Chapter 1088 Ah Shi Point

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Liu Muqiao led a group of people and stopped in front of the bed of a man suffering from abdominal pain and headache.

The attending doctor reported on the medical record: "I had unexplained abdominal pain and headache for half a year. I had a head CT and abdominal CT done in other hospitals. No obvious abnormalities were found. There were no obvious abnormalities in the test results..."

Liu Muqiao listened and checked at the same time.

"Have you noticed that there is a slight sense of resistance in the neck?" After several examinations, Liu Miqiao asked a young doctor next to him to try it.

Next to him is an undergraduate intern from Qingjiang University.

He did it several times, with some reluctance, and it seemed difficult to determine whether it was normal or abnormal.

"You can do it on other patients later and compare it." Liu Miqiao told him that this is the best way to learn.

At this time, other doctors also began to understand the patient's neck resistance.

Liu Muqiao said: "This patient needs an OT experiment and a lumbar puncture. Do you know what disease I suspect?"

A group of people at the back were nodding, "Suspecting tuberculous meningitis and tuberculous peritonitis?"

Liu Miqiao nodded and said: "Patients with tuberculous meningitis and tuberculous peritonitis are relatively rare now, but they can still be seen. You can learn a lot from this patient."

Then I arrived at the bedside of the second patient to be consulted.

"What's going on?"

"This is a patient with paralysis of both legs below the joints. During the examination, no pathological signs were found, the muscle tone was basically normal, and the sensation was slow."

Liu Miqiao smiled and did a leg examination, "We can cure this patient immediately. Uh, you, go to the ward and get a special medicine. I can make her stand up immediately. Let her stand now."

Get up and run."

Liu Muqiao made a face.

The attending doctor responded.

Many doctors have also reacted.

Several interns were a little confused, and their instructor gave a few reminders in English.

The attending doctor came with a nurse.

The nurse is carrying a metal plate.

Liu Miqiao said to the patient: "I will cure your disease right away. I will give you an injection of imported special medicine, and then you will be able to stand up and run. Do you understand?"

The patient is a girl in her 20s, very beautiful, with a puzzled and surprised look on her face.

"This medicine is very powerful. It will take effect when you feel fever. You can stand up and follow my instructions. Do you understand?"

The patient girl nodded.


Several professors on the side also helped, saying: "This medicine is amazing! It has immediate effects."

Then a group of people were talking about this medicine.

"There are only a few pills in one hospital, which is amazing."

"Last time, someone took a shot and ran back directly."

"Yes, I have a patient who, after taking one, now climbs mountains every day and his leg strength is so good."


Liu Muqiao looked at everyone and smiled.

Not bad, you guys cooperated well.

The nurse starts the injection.

This is a medicine of calcium chloride and normal saline. It is ordinary. One medicine only costs 13 cents, which is cheaper than a syringe.

It will be pushed out soon.

Liu Muqiao said firmly: "Okay, you are feeling hot, you can stand up. Stand up!"

The patient is still hesitant.

"Stand up!"

Liu Muqiao's voice was not loud, but he was very determined.

"You can stand up now. There is no problem. Run, run!"

The patient stood up tremblingly and started running under Liu Maqiao's command.

I staggered.

An intern rushed to help.

"No need to help! It's okay, she's completely recovered."

The patient started running.

Liu Muqiao smiled, turned around and left to see another patient.

The group of interns looked at the patient in shock.

How amazing!

Now, even the interns understand that the so-called treatment is completely speech therapy. Every sentence Liu Miqiao said just now is treating the patient.

This is suggestion therapy.

This kind of treatment is particularly effective when used in "hysteria". By drawing inferences from one example, this kind of suggestive treatment is also effective even for organic diseases.

Therefore, the doctor's image and temperament are also meaningful to the patient's therapeutic effect.

It is difficult for doctors with a poor image, sleazy, and cunning doctors to achieve good results. Doctors who are calm, generous, and confident can easily win the trust of patients, and their treatment results will be much better.

This is the psychological effect.

When I came to the bed of the third patient, he was a patient with a headache.

"Specifically, where does it hurt?" Liu Miqiao asked.

"Here, here, here." The patient, a woman in her 50s, pointed to her occiput, all the way to the top of her head.

Liu Muqiao said: "Turn around and I will massage your cervical vertebrae. If it hurts, just tell me."

As he spoke, Liu Miqiao began to massage the patient's neck.

This patient typically has stiff neck ligaments and may also have calcification of the ligaments.

"Oh! It hurts!"


"Yes, that's it."

"Okay, let me help you relax, and your headache will go away."

Liu Miqiao pressed with moderate strength.

"Oh, it hurts, oh oh oh! Ahhh!"

After about 3 minutes, Liu Muqiao stopped.

"If you feel it again, does it still hurt?"

"What? What! It doesn't hurt anymore!"

Liu Miqiao turned back to the doctors and said: "Please note that many patients with headaches have headaches due to neck problems. Therefore, the cause of the headache may not be in the head. If the cause of the pain really occurs in the head, then maybe the problem is

It’s relatively big, except for vascular headaches. Let me tell you, vascular headaches mostly occur when you are young. After the age of 50, vascular headaches are relatively rare. Therefore, once the headache is more persistent, the neck can be ruled out.

The reason is, we are going to do a head CT on the patient. Do you understand what I mean?"

Several doctors nodded, "We need to rule out Ca."

Ca is the English abbreviation of cancer. In front of patients, doctors generally avoid the word cancer. As a last resort, they will say: "Ca."

"Dr. Liu, is the massage you did just now the Liu's miraculous massage method that is legendary in the world?" a professor asked.

"Is there such a statement?" Liu Maqiao turned around and asked.

It was the first time he heard this nickname officially. Normally, some people would talk about Liu Maqiao's magical massage techniques, but they would not use the word "Liu".

Mr. Liu, that is very respectful, very formal, and even more mysterious.

"Just now, it's not my usual massage. She doesn't have serious cervical spondylosis. You can all learn this kind of massage, which is to press the 'Ashi point'. What is the 'Ashi point'? 'Ashi point'

It is not marked on the acupoint map. It is the place where the patient feels pain after pressing. 'Ah!' 'It's here!' 'Ashi point' is named like this. As long as you find 'Ashi point', you can

To treat this kind of headache, the patient can also treat it himself."

This chapter has been completed!
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