter 428 Liaodong (12)

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 Nala Zhaozi wiped the sweat from his forehead with the sleeves of his shirt and looked up at the sky. There was a scorching winter sun, shining brightly on the blood-stained city.

"How many attacks is this today?"

A warm voice came, and Nala Mara appeared beside him.

"Brother, this is the sixth time. Ming Gou attacked for six rounds today, and was defeated by the men. If you want to attack Yizhou, you have to knock out a few of his teeth," Nala Zhaozi shouted loudly,

Subconsciously, I puffed up my chest.

"Good job, but don't be careless. Be careful of sneak attacks by the Ming army."

"Dong dong dong!"

The dull drumbeat sounded, which was the signal for the Ming army to withdraw.

Outside the Yizhou camp, General Yang Huai of Pingbei of the Ming Dynasty was looking at the map and meditating.

The battle of Yizhou did not go smoothly.

At first, Zheng Taihe and Yuan Doupiao's Korean army suffered a huge defeat. He didn't take it seriously, thinking that it was because of the low combat effectiveness of the Korean army. But when the fight started, he found that although there were only a few thousand Qing troops in Yizhou,

Extremely elite, not only are the Three Thousand Meng Eight Banners very powerful, but the Three Dogs of the East China Sea Jurchen are even more troublesome. They pull dog sleds, gallop across the snow, and wipe out several groups of their own scouts in a row. There is no other way, but more

They deployed troops and horses, set up small artillery bombardments, and just forced the opponent into the city.

I thought that once the city was surrounded, the opponent's cavalry and sledgemen lost their ability to maneuver, and the battle would be easy. I didn't expect that these Tatars were extremely fierce and would not retreat until the end.

Yang Huai first used artillery to bombard the city. The thick snow offset the lethality of the artillery shells, so the effect was not great.

Therefore, the ants attacked the city. They were reluctant to waste the elites of the Ming army, so they just ordered archers and gunmen to close in and shoot, allowing the Korean army to attack the city.

Zheng Taihe and Yuan Doupiao wanted to make atonement for their crimes, but they attacked seriously, but their troops were too weak. They attacked for five days and lost 5,000 people before killing 700 to 800 Qing soldiers. They had no choice but to send Li Huan and Li Shifang.

, Shen Liu and other troops sent 10,000 elite troops to attack, and they attacked for another five days, losing 2,000 troops, but only killing more than 600 Qing troops.

Finally, Yang Huai saw that he had been attacking for ten days. He estimated that the Qing army in the city was exhausted, so he ordered Wang Chaoxian, Li Rubi, Chen Ze, Luo Yunzhang and other Ming army generals to lead their troops to attack the city. He expected that the Ming army would have to recuperate for a long time.

He was sure to be able to overwhelm the city with one blow. Unexpectedly, he attacked six times in one day, but all of them were repulsed. After counting the men and horses, they found 800 casualties. I was heartbroken and had no choice but to withdraw my troops.

On the city wall, Mara was also shocked. Today was the first time he fought with the Ming army. He did not expect that the Ming army's offensive was so fierce. The combat power was much stronger than the Ming army he had encountered before. In one day, he suffered five casualties.

Bai Duo Erlang. Now there are only more than 3,000 soldiers and horses left in the city. According to this method of attack, it won't take long for the city to be broken.

When did these Nikans become so good at fighting? Mara lamented.


"Commander, we can't fight like this. Your Majesty only gave you a total of 30,000 troops and horses. Today, we suffered 800 elite casualties. If we attack every city hard, we may not reach the three capitals of the Tatars outside the pass. I

The army is exhausted." Kuang Lu, the governor of Liaodong, came to Yang Huai.

"I don't want to attack by force. What's the best way to support Taiwan?"

"Commander, troops are valuable and quick, but delaying it for a long time will be detrimental to our army. Why don't you send a strong general with deep ditches and high forts to besiege Yizhou, and you can lead the army north to capture the forts north of the Yalu River."

Yang Huai thought about it and felt that Kuang Lu's words were very reasonable. He ordered Luo Yunzhang, Gu Zhong, Zheng Taihe and Yuan Doupiao to lead 4,000 Ming troops and 25,000 Korean troops to dig deep trenches and plant fences all over to besiege Yizhou;

Lead an army to attack the forts north of the Yalu River.

"Yang Qing, we are going to Liaodong, thousands of miles away. I have a message for you, which you should keep in mind: 'Restore the land of Liao with people from Liao'", Yang Huai suddenly remembered what Emperor Guangwu said when he saw him off.

Your Majesty is so wise in restoring the Liao land with the people of the Liao Dynasty!

