Chapter 110 Quarrel

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 The development of things will always have two sides, and Murphy's theorem has come into play.

When Professor Smith went back, his application to cooperate with Liu Miqiao in researching the treatment of stroke sequelae was rejected. Their immediate superiors agreed that they could not take advantage of Liu Miqiao.

Smith lobbied for several days, but it was hopeless, so he sent Liu Miqiao a long email, expressing his apology, helplessness, and indignation.

Oh, 15 million US dollars wasted.

Liu Muqiao was very unhappy.

The key is that he needs data from Smith.

The scientific researchers at Smith are of high quality, have sufficient funds, and have good equipment. Many experimental results can be quantified. With their participation, research will definitely be much faster.

As for who takes advantage, Liu Muqiao thinks it's ridiculous. It's hard to say. Logically speaking, Liu Muqiao provided it. Liu Muqiao also provided the formula of Huatuo Zaizao Pills. Liu Muqiao also provided many specific cases. Don't you think Johns Hopkins Hospital is at a disadvantage?<


Of course, although Smith did not clearly explain the deeper reason, Liu Miqiao could also guess what the reason was.

"We'll do it ourselves."

Zhao Yilin consoled him.

"Well, it can only be like this. Moreover, we need to speed up a bit, and the results must be in front of Hopkins Hospital. When the time comes, we will use facts to prove who takes advantage and who loses."

Liu Muqiao gritted his teeth and said.

"Charlotte University Hospital may not be reliable either. The 300 million you mentioned won't be a problem, right?" Zhao Yilin was afraid that he would end up with nothing.

"No, this should not happen."

Sure enough, on the third day, the hospital received a call from the finance department. There was a fund of about 300 million to be allocated to Antai Hospital, and Antai Hospital was required to prepare project application materials within a week.

Dean Pi didn't believe it at first. Sun Tao said it was 300 million. He also said that Sun Tao was naive. Didn't he just coax Liu Miqiao?

Now, the notification has come, and the declaration materials have to be submitted within a week. This is no joke, even if you have the ability to do double-duty, you will be too busy.

Project feasibility analysis, project budget, and environmental assessment all take time.

Dean Pi packed his bag and prepared to go out.

"What are you doing here?"

Sun Tao asked.

"Look for the leader."

Dean Pi said.

"Why don't you discuss the project first?" Sun Tao asked in surprise.

"Comrade Sun Tao, do we still need to discuss this? Haven't we already discussed it? Three-dimensional parking lot, logistics and administrative building, old ward renovation. This is also what you agree with."

"Old Pi, this won't work. We were allocated funds to develop neurology departments. We have to re-plan. Besides, they gave us 300 million. Do you think we can use 300 million for those projects?"

Dean Pi was silent for a moment and insisted: "No, a plan is a plan. Since I have already considered it in the past, it is a big mistake to change my mind now. Comrade Sun Tao, you are young and you must think about problems from beginning to end.

There is a beginning and an end. You cannot have one idea today and another idea tomorrow. Otherwise, nothing will be accomplished and wrong decisions will be made."

Sun Tao said loudly: "Old Pi, no, this money was indeed obtained by Liu Miqiao, and it must be used for the development of neurology. Recently, he may not have had time to report to you, but he is planning to start a scientific research project to study the sequelae of stroke.

Treatment, tell me, how big and important this subject is."

Dean Pi laughed, "I already know this. You may not know, but Hopkins Hospital rejected it and they will no longer cooperate with us!"

"Are you still laughing?" Sun Tao was a little angry.

"Can you cry without laughing? You should understand that damaged nerve cells cannot be regenerated. This subject itself has no value at all. It's better to deny it."


"Don't point at my nose. I'm your immediate boss."

"You, old bastard!"

"What? You, Sun Tao, have no leader. Do you know what your status is now? You, Liu Muqiao, and Zhao Yilin have been out for a few days, and you have no sense of organization and formed cliques. Let me tell you, Liu Muqiao, I like him too. Zhao Yilin is a

Good department directors, I am very happy that they have contributed to the development of neurology."

"Yes, if this is the case, then we should support them."

"Vice President Sun Tao, you should think about the problem from the perspective of the hospital. There are more than twenty departments in the hospital, and the palms and backs of the hands are all flesh. Fairness, fairness. You know, we must be fair, and a bowl of water must be served evenly."
Sun Tao almost fainted.

Dean Pi simply sat down again and said: "Comrade Sun Tao, let me tell you, you are a person who has drank foreign ink, and you should have an overall concept. Neurology and neurosurgery need to develop, but what about other departments? You put 3

If all the 100 million yuan is invested in the Department of Neurology, do you, the deputy dean, still want to do it? Should I, Lao Pi, still want to be the dean? I can say that as long as this issue is raised, other departments will rebel, and our desks will be moved.


Sun Tao shook his head. He really didn't want to argue with Dean Pi anymore. They were all fallacies and unfounded hypotheses.

"Don't shake your head. As hospital leaders, we need to look at the overall situation. Where there are shortcomings, we should make up for them. The development of the department should also be balanced, orderly and steadily advanced. Of course, we also need to develop the Department of Neurology and provide support.

The number of hospital beds they have increased is 300 million. I am considering giving them 30 million. 30 million is enough."

Sun Tao can finally speak.

"Dean Pi, do you know Liu Muqiao? In the capital, he conquered Professor Smith and Professor Anderson. They recommended Liu Muqiao to treat Sima Linyi's cerebral hemorrhage in the Provincial Hospital. We now have Liu Muqiao, why don't we make up our minds to treat the neurological disease

How about going up to the department? Haven’t you been calling me a famous doctor and a famous department for many years?"

"Sun Tao, why are you so naive? How can we risk everything because of one person? What if Liu Miqiao is poached by others? What if Liu Miqiao disobeys? What if Liu Miqiao dies one day? He is here, we can do it

He is big, but he must be steady and step by step. I am now very worried that others will spare no effort to poach him."

"Yes, you were also worried that others would poach him, but we didn't think of keeping him?"

"If you're not afraid of thieves, you're just afraid that thieves will keep you in mind. Can we keep you? Why should we keep you? Just because you're in Qingjiang City, do you want to keep this person? So, I still can't let you go too much. You're too simple, too simple.

The debate ended with Sun Tao's failure.

Dean Pi went to the city and reported to the leaders.

Another unfortunate news came. Chaput University Hospital did not approve the cooperation plan because their ethics experts have not approved the large-scale promotion of Taoshift method to treat Parkinson's disease.

The small-scale Taoshift method is allowed to treat Parkinson's disease, but the ethics of abandoning the guidance of modern medicine such as CT still need to be discussed.

Anderson finally said in the email: "I will continue to work hard and hope to join forces with Dr. Liu Maqiao one day to push the treatment of Parkinson's disease to a new peak."

Now the only result left is the 300 million.

It’s better not to have any accidents.

This chapter has been completed!
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