Chapter 559: Liquidation (2)

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 In early July, the weather began to warm up, and the nights in Feng Mansion in Beijing were particularly peaceful. The slaves hung up their lanterns and prepared for the night.

A group of Ming troops came to Feng Mansion, breaking the tranquility of Feng Mansion.

The leader waved his hand, and the well-trained sergeants quickly surrounded Feng's mansion.

The general manager looked respectfully at the "green-robed white pheasant" (a fifth-grade official uniform) behind him, "Mr. Gu, do you want to go in now?"

The "Mr. Gu" mentioned by Mr. Ba is a great scholar of the generation, the 44-year-old Gu Yanwu, a doctor in the Ministry of Justice. This man has a strong character and hates evil. As soon as he received the official document, he immediately set off to the Feng Mansion.

"Call the door," Gu Yanwu shouted majestically.


The Ming army sergeant knocked loudly on the door.

"Who is it? Are you scared of a leopard? I wonder if this is Grand Scholar Feng's mansion?" Menzi groaned angrily and opened the door.

Before he could even curse, several sharp swords were placed on his neck. He was so frightened that he was shaking like chaff.

Gu Yanwu shouted to his disciples: "Quickly call the captive officer Feng Quan to receive the order." Upon hearing this, the disciples ran towards the inner house.

The soldiers of the Ming army poured in one after another, awakening all the people in the Feng Mansion and rushing them to the open space in the mansion.

Sixty-two-year-old Feng Quan came with a trembling voice. He had been in the officialdom for a long time and naturally knew that something was wrong, but he still tried his best to maintain the demeanor of a prime minister.

"Feng Quan respectfully welcomes the imperial envoy!"

Gu Yanwu glanced at Feng Quan and asked in a cold tone: "Are you Feng Quan, the Taibao of the Qing Dynasty, a bachelor of the Hanlin Hongwen Academy and the Minister of Rites?"

"It's me."

Gu Yanwu said jokingly: "Mr. Feng Ge is very kind. Kneel down and accept the order."




The emperor's edict said: The Jiashen Kingdom changed, the Daxing Emperor ascended to Xia, the Jianzhou slave chiefs took advantage of the situation to rebel against China, the two capitals were lost, and all their clothes were ruined. All of us Han people feel sad and sad. You Feng Quan, a cabinet minister of the Ming Dynasty, faced the change.

You cannot die for your country. When thieves come to surrender, thieves come to surrender, and captives come to surrender, it is really shameless! I have a slave-like appearance, forgets my ancestors, has money and money, and bows to the dogs and sheep of barbarians. When I entered the capital, you greeted me with a shy face, "Gao Emperor"

Driving is especially shameless!

Shameless and ugly people, dare to go against the rules of nature, do not know how to repay the kindness of the king and father, and always try to flatter the captives. Evil! Are you not a Han? Are you not a wise minister? Are you not a disciple of a saint? Although I have little virtue, I also know the crime of treason.

, must not be pardoned. This is the time to pursue the traitors in order to rectify people's hearts!

Since I called you "Emperor Gao", I sent you to see "Emperor Gao". I sent an order to the city, confiscated all my money, and sent my family members to farm in Sichuan. I announced it to the world and let them know my intention. This is a special edict from Qinzai.

Make an imperial edict

July 1, the fifth year of Guangwu



Gu Yanwu's words were clear and smooth, and he slowly read out the imperial edict.

Feng Quan's so-called prime ministerial demeanor was gone. He was as limp as cotton and was carried away by Ming army soldiers.

As soon as he fell, all the traitors of the "Northern Party" who once ran rampant in the Qing court fell. His close followers, such as Wei Yijie, the censor of Zuodu, Wang Zhen and others were all punished for the incident.


"I'm getting rich! I'm getting rich!"

In the Qianqing Palace in Beijing, Zhu Hengjia looked at the memorial presented by the Ministry of Household Affairs and shouted with joy.

After two years of war, the treasury was empty enough for rats to run away. In addition to purging traitorous parties and rectifying people's hearts, solving financial problems was also an important reason why he was determined to deal with the Manchu dignitaries and traitors.

Sure enough, a large amount of money, equivalent to twelve million taels of silver, was seized from the homes of Manchu princes, nobles and traitors who had surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. The deficit was immediately filled and the financial difficulties were solved.

I couldn't help but shout in surprise: "I'm rich!"


The virtuous concubine next to her could not help but laugh out loud: "Your Majesty looks like a rich country man."

Zhu Hengjia scratched his head in embarrassment, "My dear concubine, you are not a householder and don't know how expensive firewood and rice are. You have stumped so many heroes for these few taels of silver!"

Then he smiled and said: "I heard that my beloved concubine is studying calligraphy recently. By coincidence, Gu Yanwu searched Feng Quan's property this time and found Wang Xizhi's "Quick Snow and Clear Tie". Although Feng is a bad character, his handwriting is still good. , especially likes to collect and collect calligraphy famous calligraphy calligraphy. I gave this "Quick Snow and Sunny Calligraphy" to my beloved concubine.

"I thank Your Majesty for your grace!"

Erdenibemba was so happy that she almost jumped for joy. Although she was a Mongolian, she was also proficient in Sinology. At that time, Emperor Shunzhi liked women who knew Sinology. In order to compete with Concubine Dong E, he read a lot of classics and history. Naturally, he had heard of "Books" The famous name of "Holy" Wang Xizhi.

Your Majesty gave me such a precious authentic work of the "Sage of Calligraphy" without hesitation. Your Majesty loves me!

Erdenibemba suddenly became as tender as water, and gently kneaded Emperor Guangwu's shoulders and neck.