Immediately, Tan Bu, Yue Erduo, Ma Guangyuan, Ma Siwen and others from Liaodong were ordered to surrender as the vanguard, and Tong Yangjia was ordered to surrender the forts in the name of the governor of Liaodong.

The effect was very significant. The Qing army did not expect that the Ming army would cross the ocean and come to Liaodong, so the troops in each fort were very empty. They also saw that the vanguard of the Ming army were all surrendered troops from the Eight Banners, and they had even less fighting spirit.

Chang Dien Fort has been abandoned for a long time. Yong Dien Fort, Da Dien Fort and Dangerous Mountain Fort all surrendered without a fight. Xin Dien Fort, Kuan Dien Fort and Tangzhan Fort were captured after a little resistance.

At the cost of more than 30 casualties, the Ming army annihilated 200 enemies, captured more than 100 enemies, and induced 200 to surrender.

Tan Bu and Yue Erduo led 1,580 bannermen to surrender and arrived at Fengcheng.


In Liaodong, Fengcheng was considered a big city. In the first year of Shunzhi (1644), the Qing government set up Zhengsanpincheng garrison here, integrating military and political affairs, managing both the army and the people, and managing a population of 100,000 people in a surrounding area.

With the Ming army making such a big move, Fuchun, the defender of Fengyang City, couldn't hold back his anger and hurriedly recruited people to defend the city.

There are 100,000 people here, but only about 40,000 remain in the city, but most of them are Manchu, Mongolian and Han descendants of the Eight Banners. I heard that the damn Nikans are coming and want to cut off our Eight Banners' hardcore crops. How can this be done? Banner people

The crowd was so excited that they were summoned to the city one after another. If the young and strong were not enough, the elderly, children, and healthy women came to the battle. They actually recruited 8,000 civilians, plus 1,500 garrison troops. Fuchun breathed a sigh of relief.

, appeal directly to the people’s hearts and minds.


In the Duke's Mansion in the abandoned town of Fengcheng, 27-year-old Fu Lehe lay on a tiger-skin chair with a face full of alcohol. The tiger skin was hunted by him and Ama during a hunting trip.

"Here comes the wine! Comes the wine??"

The more you get drunk, the more you want to drink.

"Sir, please take good care of your body." Aha Fulda, a close confidant, burst into tears.

Seeing him crying, Fulehe laughed and said, "I will listen to you, a slave dog, and stop drinking."

"Thank you, Master, for your kindness." Fulda was overjoyed and advised: "Master, you are a member of the clan, so you have to take good care of your body!"

When he heard the word "clan", Fulehe burst into tears with laughter, "Come here, call me two female slaves, I want to vent my anger."

"Sir, drinking and sex are the most harmful to the body. I dare not obey my orders even if I die." Fulda knelt on the ground and burst into tears.

But Fulehe ignored him and shouted: "Liu Tai, you dog slave, where did you die?"

"Master, are you looking for a slave?"

The Han army with a white flag, Aha Liu Tai, arrived in response.

"Go and find two female slaves for me to vent my anger on."

"Sir, I recently purchased two female Rakshasa slaves. Do you want to try them?"

"Okay, hello, Rakshasa woman, bring me up quickly! Hahaha", Fuller was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

"Hey", Liu Tai took the order and left.

"Bah, this naughty bitch knows how to trick his master into bad behavior." Fulda glared angrily at Liu Tai's back, but there was nothing she could do.

"My slave, please pay your respects to your master." Two beautiful Rakshasa beauties arrived, wearing cheongsam and dressed as Manchu noble ladies. The courtesy was more Manchurian than Manchurian. It seemed that Liu Tai had trained them a lot.

Fulehe looked at the two girls with drunken eyes. One was fat and the other was thin. The fat slave girl had long hair as thick as seaweed, slightly curly, her eyes were as clear as sapphires, her skin was very white, her front and back were convex, and she was very alluring.

The thin slave girl looks lazy, her big eyes are smiling and charming, like water covering the mist, and her small mouth is slightly raised.

"Okay, okay!"

Fulehe let out a beast's roar, opened his arms, picked up one in each hand, and walked towards the room.

It would be difficult for a normal person to hold one person with both hands, but this person held two people at once, but they were as light as feathers. He looked less like a human being and more like a great demon.

When I came to the room, I tore open my cheongsam and didn't care to admire the jade neck, crisp breasts, legs and lotus feet, and then I became confused.

The Great Demon God is in pain and wants to vent.



The door was kicked open, and a young man in his early twenties broke in. His eyebrows and eyes were very similar to Fulehe's, but his skin was white.

"Second brother, how long has it been and you are still in the mood to do this? Are you still a descendant of the Aisin Gioro family?"

This chapter has been completed!
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