Chapter 503 Shaanxi (13)

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 After winning the battle, Tuhai climbed up to the General Pointing Platform at Jinsuoguan and looked around. He saw thousands of winding peaks, crawling under his feet; the sky and the earth were vast, with the same color in all directions. He couldn't help but feel comfortable and happy, Zhou thief, Zhou thief, you are here

Fengxiang wrote a poem to satirize the governor. Today, the governor responded with a poem and wrote:

"Complaining one's true feelings·It's hard to see each other again"

The sound of music from the high mountains and flowing water is long, asking Zhou Lang with a smile.

It feels like throwing away your helmet and armor, can you dare to be arrogant again?

Boya is mourning, Ziqi is dead, and he is full of hatred.

Golden maple and jade dew, when will we meet again, endless thinking.

After finishing writing, Tuhai ordered that the poem should be engraved on the wall of Jinsuoguan in a tit-for-tat manner, making sure to let the Zhou thieves know.


Zhou Shimin was reorganizing the defeated troops in Tongguan County, and Fan Youxian's army arrived.

"General, I will punish you for the death penalty." As soon as they met, he took the initiative to plead guilty.

"General Zhou does not need to blame himself. Victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism. We can fight another day." Fan Youxian not only did not blame, but comforted him a few words. He looked at a rough man, but he is a fine person. This time, Zhou Shimin's position as the commander-in-chief of the army,

However, those who have been personally ennobled by the Holy One and whose love for the Holy Spirit is strong should not be punished lightly.

"General, I think that Jinsuo Pass is located between three mountains. It is a natural and dangerous pass and is extremely difficult to attack. It is better to detour to Qingyang and attack its flanks," Li Dingguo offered advice.

"Well, in my opinion, the only way to defeat Qingyang is Hongyuan." Fan Youxian ordered Li Dingguo's general.

Li Dingguo did not refuse and led his 20,000 troops to Qingyang.

The first battle in Qingyang broke out in Zhenning County. The battle was tepid, like a show.

Ma Ning, the commander-in-chief of Ningxia in the Qing Dynasty, was a veteran general. He defended the city with two thousand infantry and another thousand cavalry hidden in the nearby Luojia Mountain to harass the Ming army from time to time.

Li Dingguo ordered his general Dou Mingwang to lead 5,000 troops in a deep ditch and high fortress to stalemate with Ma Ning. He led 15,000 troops north along the Malian River and took Ningzhou directly.

"Commander, with the strength of our army, it is easy to capture the city of Zhenning. Why not attack Zhenning instead of Ningzhou?" The generals were puzzled.

Li Dingguo explained: "Zhenning City is on the flank of Jinsuoguan. If Zhenning is lost, Tuhai will flee. If he flees to Yansui to the north, the battle will be difficult. Therefore, I will attack Ningzhou first, Anhua, and then

Go east to Yan'an and cut off the enemy's rear. This is really Ningcheng. It's better not to fight than to fight, and keep it as bait."

The Ming army came up from the Malian River in small boats and bamboo rafts. Chen Jixin, the governor of Shaanxi Province in the Qing Dynasty, was shocked. The Ming army captured Zhenning so quickly. Otherwise, how could they dare to attack Ningzhou without fearing that the Zhenning defenders would cut off their food routes?


Li Dingguo just wants to make him unexpected.

Wang Hui, the vanguard, landed first with 3,000 soldiers and horses. Jin Tongwu and Chen Jian's tribes followed closely and surrounded Ningzhou.

Two days later, the city was destroyed and Chen Jixin hanged himself.

Taking advantage of the victory, the Ming army marched towards Qingyang Prefecture to improve security.

The prefect Fu Honglie led 2,000 garrison troops, plus 6,000 young men to defend the city.

Although Li Dingguo's subordinates only have 15,000 men, they are all veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles, and their combat power is much stronger than the more than 40,000 rebels of Zhou Daxia in the past.

First there was a burst of artillery fire. As soon as it stopped and the smoke had not cleared, they charged under the cover of the carriages. Ladder carriages were mounted on the city wall, and three thousand gunmen and archers fired upwards in groups of three to five. As soon as the defenders appeared,

, then hit it.

Within half a day, they captured the city, beheaded the captive officials Tong Guoyu and Yu Erqiu, and captured Fu Honglie alive.

"Behead the pseudo-prefect Fu Honglie," Li Dingguohu shouted.

Fu Honglie was pushed from left to right to go to the vegetable market. On the way, countless people suddenly blocked the road and refused to give way.

"Commander, Mr. Fu is a good official and loves the people like a son!"

"Please, Marshal, spare Fu Qingtian's life!"

"The common people are willing to die on behalf of Fu Qingtian"??

