Chapter 561 Humiliation (3)

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 Some words are hard to say, but you have to say them.

Empress Dowager Zhaosheng came to Empress Xiaohuizhang's room. She was not worried at all about meeting her son Fulin. At this moment, her son would only be with Dong E's family.

"Concubine, see Eni." Seeing Bumubutai coming, Queen Xiaohuizhang hurriedly saluted. This queen was only seventeen years old, and she had been meek since she was a child. It was because of her good temper that Emperor Shunzhi repeatedly wanted to depose her and establish him as the emperor.

E, I can't find a reason.

When he thought that such a good daughter-in-law would be given away to the devil, Bumubutai's eyes turned red and he burst into tears.

The Empress Dowager Zhaosheng has always presented herself as a strong woman, and she can be said to be a daughter who never sheds tears easily. When she saw her crying, Empress Xiaohuizhang felt that the sky was about to fall.

He hurriedly asked: "Eni, what's wrong with you?"

Bumbutai blushed and told Queen Xiao Huizhang the whole story.

Empress Xiao Huizhang was stunned immediately. She held the corners of her clothes with both hands, bit her lips and remained silent.

Seeing that she was silent, Bumubutai became anxious and suddenly knelt down in front of Queen Xiaohuizhang: "Son, can you bear to see Yu and your husband die?"

Empress Xiao Huizhang shed tears, "You don't have to be like this, I just agreed."

Bumbutai let out a long sigh, said a few more words of comfort, turned around and walked towards Tong Jia's room. The crying and kneeling just now, although it was an expression of true feelings, was also staged. Only in this way, some things that were originally

Only if you are embarrassed can you appear less embarrassed.

I thought the queen had agreed. Tong Jia was just a concubine, so she would naturally agree.

Unexpectedly, Tong Jia has a very strong character and would rather die than obey.

"Son, can you bear to see Yu and your husband die?" Bumbutai said again what he just said to Queen Xiao Huizhang.

"If anything happens to Enie and my husband, I will definitely die!"

Tong Jiashi said firmly.

Seeing that she refused to agree, Bumubutai could only cry leisurely.

Her crying woke her four-year-old grandson Aixinjueluo Xuanye from his dream and started crying loudly.

While coaxing Xuan Ye, Tong Jia cried: "If I do this, how will I see Xuan Ye in the future?"

This statement shocked Bumbutai, so he stopped forcing Tong Jia and left with a long sigh, secretly praying that Queen Xiao Huizhang could satisfy Emperor Guangwu of the Ming Dynasty.


“It’s so comfortable!”

Early the next morning, Zhu Hengjia stretched out, woke up from his dream, then changed his clothes and prepared to deal with political affairs.

Suddenly I heard that Fulin sent Wo He to deliver a private message last night and was shot dead by Guangchang Bo Li Yuanyin's men.

After opening the letter and reading it, he sneered: "Little Fulin, do you still want to live?"

"Your Majesty, Duke Gongshun sent someone to apologize," Ma Huanxi said respectfully.

"Ask for forgiveness? Is it possible that he thinks he can survive just by asking for forgiveness?"

Zhu Hengjia said in disgust: "Take the person away and disappear."

"Your Majesty, you'd better meet me," Ma said with a flattering smile, "this is the pearl of the Horqin grassland."

She figured out that the visitor was actually Empress Xiao Huizhang whom she had seen at the banquet that day, and Zhu Hengjia and Longyan were delighted, secretly praising Ma Huanxi for this slave's ability to do things.

However, he can't spare time now. He is about to go to court in the morning. If he is late, the old ministers will have to talk to each other. Therefore, he still has to go to court first, deal with political affairs and then come back to enjoy the blessings.

Zhu Hengjia wanted to deal with it and return to the palace, but there were so many important things going on today, such as changing the army's defenses, dredging the canal, envoys from the vassal state, etc.

After finally finishing the process, Qian Wei, the General Affairs Envoy, brought another stack of memorials. Although now more than half of the memorials were sent directly to the Secretary of Ceremonies, and the fifth-rank officials were given the right to secretly transfer, the General Affairs Department delivered much fewer memorials.

, but there are still some. Most of them are memorials from all sides expressing their opinions, complaining about grievances, and accusing illegals.

"Your Majesty, I still have several memorials about the people's complaints here," Qian Wei reported.

"Okay, Qian Qing, regarding these statements, you can show them to the cabinet, let the cabinet elders formulate their opinions, and then report them to me for approval. Today, let's discuss this." After saying this, Zhu Hengjia

Then he signaled to retreat.

The common people's love is not as important as the beauty in their arms, so they hurried back to the palace.

"Where is that person arranged?" Zhu Hengjia asked Ma Huanxi anxiously.

"My slave has placed that man in Changchun Palace," Ma Huanxi said in a low voice.

"Yeah." Zhu Hengjia was very satisfied. This Changchun Palace is one of the six west palaces of the inner court, and its location is inconspicuous. Ma Huanxi is a slave who knows how to do things. The less people know about doing this kind of thing, the better.

As soon as he entered Changchun Palace, Zhu Hengjia rushed towards Empress Xiao Huizhang impatiently.

"Eh? Why is the beauty crying?"

I saw Empress Xiao Huizhang with tears on her cheeks, looking pitiful.

This actually made Zhu Hengjia interested. For these feudal emperors with dark psychology, the harder it is to get something, the better it is.

