Chapter 670 Returning East (5)

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Tomsk warlord Stadukhin stared at the military map and was worried. He received an order from the Tsar to intercept the Turghuts. There are so many roads leading to the east. Where should we focus on setting up defenses?

"My lord, I think we should set up defenses in the Ochen Gorge," Tomsk general manager Jacques Shigulov said.

"Oh, why is it Aoqin Canyon? Tell me what you think."

"The Kalmyks were followed by His Majesty the Tsar's pursuers. In a hurry to escape, they would inevitably choose the shortest road, and the road through the Ochen Gorge was the shortest."

The more Stadukhin thought about it, the more he felt that Yaksigulov's words made sense. He immediately ordered: "Yaksigulov, I order you and Chief Berlin to lead three thousand soldiers to guard the Ochen Gorge and never let him go.

Run away from those Kalmyks”.

"As you command, my lord."

The vast Siberia is sparsely populated, and three thousand soldiers are already the largest military force in the entire Tomsk Warlord District that Stadukhin can mobilize.

Generals Jacques Shigulov and Berlin led their troops to set up defenses in the mountains of the Ochen Canyon, and sent people to block the passage in the canyon.

Just as Yaksigulov expected, Punchukhan led the Turghut people to the Aochen Canyon.

"Great Khan, a Cossack cavalry has occupied the canyon and blocked the road." The sentinel brought bad news.

Punchukhan looked up at the mountains on both sides of the canyon. They were very steep. He didn't know how many men would be killed if he attacked hard! But the pursuers were approaching, and if they didn't clear the road as soon as possible, they would be dead ends.

"Attack the Mountain", on November 19, the ninth year of the reign of Emperor Guangwu of the Ming Dynasty, with the majestic voice of Punchuk Khan, the battle of Aoqin Canyon began.

Punchuk Khan commanded calmly. He organized five teams of camel soldiers, set up artillery in the camel formation, bombarded the mountains, and ordered his men to dismount and launch an attack from the front.

Not to be outdone, the Rakshasa's cannons counterattacked ferociously. Their cannons were more numerous and of better quality than those of the Torghuts. They were so high up that they suppressed the Turghuts' gunners from raising their heads.


The warriors of the Mongolian tribes in the desert who migrated westward shouted, holding shields and scimitars, in groups of five or ten, and climbed up the mountain regardless of their own safety.

"Aim and shoot!"

Jacques Shigulov gave the order coldly.


The sound of gunfire continued, and the warriors who attacked the mountain kept falling.

Punchuk Khan remained unwavering and ordered his men to continue blowing the horn of attack.

Nuoyan Luobuzang of the Torhut tribe led his men to bravely rush to the top of the mountain.

Jacques Shigulov's eyes narrowed and he ordered Berlin to lead 500 Cossacks to drive the enemy down the mountain.

Bolin was a warrior among the Rakshasa people. He held a bear spear and led his men to rush towards the Turgut people. The bear spear was used by the Cossacks to hunt bears. The spear tip was broad and sharp and could break armor.

The Cossacks fought desperately and drove Luobuzangnuoyan back down the mountain.

Punchuk Khan looked at the stalemate on the frontal battlefield and murmured to himself: "Ayuqi, good boy, where have you been? God bless you!"

Twenty-year-old Ayuqi, although young, is a well-known brave general in the Torgut tribe. He was ordered to lead 500 gunmen to climb mountains on the flanks of the Aoqin Canyon to outflank the Rakshasa people.


A gunman accidentally stepped on a rock, and it took a long time before there was any reply.

Ayuqi remained calm and took the lead to continue climbing. Seeing how brave he was, the morale of his subordinates was greatly boosted and they climbed bravely.

Finally reached the top of the mountain.

"Place the gun and shoot for me," Ayuqi shouted.


The Cossacks on the mountain were fighting fiercely with the Turguts. Suddenly, gunshots were heard from the flanks, and they were shot to the ground in confusion.

