Chapter 1144 The unique skill of traditional Chinese medicine, the natural sound needle

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 Regardless of whether it’s appropriate or not, let’s talk about it first.

He feels good about himself and thinks that Chinese medicine is what it is. It is simple materialism, and it accumulates treatment methods based on experience, but it also has some elements of idealism.

We cannot deny idealism, it is scientific.

The conversion of yin and yang makes sense in medicine.

Sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves are a pair of opposites. They are yin and yang. Yin is strong and yang is weak, yang is strong and yin is weak, and they transform into each other.

Not medically?

When the sympathetic system is excited and the parasympathetic system is suppressed, the body will be in a state of excitement, blood pressure will rise, smooth muscles will relax, and sphincter muscles will tighten.

On the contrary, when the parasympathetic nerves are excited, the sympathetic nerves will be suppressed. For example, organophosphorus pesticide poisoning is a typical parasympathetic excitement, smooth muscle contraction, and gland secretion. This is a typical yin excess and yang decline.

At this time, we need to use a large amount of atropine to rescue the patient.

Atropine can block parasympathetic receptors, but acetylcholine cannot act to prevent strong parasympathetic excitement.


This is a typical theory of yin and yang balance, which has been applied clinically by our ancestors for thousands of years.

Isn't it?

The body's autonomic nerves regulate the entire body's functions, aren't they yin and yang?

All endocrine secretions and internal environment of the human body are controlled by the autonomic nerves. It is this pair of yin and yang that balances during exercise and maintains the normality of the body. Yin produces yang and yang produces yin, and Tai Chi diagram is the most vivid interpretation.

Liu Muqiao introduced them to the yin and yang theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

What nonsense.

Mr. Rokexun cursed again.

Liu Muqiao groaned twice in pain again, because he lost another 200 points of popularity.

200 points, do cervical massage, 200 times, 5 minutes each, that’s 1,000 minutes.

It was very painful to fall.

It seems that it is a bit difficult to explain Chinese culture to these foreigners. To be more precise, it should be too difficult.

Originally, Liu Muqiao wanted to talk about the Five Elements Theory, but when he thought about it, foreigners could not understand even a single Yin-Yang theory. How could they understand the more difficult Five Elements Theory?

Liu Muqiao is not a person who gives up easily, he is thinking of ways.

Think of a way, the best way is to use your own treasure box.

Yes, aren't there a lot of intermediate treasure boxes?

I took it out and took a quick look at it. Just now, including the lecture in the morning and the surgery yesterday, there were quite a lot of intermediate treasure boxes as rewards.

There are more than 100.

Got rich.

There are more than 100 intermediate treasure boxes, which can produce dozens of professional-level skills, and may also produce a lot of medicinal liquids.



Just when he was about to use the intermediate treasure box to solve the difficulty at hand, he suddenly stopped.

What do I want?

Without a target, the skills released from the treasure box may be messy.

What if you use a scolding skill?


How can scholars solve problems by scolding?

I should prescribe Chinese medicine skills to solve Chinese medicine problems.

For example, wouldn’t it be better if I could prescribe Chinese medicine theory, understand more about the connotation of Chinese medicine, and then explain it to them in the language of Western medicine?

Makes sense.

Just now, I talked about the theory of yin and yang, and it seemed to make sense, but it was still very reluctant. If Su Yajuan talked about it, it might be easier to understand.

By the way, what I want is skills in Chinese medicine.


A skill book, at first glance, is worthless. A "Angelica Cultivation Technique" is really meaningless. No matter how poor I am, Liu Miqiao, I will not engage in traditional Chinese medicine cultivation.

Open again.

Anyway, there are more than 100 copies.

"Astragalus Processed".

Alas, skills are indeed skills, but they are useless.

"Dr. Liu, why don't you stop talking? Your so-called yin and yang theory seems to have not been finished yet. I remember one time, a master of traditional Chinese medicine introduced the theory of traditional Chinese medicine to me, saying that when yang is strong, yin is weak, and when the moon is full, the yin is weak.

