Chapter 114 Eating phase

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 The meeting is continuing.

However, after two hours of discussion, there was still no clear idea.

Finally, Dean Pi would like to conclude.

But he has to lay the groundwork first.

He didn't want Zhao Yilin and Sun Tao to be too embarrassed. He was reasonable and wanted to convince people with reason, leaving Zhao Yilin and Sun Tao speechless.

"All of us here are the pillars of the hospital. When considering problems, we must first stand high and see far, that is to say, we must look at the overall situation. This is first. Second, we must not be departmentalistic and must stand from a fair standpoint.

Think about the problem from the other side's point of view. With these two points, our ideas will come out."

He paused deliberately here, took a sip of water, and then continued.

"Now suddenly a pie fell from the sky. We must catch it first, and then discuss the issue of eating. However, there is a principle. Since everyone catches it together, then everyone must take a bite, even if it is not

It may be very even, but it shouldn’t be too ugly. You still have to have a good eating appearance.”

He glanced at Zhao Yilin deliberately.

Zhao Yilin frowned vigorously.

He means Zhao Yilin.

"It looks too ugly, and people will have objections. So, I said, the idea of ​​building a neurology building is over."

"I object!" Zhao Yilin raised his hand high.

"You can't object." Dean Pi reminded, "Now it's my turn to speak, and it's time for me to make a decision!"

"Don't worry, I have a few things to remind you, Dean." Zhao Yilin said.

"Really? Well, I'll give you three minutes. We can't waste any more time. I've been to the city twice today and I have to go again tonight." Dean Pi was lying on his back very gracefully.

On the sofa.

Zhao Yilin said: "I want to say the following questions, please listen carefully. First, this is not a pie falling from the sky, we got it. Second, this pie cannot be eaten by everyone. Strictly speaking, this pie is not something that everyone can eat."

, this cake belongs to Liu Miqiao, and he is the one who can eat it. Thirdly, whether Liu Miqiao is one of ours has not yet been decided, so today we must first discuss whether we want this person. Fourthly, if we want this person,

So how do we want to keep people with salary, love, or career? You have to think about this. Think about these four questions."

After Zhao Yilin finished speaking, he sat down and was waiting for someone to answer this question.

No one spoke.

They all lowered their heads, seemed to be thinking, and seemed to be avoiding. These four questions should indeed be answered.

Dean Pi frowned.

Sun Tao raised his eyebrows, and his straight face finally showed a smile.

Three minutes of silence, three minutes of depression and suffocation.

Finally someone broke the silence.

Liu Zhongquan stood up, clasped his hands on his chest, and said loudly: "I don't agree with what you just said. Why did Liu Miqiao get this money? Do you think it is alms? It belongs to the ministry, not to any individual."

Second, the question of whether to retain people is easy to say. Every year we recruit talents, and we all know the rules. Educational qualifications, test scores, and interviews. If you pass, stay, or fail, no one can blame us. As for the salary to retain people,

, Keep people for love, keep people for career, joke, do we still have few talents here? If we consider everyone like this, what else will the hospital do? According to you, every department director gets an annual salary of 500,000 yuan.

No, you all should leave. As an intern, what kind of relationship, treatment, and career can keep you here? It’s a joke.”

No one is in favor or against, not even those who cough.

"Well, Director Zhao Yilin, what do you think?" Liu Zhongquan thought the challenge was successful.

"I don't want to talk to you." Zhao Yilin glanced disdainfully.

"You can travel all over the world with reason, but you can't move even without reason. You can't say that, right?" Liu Zhongquan said.

"We are not the same species and have no common language for communication." Zhao Yilin said.

Liu Zhongquan felt that something was wrong, but did not react for a while, and then said: "What's so great about a small intern? If you want to keep him, you can just say hello to the leader."

Seeing that Zhao Yilin ignored him, he became even more energetic, thinking that Zhao Yilin had given up, so he continued.

"Liu Muqiao, I've already had a problem with it. What's the purpose of blowing him up like this?"

"Shut up!" Dean Pi shouted softly.

"What, did I say something wrong?"

"Of course you are wrong!"

"What went wrong?"

"You said Liu Miqiao is not a talent!"

"Is he a talent? He is just an intern."

"You know nothing!"

"Lao Pi, you are the dean of course, but you can't curse!"

"I'm scolding you, what's the matter? If Liu Muqiao is not a talented person, we are talking about nothing here! You said the money belongs to the ministry, and the ministry has hundreds of billions, you go and use it!"

"Have I...offended you?"

"Of course you have offended me, you have offended everyone. Liu Muqiao, I have decided to keep this person, retain him emotionally, retain him through salary, and retain him through career. I will use these three methods. Zhao Yilin, give Liu Muqiao a call.

, I want to talk to him after the meeting is over."

Suddenly, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, what’s going on, Dean...

Soon, there was an answer.

Dean Pi said: "Liu Muqiao must be retained and the Department of Neurology must be developed. However, these 300 million cannot be given to the Department of Neurology. We still need to develop it in an all-round way. Now I think about it. Borrow another 200 million to build another hospital."

building, expanding the number of beds to 1,700."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was thunderous applause.


"Have courage!"




Sun Tao did not applaud.

Zhao Yilin didn’t applaud either.

Of course, Liu Zhongquan, the man who didn’t buy both sides, didn’t applaud either.

Dean Pi saw this and groaned in his heart, then said to the office director Zeng Xuefei: "Hurry up and write a report. I will find the leader later."

The meeting adjourned.

Liu Muqiao was invited to the office by Dean Pi.

"I want to hear your opinion about the hospital."

Dean Pi started like this. Many leaders like this. It is smarter not to go directly to the topic and to fight in a roundabout way.

"I don't have any opinion." Liu Maqiao said.

"Let's talk about the future development of the hospital."

"I never thought about it."

"Never thought about it? Then think about it now."

"Now that I think about it, Dean, don't tease me. What can I come up with in a few minutes or ten minutes? It's better that I don't want to."

Dean Pi touched the non-existent beard on his chin, smiled and said, "Mr. Muqiao, are you preparing to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Why do you ask this?"

"Hey, our hospital is the teaching hospital of Qingjiang University School of Medicine. Many people can take care of graduate students. For example, I can take care of a master's degree in orthopedics."

Liu Muqiao pushed up his glasses out of habit, "You want me to study as your graduate student?"

"No, no, I'm just giving an example. Zhao Yilin can also seek a doctoral supervisor. If you want to study, you can study for his master's degree and doctorate. Of course, I know that your level and ability are actually above Zhao Yilin. Study for his graduate degree.

It’s purely for a degree.”

Liu Muqiao smiled slightly and said, "I don't plan to go to graduate school."

"Then, have you considered the issue of employment?"

Finally got to the point.

This chapter has been completed!
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