Chapter 504 Gansu (1)

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 The solitary smoke in the desert is straight, and the sun sets over the long river. The northwest is desolate and the vast Gobi Desert. However, "Historical Records" says, "Longyou is ripe, and the world is full." The southern section of Liupan Mountain is also known as Longshan, and it is west of Longshan.

Longyou refers to the world-famous Ganzhou.

This place is also known as Zhangye, which means "the arm of Zhang State connects to the Western Region". It is rich! The Black River runs through the whole territory, forming a desert oasis. The land is fertile, the forests are abundant, the grain is abundant, and the fruits are fragrant. It is steep! It lies on the Qilian Mountains in the south and Hehe in the north.

Lishan Mountain, Longshou Mountain, snow-capped mountains, grasslands, clear water, and deserts all have the charm of the South and the fortress. It is truly like "if you don't look at the snow on the top of the Qilian Mountains, you mistake Ganzhou for the south of the Yangtze River"!

It is not only rich and steep, but also has an important geographical location. It is located at the throat of the ancient Silk Road. The ancient caravans set out from Chang'an and crossed the Hexi Corridor. After arriving at Dunhuang, they were divided into two routes, the north route leaving Yumen Pass and the south route leaving Yangguan. Lai Lai

Frequent caravans have made Ganzhou richer and richer. Unfortunately, after long wars, the trade routes have long been cut off.

Because it is the political and economic center of Hexi, Emperor Taizu Gao established the Shaanxi Capital Command Department here to take charge of military and political power.

The former Prince Su's Mansion of the Ming Dynasty (later moved to Lanzhou) in the southwest of Ganzhou City was very large, covering an area of ​​more than 1,000 acres. The prefecture's office of Ganzhou in the Qing Dynasty was being relocated to make room for the governor's office.

Liu Dou, the governor of Gansu Province in the Qing Dynasty, was driven here by the Ming army. He was originally stationed in Lanzhou, Lintao Prefecture, Shaanxi Province. According to the Ming system, Lanzhou was under the Lintao Prefecture, the Wei was under the Shaanxi Xingdu Division, and the Gansu governor was stationed in Lanzhou.

The Ming Dynasty captured all of Shaanxi, so Governor Liu naturally did not dare to stay in Lanzhou, so he fled to Ganzhou and became a veritable governor of Gansu.

Liu Dou sighed as he looked at the noisy governor's office that was moving around

My life is gone!

He was originally from Qingyuan County, Zhili Province. Because he was surrendered early in the morning, he joined the Zhengbai Banner Han Army. He had no qualifications and no connections. It was not easy to stand out among a bunch of traitors and become a frontier official. First, he had to flatter and meet people.

He smiled and laughed, especially when he saw the Manchu uncle, he even had to dig his buttocks and bend over.

The problem is that there are so many traitors who know how to flatter people. You can also photograph others, so you can’t just photograph horses. You must also have special skills. Liu Dou learned Manchu writing when he was young and was good at translating it, so he could understand its essence. He understood both Manchu and Chinese.

Han officials who could write and write were rare at that time. He was immediately awarded the title of Qixinlang of the Ministry of War. He was then promoted to the imperial family, a bachelor of the Academy of National History, and taught the princes of various kings. As a teacher for the princes of the Manchu kings, he naturally had no worries.

Future, I got the position of governor of Gansu.

In fact, the current governor of Gansu in history was not him, but Tong Yannian of the "Tong Banchao" family. But in this time and space, there was a rebellious old Tong family named Tong Yangjia. After surrendering to the puppet Emperor Mingguang Wu, he was named governor of Liaodong and helped the Ming army.

They worked very hard to kill the Manchus and occupy Liaodong. As a result, Emperor Shunzhi was worried about the old Tong family and did not dare to let them serve as governor-level officials. He arranged for Tong Yangliang, Tong Yannian and others to serve as civil servants in Beijing.

"Futai, someone gave you a name sticker." Just as he was getting annoyed, a confidant came to report.

Liu Dou took a look at the name sticker and saw that it was written by his good friend Li Yu, "Yu paused: The most wonderful thing in the world is Kunqu Opera. My younger brother has arrived, and I would like to share the same music with him. Li Yu paused. Qingyuan Liu Dou".

When he saw the post, Liu Dou was happy, "The only way to relieve my worries is Kunqu Opera. Brother Li Yuxian, Brother Yu is troubled. You are so well here. It is a timely help. Come back, please come to the living room. Li Banfan is invited to come into the living room!"

The person who came here was no small matter. He was Li Yu, a famous writer and dramatist in the Ming Dynasty, known as "Li Shilang" in the world. He was born in Rugao, South Zhili, and his native place was Lanxi, Zhejiang. It is said that he was the reincarnation of an immortal. His original name was Li Xianlu, whose nickname was Li Xianlu.