Loss, when the water is full, it overflows, and the cycle starts again and again. You can continue talking."

Liu Muqiao is really anxious.

It is a pity that the popularity accumulated just now, especially in the past two days, has suddenly been lowered.

When he was anxious, he became confused. He took out the treasure in the box - the high-end treasure box, and opened it before he could recover.

Ouch, what a pity!

He took a closer look and saw a book on acupuncture, "Tian Lai Acupuncture - Intermediate Level, Fourth Level".

Natural needle?

Four floors?

Liu Muqiao's surprise was no small matter.

Qing Yunzi once said that the natural needle is a unique skill in acupuncture. It is said that it has been lost for thousands of years.

Although it is said to have been lost, it seems to be that Qingyunzi knows this technique.

There is no need to investigate whether it has been lost or passed down. This skill is one of the highest skills in traditional Chinese medicine. This is true.

Liu Miqiao recalled that Qingyunzi once said that Tianlai needle is to insert silver needles into specific acupuncture points of the patient, and then the doctor can play music on the silver needles to achieve the purpose of treating the disease.

This acupuncture method is divided into low, middle and high levels, with one to three levels of low level. It can treat common common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases, such as colds, pneumonia, heart failure and other diseases in the early and middle stages.

Once you have mastered the low-level Tianlai Acupuncture, you are already a pretty good doctor.

Intermediate level four to six can treat some difficult-to-treat diseases, such as stage III heart failure, shock, and other severe diseases. It can basically cure the disease with needles.

When you reach high levels, from the seventh to the ninth level, you can resurrect the dead. Not only the diseases of ordinary people can be cured, but even the diseases of gods can be cured - hehe, one of the problems of traditional Chinese medicine - sometimes it is exaggerated.

This exaggeration actually hurts Chinese medicine. Just like this doctor, Western medicine is usually based on which department or hospital is high-level, but with Chinese medicine, a certain doctor is often extremely talented and difficult to find, and Chinese medicine can easily create gods.
However, when the Heavenly Sound Acupuncture reaches a high level, it is definitely very powerful, even if it means bringing the dead back to life, it is not an exaggeration.

Liu Muqiao remembered that Qingyunzi once said that the principle of Tianlaizhen is to use silver needles to play music. Human cells are benignly activated under the vibration of this frequency, so that cell functions are activated.

Each type of cell has different functions. When the functions are restored, the disease can be eliminated.

This is easier to understand.

Music itself is a kind of sound wave. Different sound waves have different effects on the human body. Some are benign and some are malignant. Music is benign, what the body needs and likes, so it is called music. Otherwise, it is just noise.<


In other words, Tianlai Acupuncture uses music to stimulate cells, activate them, produce various factors, and achieve self-repair.

This is the most advanced treatment method and the most fundamental treatment.

Treat the root cause.

Many diseases in the human body are caused by cell decline and functional decline.

For example, diabetes is caused by low pancreatic islet function. Tianlai needle activates the pancreatic islet cells and restores the pancreatic islet secretion function. Wouldn't the disease be fundamentally cured?

For another example, blood vessel plaques and arteriosclerosis can lead to coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. For treatment, there is really no good medicine at present. The most commonly used ones are lipid-lowering drugs like statins. Tianlai needle activates the cells in the liver that manage fat metabolism.

,Keep fat metabolism young.

Young people do not have the problem of high blood lipids or arteriosclerosis, because fat metabolism is normal.

Tian Lai Acupuncture can cure diseases and make people younger. It can rejuvenate people and prolong life. Therefore, some people believe that Tian Lai Acupuncture is one of the ways to cultivate immortality.

Now, Liu Muqiao has mastered the mid-level Tian Lai Needle. While he was pleasantly surprised, he was thinking about whether he should use this technique to scare these tall-nosed foreigners.


Liu Muqiao suddenly laughed.

This chapter has been completed!
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