Chapter 820 The Emperor’s Grandson (5)

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 The old emperor left the memorial unpublished and carefully weighed the power of his eldest son. He found that almost half of the ministers were in favor of canonizing the emperor's grandson, but fortunately, there were not many generals involved in this matter. The official history of Dian Kingdom, The Duke of Fujian, Yan Tianfeng, and the Duke of Chang, Li Mingzhong, have already been relieved of their military power and are staying at home to take care of their old age. Those who have some military power, the Duke of Qin, Li Dingguo, is far away in Yunnan, and the Marquis of Nanling, Sun Guangwei, is still guarding Yakutsk in the north.

Well, this means that the army is still in my hands.

He breathed a sigh of relief temporarily and rejected the petition. The reason was that the emperor's eldest grandson was too young and was still in his infancy. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, only Huizong and Xuanzong were officially announced as the emperor's grandson, but they were the same at that time. Fifteen years old, one is ten years old. Therefore, we should wait until the emperor's eldest grandson turns ten years old to discuss the matter of naming the emperor's grandson.

After rejecting the memorial, the old emperor acted as if nothing had happened, but secretly he was observing, wanting to see if anyone dared to touch him after his clear rejection, and went to the emperor again to ask for a title for the emperor's eldest grandson. If not, explain this time. It was just a move by the crown prince and his family to consolidate the position of the crown prince, and it did not mean to offend the emperor's authority; if so, it was with ulterior motives, indicating that some people thought they were old and wanted to support the new emperor in advance to gain wealth. .

Fortunately, the officials who were qualified to appeal to him were all talented people. When he saw that the Holy Admiral's memorial requesting him to be crowned the emperor's grandson was rejected, he immediately began to keep quiet and said nothing. No one dared to appeal again. Sing rebound with him.

The old emperor was very satisfied. Since these people knew each other, there was no need to be cruel. After all, he was going to die eventually, and the throne would be passed on to the prince sooner or later. If the prince's wings were eradicated, who else would be available for the new emperor to ascend the throne in the future? Therefore, this matter ends here.


There is a small house in Pishi Street, Nanjing, with two words hanging on the lintel: "Chen House".

The etiquette and laws of the Ming Dynasty were very strict. Only the residences of feudal princes could be called "mansion", while the residences of officials and common people could only be called "houses" and "homes" respectively. Even powerful ministers such as Xu Jie and Zhang Juzheng, It can only be called "Xu's House" or "Zhang's House"; only the residences of imperial officials can display lintels on the main entrance. Ordinary people are not allowed to have lintels. There are two door stops on the lintel of this house, corresponding to Officials of the fifth to seventh grades.

Don’t be dissatisfied, the feudal system is so unequal, just get used to it!

The owner of Chen's house was Chen Hu, a scholar at the Hanlin Academy. Chen Hu, Sheng Jing, Jiang Shishao and Lu Shiyi were collectively known as the "Four Gentlemen of Taicang". In that year, Emperor Guangwu launched a feudal dictatorship and suppressed freedom of speech. Very disappointed with the old emperor, he placed his hope in the next generation. He wrote to the "Four Gentlemen of Taicang", urging them to think of the common people in the world, give up their seclusion, go to the capital, and choose Yao and Shun among the three princes of the old emperor. Of.

So, the Four Gentlemen came to Nanjing. Chen Hu, Sheng Jing, and Jiang Shishao took part in the imperial examinations and became, respectively, a student at the Hanlin Academy, an assistant eunuch at the Imperial College, and a doctor at the Four Gates Hall of the Imperial College. However, Lu Shiyi refused to become an official and came to Nanjing in vain to wait. Introduced by friends.

At the beginning, Chen Hu placed his hope of establishing a "new Ming Dynasty in which the people valued the people and the monarch overshadowed the emperor". He took advantage of the opportunity of being a student in the Hanlin Academy to give Zhu Ruoji several lectures. Unexpectedly, the emperor

The prince was not interested in democracy and freedom at all. Instead, he was very interested in the art of "emperor" and had a fierce fight with Tang Zhen and others. He asked Zhu Ruoji to intercede with Gu Yanwu, who was demoted to Mobei as a postmaster. Zhu Ruoji was afraid of disobeying his father's rule.