When Bolin, the Rakshasa general manager, saw that an enemy group was coming up from the flank, he was shocked and angry, and led his men to rush towards the flank.

Ayuqi took out the spear, squinted his eyes, and aimed at Bolin.

A ray of white light pierced Bolin's face like a swimming dragon. The man like an iron tower died before he even had time to scream.


Seeing that his son had successfully seized the enemy's flank, the Rakshasa formation was in chaos. Punchuk Khan led his personal guards to attack the mountain in person. The morale of the Torgut soldiers was like a rainbow, and the sound of "Haorui" resounded across the sky.

The Rakshasa people could no longer resist and fled one after another. Seeing that the situation was not good, Yakshigulov hurriedly escaped through the mountain path.

In this battle, the Turghuts annihilated more than 2,000 Rakshasa people and avenged the 9,000 people of the Syrab Omubu tribe who died in Magnitogorsk.

The Turguts continued eastward, and in addition to brutal battles, they were also constantly attacked by severe cold and plague. Grand Duke Miloslavsky led his army in hot pursuit, and Tsarist Russian governors from various places intercepted them everywhere. Battle casualties, diseases

Troubles and hunger attacks caused a large reduction in the population of the Torgut tribe, and some people lost confidence in whether they could return to their ancestral homeland.

At this most difficult moment, Punchuk Khan promptly convened the "Gurzha" meeting to boost morale. He said sonorously and forcefully to the leaders of each tribe: "We would rather die than look back! If we don't have freedom, we would rather die!"

Under the leadership of the heroic Punchuk Khan, the Torghut people once again cheered up, overcame numerous difficulties and dangers, and moved step by step towards their set goals.

On a sunny morning in February of the 10th year of Guangwu, the Torguts finally arrived at the banks of the Ili River on the border of the western frontier of the Ming Dynasty.

According to the official records of the Ming Dynasty, the more than 300,000 Turguts who left the Volga Steppe, after fierce fighting along the way, and suffering from disease and hunger, "only half of them reached Ili", and about 16 were left. Wan.


The water of the Ili River is clear and clear, and the hearts of the Turghut people are cool and cool.

They did not receive the courtesy they imagined, and were greeted by soldiers at war with each other.

The newly appointed Tianbei Admiral Peng Mingyang, commander-in-chief Wu Guogui, Yang Guanglie, and Zu Zerun's 20,000 troops were waiting in full formation. Not only were they arrayed in neat military formations, but the muzzles of the cannons on the pass were also pointed at the Turgut people.

The two Noyans from Yilden and Luobuzang rushed to Punchuk Khan and his horse, "Great Khan, what is the Ming Dynasty doing? We sincerely submit, but they actually treat us as thieves."

Punchuk Khan secretly complained in his heart.

Before coming, he was also ambitious and wanted to test the reality of the Ming Dynasty. If the Ming Dynasty was unable to take care of the western border, he would occupy the western border of the desert and replace the Junggar tribe as the leader of the tribes in the western desert, so as to become the leader of the Moxi tribe. Unexpectedly, he had just arrived in the western border area. , and was threatened by Ming Dynasty!

Looking at the rows and rows of soldiers with distinctive armor and the murderous aura of the Ming army, Punchukhan understood that the people in front of him were all veterans of hundreds of battles.

The Ming Dynasty is not easy to mess with! The Rakshasa people are chasing after them fiercely. It seems that we can only put down our ambitions and be an obedient citizen of the Ming Dynasty!

Punchuk Khan was depressed in his heart, but with a smile on his lips, he said to Ildun and Luobuzang, "Maybe the local magistrate didn't know the news of our arrival and thought it was a Rakshasa invasion. Rest in peace, uncles." Don't be impatient, I will send someone to explain the situation to Ming Dynasty and ask them to let us enter."

This chapter has been completed!
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