The voice of begging for mercy was deafening. Li Dingguo was furious when he heard about it and rushed there in person. He shouted: "Fu Honglie helped the Qing prisoners to fight against Master Wang. He is guilty of an unforgivable crime. Whoever dares to plead for mercy again will be guilty of the same crime."

After saying that, he pulled out his saber and struck Fu Honglie to death with one blow.

The people cried out loud, collected his body, and set up a monument to pay homage.

Li Dingguo handed over the matter of appeasing the people of Qingyang to Gao Mingzhan, the governor of Shaanxi, and led his army eastward to Yan'an Prefecture, captured Yanzhou, and cut off Tuhaibei's retreat from Yansui.

As soon as Yanzhou was lost, Tuhai knew something was wrong and ordered the entire army to withdraw eastward from Shanxi.

He retreated very quickly. He retreated to Yijun City, rested for only an hour, and then continued eastward. He thought he could save the day, but when he arrived at the west bank of Luoshui River, he found that the Ming army had been waiting in formation for a long time.

It turned out that after Li Dingguo captured Yanzhou, he left two thousand soldiers and horses to defend the city, and immediately led 13,000 soldiers and horses southward along the Luoshui River. The water route was faster than the land route, and he finally got ahead of the arrival of the Qing army and lined up on the west bank of the Luoshui River.


Tuhai called the generals: "The life or death of our army depends on whether we can cross the Luoshui River ahead of the pursuers. Please follow me and fight to the death!"

"I am willing to fight to the death with Governor Xian!"

Without a way to retreat, the Qing army became a trapped beast. The fight between trapped beasts was extremely fierce.

Biliktu, Hazhan, and Li Shixun all went crazy and rushed towards the Ming army regardless of life and death. Tuhai personally supervised the battle and killed all those who retreated.

Flags are flying, wolf smoke is billowing, war drums are thundering, and people are on their backs and their horses are overturned.

Fighting from early morning to dusk, Qing generals Li Shixun and Bi Liketu, Ming generals Wang Hui and Chen Jian were all killed in the battle. Li Dingguo, hiding in his white robe, went to the front of the battle line to kill the enemy, killing dozens of Qing troops with his own hands. His white robe became

The red robe.

The Qing army was far more numerous than Li Dingguo's troops, and they were about to break the formation.

The pursuers arrived, and the one running at the front was Zhou Shimin, the commander-in-chief of Ningxia in the Ming Dynasty.

At this time, the poem written by Tu Hai had reached the ears of Zhou Daxia, and he was very angry, especially the sentence "It feels like throwing away your helmet and armor, don't you dare to be so arrogant again", which made a generation of heroes so angry that they threw their tea bowls. Hello.

There is a sea of ​​pictures, and Zhou Shimin just wants to show it to you!

Therefore, he took the initiative to serve as a vanguard to chase the enemy.

As soon as they caught up, Zhou Daxia fiercely attacked the enemy's rear army, killing all the soldiers of Qing Yansui.

Fan Youxian's army arrived and spread out for more than ten miles along the Luoshui River, covering the sky and the sun and overwhelming the mountains and seas.

Each tribe has made military exploits. Li Chengjue's tribe killed Melezhang Jinghazan; Peng Mingyang's tribe killed Yang Kejing, the prefect of Hanzhong.

Zhou Shimin surrounded Tuhai tightly by the river. The Goshiha in Tuhai were very loyal. They died one after another, but no one abandoned Tuhai and escaped.

"Tu Hai, what can you say now that things have happened? We have finally finished playing the song "High Mountains and Flowing Waters"," Zhou Daxia laughed and shouted wildly.

Tu Hai was very calm, and actually gave Zhou Shimin a gift, "The song is over and we are separated. We will never see each other again. Ziqi will die. Boya is precious. Please let my subordinates have a way to survive." After saying this, he jumped up and jumped

Into the rolling Luoshui River.

Zhou Shimin spat, "I wanted to cut you into pieces, but you were so cunning that you jumped into the river. How can this town get rid of its hatred? Come here and kill all these Tatars!"

When Tu Hai died, Ma Ning, the commander-in-chief of Qing Ningxia who was surrounded in Zhenning County, panicked. He did not want to die and surrendered.


Hearing that the Ming army had regained all of Shaanxi, Emperor Guangwu, who was marching to North Zhili, was very happy and wrote a poem for Fan Youxian:

"Nan Gezi·Wen Fan Youxian returned to Guanzhong"

Good news arrives from the west,

The Three Qin Dynasties eliminated Han officials.

The elders of Chang'an regain their clothes and hats,

Weeping to see a red sun shining on Tongguan.

Immediately march under Qiliang,

The blood in Guanzhong is still wet.

Why don't you bring a Wu hook?

Become a great general and follow me to restore the country.

This chapter has been completed!
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