Chapter 1146 Upgraded to three levels in a row

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 Not only the three of them, but many people present were listening attentively. That voice, that ethereal music seemed to come from a very far away, very deep place, and it seemed to come from many years ago.


Did it come from a silver needle?

Not really!

This sound comes from the resonance of silver needles, cells and meridians!

Not just in patients, but in everyone.

After the patient's whole body cell resonance, the cells were activated, the functions were activated, and the weak muscles gradually increased their vitality.

It can be said that the patient's cells that have lost their function have been activated, which means that the patient's health has been fundamentally restored. In the next few decades, his disease will gradually improve, and it will take many years for him to have another disease again.
The cause of this patient's illness was a disorder of immune function, which launched an attack on his own tissues.

Originally, the immune system is responsible for clearing foreign substances. T cells, B cells, macrophages, white blood cells, etc. are the basic cells of the immune system. They themselves, as well as the antibodies and immune molecules they produce, are responsible for clearing away foreign substances.
One day, for some reason, these cells and molecules initiated the elimination of their own substances, and autoimmunity occurred.

Today, this patient's skeletal muscle cells have become the target of their attack. The muscles have atrophied and the patient's muscles have become weak.

This disease is medically classified as "rheumatism". It is actually an immune disease.

In the past, the treatment method was to prevent the occurrence of this kind of immunity. The drugs used were glucocorticoids.

Glucocorticoids can suppress the response of the immune system, but the consequences are that the immune system is suppressed, the body's immune ability is reduced, and long-term use may cause adrenal insufficiency, leading to hormone dependence.

There are many adverse consequences.

Now, Liu Muqiao has provided a benign stimulation to the cells in the patient's body. This resonance produces a huge stimulating effect, the immune system returns to normal, and the original disorder is corrected, so that the muscles will no longer be destroyed.

In addition, the muscles themselves receive benign stimulation, and the function of muscle cells is restored and enhanced.

Finally, a miracle happened.

"I feel stronger." The patient's voice had disappeared, but now his voice has become louder.

"Do you have the strength?" someone asked in surprise.

"Yes, I feel like I can get down and walk." The patient has already sat up.

"Get up and try."

The patient stood up carefully with the help of two people.

Stand firm and gently let go of your hand.

The patient moved his right foot.

He stepped forward with his left foot again.

I did six steps in a row.

"Okay." Liu Muqiao said softly, "You can't walk too far for the first time. There is still a recovery period, especially for your bones. If you don't exercise for a long time, your bones will become osteoporotic, which can easily cause fractures." Liu Muqiao said.

The patient happily agreed.

It’s been six years.

The patient began to lie in bed all year round six years ago. In the past two years, it has been difficult to even turn over, let alone moving around.

Although the disease is not completely cured, he has been given a clear answer that he will definitely be cured. As his nutrition keeps up with him, as time goes by, he will be able to basically return to normal in less than a month.

Is this the magic of Chinese medicine?

Is the natural needle so magical?

Not to mention other people, even Liu Maqiao himself was horrified.

"Ding! Ding! Ding..."

A series of sounds that are so pleasant!

"Reward Intermediate Treasure Box..."

"Reward a high-level treasure box!"

"Reward a high-level treasure box!"

With the end of the last two report reward high-level treasure boxes, my mind calmed down.

Liu Muqiao was thinking, with so many big guys, why are there only two high-end treasure boxes? Shouldn't there be three?

Oh, I understand, Professor Rokexun has already rewarded it, and one person can only reward it once at most.

A total of three high-level treasure boxes were opened. Liu Miqiao was no longer interested in looking at the dozens of intermediate treasure boxes. He looked at two high-level treasure boxes.


I'm really lucky today. I got Tian Lai Needle. Since I'm lucky, why not open these two high-end treasure boxes?

Yes, if you don’t open it now, how long will you wait?

Liu Muqiao opened the first one.

It's "The Sound of Needle" again!

"Congratulations, Tian Lai Needle has been upgraded to the fifth level of the intermediate level!"

Liu Muqiao yelled and almost cheered loudly for himself!

In the blink of an eye, the Tian Lai Needle has been upgraded to a level.

According to Qing Yunzi's introduction in Jianyang City, when you upgrade to a level, your skill will be doubled, and the entire promotion is based on logarithms.

Starting from 1, 2, 4, 8, 16... promotion in this way, the fifth level is already 16 times the entry level. If you go up to another level, it is 32 times.

Therefore, the further back you go, the more difficult it is to get promoted.

Liu Muqiao's skill level has increased from 8 to 16, and the effectiveness of Tian Lai Needle must have greatly increased.

There is also a high-end treasure box.

It’s open!

When you are lucky, the bet can be bigger.


Liu Muqiao's eyes glowed green.

It's "The Sound of Needle" again!

"Congratulations, Tian Lai Needle has been upgraded to the sixth level of the intermediate level, the pinnacle of the intermediate level!"

Liu Muqiao gave a soft cheer.

Who has such good luck?

In less than half an hour, Liu Miqiao's Tian Lai Needle was promoted from the fourth level to the sixth level, and this sixth level is the peak of the intermediate level. In the future, according to the Tian Lai Needle training method, there will definitely be a chance to break through the sixth level and enter the seventh level.


The seventh level is a high level, and it is a magical medical skill that can bring the dead back to life. Although Liu Miqiao yearns for it, he does not have to reach this level. With the sixth level, it is already very good.

I remember Qingyunzi said that back then Hua Tuo was known as a miracle doctor, but in fact Tianlai Acupuncture was only at the sixth level.

Liu Miqiao's series of weird actions just now did not attract much attention. At this time, everyone was looking at the patient, and a professor was doing a physical examination on the patient.

"The tendon reflexes are normal, which is incredible," the professor said while checking.

The physical examination was done not long ago. Apparently, the tendon reflexes had almost disappeared a few hours ago, and now they are normal.

This is the objective therapeutic effect.

After being surprised, a professor turned around and asked Liu Miqiao.

"Dr. Liu, your Tianlai Acupuncture is so miraculous, may I ask, specifically, what other diseases can it treat?"

Liu Muqiao doesn’t know either.

He asked the medical wisdom system in his mind, what diseases can Tianlai Acupuncture cure?

The system said coldly: "This still needs to be asked. If you think about it more, won't you come to a conclusion? Cells have benign resonance and help activate cell functions. Based on this principle, what diseases do you think it can cure?"

Although he was criticized by the system, Liu Miqiao still shuddered.

Doesn’t this mean that it can cure all diseases?

Even if it is a traumatic injury, it can recover quickly.

At this moment, Professor Bluoter said in surprise: "Ah, is my ankylosing spondylitis getting better? I had lower back pain just now, but now it suddenly no longer hurts. Is it because of the music I listened to just now?"

"You mean, Tianlai Acupuncture can affect the people around you? Can the people around you also be treated?"

This chapter has been completed!
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