Not to mention, this Mongolian massage has a unique flavor. Zhu Hengjia was enjoying it while reviewing the memorials. The red sleeves were fragrant, and he was very happy!

Suddenly, his expression became solemn, and he actually saw several memorials pleading for mercy for Gong Dingzi, a great traitor listed in "The Biography of Erchen", the Right Minister of the Ministry of Punishment of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and the Censor of Zuodu.


In fact, Feng Quan was not the only one who said "the invaders came to surrender, and the captives came to surrender." Gong Dingzi was also one of them.

This person, together with Qian Qianyi and Wu Weiye, are known as the "Three Great Masters of Jiangzuo". Just like Qian Qianyi married Liu Rushi and Wu Weiye married Bian Yujing, he also married Gu Mei, a famous prostitute in Qinhuai. Together with Qian Qianyi and Wu Weiye, Hou Fangyu, Deng Hanyi, etc. are all good friends.

In the beginning, Gong Dingzi also had integrity. When Li Zicheng invaded Beijing, he jumped into a well to die, but he was saved by his friends. Once people don't want to die, they don't want to die anymore, so they surrender to Li Chuang and Dorgon obediently.

After the invasion, they were demoted to the Qing Dynasty, and their official positions were not small: the right minister of the Ministry of punishment and the censor of the left capital were naturally included in the "Biography of Erchen" by Sun Jinding.

This time, Zhu Hengjia issued a strict order. Those who were listed in "The Biography of the Second Chen", as long as they did not lead the army like Shang Kexi and Wu Sangui, and performed major meritorious services, would be liquidated. Gong Dingzi was naturally doomed, and Zheng Dang was imprisoned.


Upon hearing that their friends were imprisoned, friends such as Qian Qianyi, Wu Weiye, Hou Fangyu, and Deng Hanyi went to court one after another to plead with Emperor Guangwu.

Deng Hanyi, the director of the Imperial College, said in a written statement that Gong Ding was a talented scholar and it would be a pity to kill him.

"Absurd! Can talent be a reason to be exempted from the serious crime of treason?" Zhu Hengjia was furious and replied: "Those who are outstanding in talent and learning will treason and the harm will be even worse. Why don't you see Hong Chengchou?"

Hou Fangyu, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, said that although Gong Dingzi became a prisoner, he did not do any serious evil, so please spare him death.

After thinking about it, he replied: "Although he has done no great evil, he has a very high reputation. He takes the lead in doing things, and the influence is very bad. He cannot be said to be innocent."

Inspector Wu Weiye Shangshu said that Gong Dingzai had always had the thought of repentance in his heart. When he served as the right minister of the Ministry of Punishment of the Qing Dynasty, he often excused some righteous men who were loyal to the Ming Dynasty and made their major crimes into minor crimes.

This memorial worked. After Zhu Hengjia read it, he pondered for a long time and commented: "Looking at it this way, this person's conscience has not been exhausted."

Qian Qianyi, the governor of Shandong and Henan, was also educated. Lao Qian was a high-ranking official, and those who could become high-ranking officials were good at guessing the emperor's psychology. He knew that Emperor Guangwu liked to write poems. Although many of his poems were nonsense, he never tired of it.

Starting from this aspect, it is said that Gong Dingzi has never forgotten the Ming Dynasty in his heart, and his poems are full of sentences that regret his treachery and miss the Ming Dynasty.

"Oh, is there such a thing?"

Sure enough, when Zhu Hengjia heard that Gong Dingzi had written such a poem, he became interested and read it carefully.

You don’t know it by looking at it, but you can’t help but sigh that Gong Dingzi really has Ming Dynasty in his heart!

This person compared himself to "losing his way" by surrendering to the Qing Dynasty. The "sadness of losing his way" can be seen everywhere in the poem.

This poem "Feelings of Returning to the Nest for the First Time": "The lost man mourns the autumn of his homeland. He wanders and dares not hang up his nest. The book has yellow ears due to entering Luo, and the black head has turned gray because of sadness. The bright moon is pitiful, and the flower branches are not sent near the tall buildings. Taiwan

The city is full of songs and the bells are rising, and thousands of sorrows are scattered into the southern clouds." Alas! What a "lost man mourns the autumn of his homeland". After reading it, I feel sad!

In addition to the sadness of losing the road, there is also the longing for the homeland!

This poem "Like a farmer who returns to Zhenzhou and responds with poems": "Once there was a row of houses and a great name, and flies clinging to the dry prison grass are sad. The flames of war suddenly make strangers go astray, and when frost and envy spread across the city, the flowers are lost in the homeland and I feel sad.

It’s hard to arrive, and I know my resentment when the sun sets on the river. In the Sui Dynasty, the disabled people of the willows left again, and the travelers had no way to relieve their lovesickness.” Well, this worry about “flowers missing the motherland” and the resentment of “the sunset on the river” are actually related to the Ming Dynasty.


By the way, who is this Ru Nong? Zhu Hengjia became curious and ordered people to check the report. Soon he reported that this Ru Nong was Jiang Cai, the head of the Ceremony Department of the Ministry of Rites of the Ming Dynasty. He was a famously loyal minister who lived in seclusion in Huizhou. Shi Qing.

Zhu Hengjia sighed. There was obvious remorse in this man's poems, and he could be friends with so many loyal people, and had helped some righteous people with great ambitions, so let's just spare his life.

Gong Dingzi was pardoned by decree.

The same saying goes, "The intruders come to surrender, and the captives come to surrender." Feng Quan was chopped into pieces, and Gong Dingzi was let go.

This chapter has been completed!
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