I don’t dare to say what I mean.

Disappointed, Chen Hu discovered that Ji Wang Zhu Ruodeng was very interested in his theory of freedom and equality, so he placed his hope on Zhu Ruodeng. He even said to Li Yindu, Lu Shiyi and others: "Whoever can fulfill our wishes will be the one who can fulfill our wishes."

It must be King Ji!"

After many investigations, Li Yindu, Lu Shiyi and others all believed that only King Ji was the real king of Yao and Shun. Lu Shiyi simply asked Chen Hu to introduce herself to King Ji, and became a staff member of the palace. He was treated as a mentor and respected as "

Mr. Lu".

After his request to be granted the title of grandson was rejected by Emperor Guangwu, Chen Hu immediately invited his friends Sheng Jing and Jiang Shishao to plot late at night.

"Brother Chen, what's the important thing for calling us two late at night?" They felt strange and asked.

"I invited my two worthy brothers here late at night because I want to entrust my wife and son to my two worthy brothers. I will be under the Nine Springs. I am very grateful!"

Sheng Jing and Jiang Shishao were shocked, "Brother Chen, why did you say this? Could it be that you are sick?"

"No, I just want to die!"

Chen Hu looked at the two of them and said slowly: "The Holy Father rejected the memorial requesting the crown prince to be crowned grandson, which shows his suspicion of the crown prince. I am an attendant of the Hanlin Academy, and can also be regarded as the crown prince's teacher. In this capacity,

Disobeying the Holy Will, he continues to ask for the title of Grandson of the Emperor. The Holy Emperor will surely think that it is the Crown Prince who instigated it and will be angry with him. In this way, His Highness King Ji will have a chance! We will also have a chance to realize our ideals!"

After hearing these words, Sheng Jing and Jiang Shishao looked at each other in confusion. Brother Chen was trying to use counterintuitive tactics! But the current emperor is a tyrant who eats people without spitting out their bones. If he offends him, his life may be at risk!

"Brother Chen, I am cruel and unkind. This strategy of yours will certainly make me doubt the prince, thus benefiting King Ji, but it will inevitably lead to death. Please think twice," Sheng Jing advised.

"Yes, Brother Chen, if you want to build a world of great harmony, there are many ways, and you don't necessarily have to sacrifice your own life," Jiang Shishao also advised.

Chen Hu was unmoved, "Today's king is as cruel and suppressive as King Li of Zhou Dynasty. The prince's words and deeds are exactly like the king's. If he ascends the throne, he will be another tyrant. The king of Yu likes to have fun and does not like to engage in politics. Only His Highness King Ji

He is generous and caring for the people, and has unparalleled benevolence and righteousness. He once said that if he takes charge of national affairs, he will convene a council of virtuous people from all over the country. All major events in the world will be implemented with the consent of the council. If we want to establish a new Ming Dynasty in which the people are valued and the emperor is valued, we can only hope

It is a rare opportunity to ask King Ji to be the grandson of the emperor! If I can give you one life in exchange for the unity of the world and the well-being of the people, what a pity! I have made up my mind, and there is no need for more for these two worthy brothers.

Say! Please help Brother Yu take good care of his wife and children. I will be very grateful!"

After hearing this, Sheng Jing and Jiang Shishao shed tears immediately.

Sheng Jing bowed deeply to Chen Hu and said, "Confucius said it was benevolence, and Mencius said it was justice. Brother Chen did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life for the sake of the world, and he was a role model for our generation of scholars. Don't worry, from today on, your family will be my brother's family!"

Jiang Shishao also paid homage to Chen Hu: "I have been proud and arrogant all my life, and I have never met anyone who is convinced. From today on, I will only serve you, Chen Yanxia. After Brother Chen leaves, there is no need to worry about the affairs of the family."


The two left, and Chen Hu was busy writing at home, and soon he finished writing "Please grant the title of Emperor Taisun Shu". He was impatient, so he surrendered to the general affairs envoy Si Yamen overnight.

Today, Emperor Guangwu was reviewing memorials in Changchun Palace, and chatted with Concubine Huang by the way. It was his habit not to sleep until he finished reviewing memorials.

Suddenly, the old emperor screamed like a rabbit whose tail was stepped on: "How bold you are!"

This chapter has been completed!
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