He decided not to be in a hurry, and took his time to get to his heart. He used the energy of the big bad wolf to coax the little white rabbit, and said a lot of sweet words. Things like "If you obey me, I will definitely be good to you" and "Whatever you want, I will do it for you."

"To you", "From now on, I will regard your parents, brothers and sisters as my relatives and take good care of them", etc.

"Please allow me to do something for you," Queen Xiao Huizhang suddenly stopped crying and asked.

Interesting. Can you discuss terms with me?

Zhu Hengjia's curiosity suddenly aroused, and he said with a smile: "Beauty, just say it, not just one thing, but a hundred pieces, I will agree to it."

"Please don't kill Duke Gongshun and his Enie." The seventeen-year-old girl was simple and kind. She didn't make any demands for herself, she just asked him to let Bumbutai and Fulin go.

This simplicity and kindness deeply moved Zhu Hengjia, allowing him to find a trace of truth, goodness and beauty in his ugly soul.

"Alas! I agree." His Majesty, the murderous Emperor, showed a rare kindness.

That night, Emperor Guangwu, who was sixty-two years old, regained his youthful feeling in Empress Xiao Huizhang, who was seventeen years old.

Outside the palace, Wang Xian, the eunuch in charge of "Daily Notes", secretly took notes and wrote: "On July 26, the fifth year of Guangwu, the emperor was lucky enough to have Bo'er Zhijin's family in Changchun Palace."


I found a treasure! I found a treasure!

After the incident, Zhu Hengjia was surprised to find a few plum blossoms on the dragon bed. Queen Xiao Huizhang was actually a virgin.

It turned out that Emperor Shunzhi wanted to show his determination to depose the queen to the Dong E family, so Empress Xiaohuizhang had been in the palace for two years, but he had never touched her once.

Zhu Hengjia was extremely disdainful of Fulin's aesthetics and immediately named Queen Xiaohuizhang as Concubine Ning.

I thought: Fulin, Fulin, since you don’t like your queen, I will do a good deed and accept her for you.

The next day, Aixinjueluo Fulin was informed that his queen had become Emperor Guangwu's and asked him to remarry. Although he didn't like Empress Xiao Huizhang, this heavy cuckold still made the second wife

The ten-year-old youth was so frustrated that he cried loudly.

"Son, you can't cry, you have to laugh. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at my mother and I," Bumbutai hurriedly tried to persuade.

"Well, I'm so worried!"

"Alas," Bumbutai sighed, "haven't you always wanted to make Dong E your main wife? I'm totally dependent on you."

After finally convincing Fulin to stop crying, another burst of crying came from Tong Jia's house opposite.

Bumbutai was extremely upset and asked: "What's going on?"

Emperor Shunzhi's confidant eunuch Wu Liangfu reported: "The news just came that Concubine Kang's father, elder brother, and younger brother were all dragged to the entrance of the vegetable market and beheaded."

It turned out that in order to make more money, Zhu Hengjia expanded the campaign of ransacking the houses of Manchurian dignitaries. Tong Jia's father, who had retired to work and was retiring at home, was Tong Tulai, the former Taibao of Gushan Ezhenjia Prince of Zhenglan Banner, who was arrested for questioning.

It doesn't matter if you don't discuss it, but if you discuss it, it will be a serious crime. What kind of race to enclose the land and force the Han people to surrender is a big basket.

The decree came down, and at three quarters today, Lian Tulai and his two sons, Tong Guogang and Tong Guowei, were dragged to Caishikou and executed, killing them all.


Tong Jia cried heartbrokenly and suddenly felt a trace of regret. If she had listened to Enie last night and followed the traitor, maybe her father, brother and brother would not have died.


Zhu Hengjia accepted Concubine Ning and was satisfied.

A manly man who kept his word and spared the lives of Bumubutai and Fulin immediately ordered someone to "escort" Bumubutai and Fulin to Yangzhou.

The poor mother and son were relieved. For the mother and son, it was safest to stay away from Emperor Guangwu's sight.

Supposedly, the matter ended here, but I don’t know who had to pay tens of millions of dollars to secretly report Tong Jia’s refusal to sleep with him to Emperor Guangwu.

Although at the banquet that day, Zhu Hengjia was mainly interested in Empress Xiao Huizhang and only glanced at Tong Jia a few times, but he was still furious. I am the supreme king in the world, and it is your blessing to serve me. How dare you refuse?


The psychology of feudal emperors is so dark: I don’t want to sleep with you, that’s okay; if you don’t want me to sleep with you, that’s absolutely not allowed!

According to Zhu Hengjia's temperament, he wanted to kill Tong Jia, Bumu Butai, and Fulin's family who looked down upon me, but when I thought of Concubine Ning's face, which I felt pity for, I finally softened my heart.

Death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be escaped.

Zhu Hengjia vaguely remembered that Penghu is a good place and is rich in sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are a good thing. They are whole grains, anti-aging, laxative, weight loss, and improve immunity. Well, for the sake of their physical and mental health, they were asked to go to Penghu to see the sea and eat

Eat sweet potatoes.

What? Eating too many sweet potatoes will cause bloating and gas? Then I can’t control that much.

Poor Bumu Butai, Fulin, Dong E, and Tong Jia's family, they just arrived in Yangzhou and were moved to Penghu Island by an imperial edict. They lived a happy life of sunshine, beaches, cacti, and a bunch of roasted sweet potatoes.

This chapter has been completed!
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