He was banished to the mortal world and later changed his name to Yu. Many of his works have been lost to the sea, such as "Idle Love Occasionally Sends", "Twelve Floors", "City Wall", "Lian Xiang Companion", "Kite Wrong" and so on, but they will be remembered by later generations.

Most people only remember "***".

In the beginning, he also aimed to achieve an official career. In the twelfth year of Chongzhen (1639), he went to Hangzhou for the provincial examination. He was conceited about his talent, but his reputation fell behind him. So he complained and wrote: "Talent is like a life without suffering."

I return to my former glory in the field. I bring my harp to the field to cast my acquaintance, and walk in front of the street to show my handsomeness. If I have less wine, it is better to drink on credit. If I am angry, I will slowly read "Li Sao". Liu Fan's name has been there for thousands of years, and he seems to feel higher than he was admitted to the imperial examination."


That means, if I can't pass the exam, I will write lyrics and compose music. I also said: "Writing lyrics is not a final skill, but one of the same genre as historical and biographical poetry, but a different school."

Of course, the exam was no longer an issue. It was just an angry remark. As long as the Ming Dynasty was still there, Li Caizi still had to take the exam. Unfortunately, the Qing army came. In the third year of Shunzhi (1646), the Qing army captured Jinhua. "Wucheng captured the southwest corner and killed everyone in three days."

"Like Rain Falling". He did not want to be an official of the Qing court, so he resolutely changed to the path of "hermitism in the world" and concentrated on writing novels and operas. He also established a theater troupe to make money by singing operas for dignitaries, and he actually earned a lot of money.


The hair-shaving order was issued, "Leave your head without leaving your hair, leave your hair without leaving your head." Li Caizi was extremely dissatisfied, but in order to save his life, he shaved off his hair. There was a pigtail on the back of his head. He was so angry that he called himself a "crazy slave" and wrote vigorously.

Wrote: "Kun is a crazy slave, and he comes to plow the tomb and go to the fields. After leaving the soldiers in the house to burn, he lives on the edge of the battlefield. When the smoke of the war goes out in several places, whose flesh and blood is intact? I borrow someone to comfort myself and live in peace."

Because he often led a troupe to sing operas for the nobles, he became a good friend with Liu Dou. Liu Dou admired his talent and recommended him as an official many times, but he refused.

Liu Dou met Li Yu and asked: "I am banished to the world. You come from Nanzhili. How are the people in Nanzhili?"

"Yaowei, you don't know. After Emperor Guangwu of the Ming Dynasty regained Nanjing, everyone in Southern Zhili and even in China was inspired. People have bright minds, and who doesn't have Han thoughts? When I came, there was an endless stream of people who wrote to join the army, and there was a wave of troops from the south.

Another group was transferred to the north. It seems that the Qing captives are gone. Where to go? You have to make an idea!"

"Alas," Liu Dou sighed and changed the subject, "Banfan, what new songs have you brought me this time?"

Thirty-five-year-old Li Yu, a handsome and handsome man, smiled and said: "I have brought two new works for Yaowei to taste. One is "Shang Ke Xi Yi Zhi" and the other is "Wu Sangui Returns to the Ming Dynasty".

"Bang bang", the tea cup in Liu Dou's hand fell to the ground, "You are so bold, you dare to persuade me to do this, come on, kick this person out!"


After coming out of the Liu Mansion, Li Yu secretly went to the Ganzhou medicinal material shop, where Zhang Bin, a member of the Qianhu Shaanxi Household in Jinyiwei, had been waiting for a long time.

"Master Li, how did things go?"

Li Yuyile said, "Liu Yaowei is already tempted, otherwise he would have arrested me and handed me over to the Qing court instead of blasting me out of the house."

"I'm sorry, sir. Please stay at the post these days so that you can contact Liu Dou at any time."

This Shaanxi Xingdu Division is also within the scope of responsibility of Zhang Bin, the Jinyiwei Shaanxi Qianhu. He heard that Li Yu had an old relationship with Liu Dou, so he specially invited him from Nanzhili to be a lobbyist. So far, initial results have been achieved.

After sending Li Yu away, Zhang Bin wrote in a secret letter to Tao Cheng, the commander of the Jinyi Guards: "I sent someone to test Liu Dou, the governor of Gansu Province in the Qing Dynasty, and there may be a possibility of instigating rebellion."

Today, within Jinyiwei, the commander Tao Cheng and his colleague Ma Jixiang are fighting openly and secretly. This Qianhu general belongs to the Tao family.

This chapter has been completed!
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