Chapter 1153 Liu Maqiao becomes the protagonist

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Liu Muqiao didn't come here to enjoy himself, he came here to complete a mission.

At this time, Ziyi lightly knocked on the table a few times. This was another encrypted Morse code. In the noisy room, no one would care.

Besides, even if you heard it, you wouldn't think it was a password.

Only one person will notice, the one who has the promise.

Liu Muqiao heard it clearly.

"Make the cervical spine massage a little louder to disrupt tonight's dance party."

Liu Muqiao nodded slightly, tapped his feet on the ground a few times, and agreed to Ziyi's request.

Make the noise bigger and easier to deal with, use your skills to make them want to die.

"Everyone, next, I will start massaging your cervical vertebrae and relax them. If you have cervical spondylosis, please remind me, so that I can help you cure it at once, and you will no longer be troubled by cervical spondylosis in the future."

Next, Liu Muqiao really showed off his skills, and he didn't exactly follow the regular massage. How to give you a massage as comfortable as possible.

The first one is the Duke. More than ten years ago, he was the Foreign Minister and was relatively well-known internationally.

He long, short, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, no matter men and women, they are imaginative. This content dare not describe.

The ones behind are all yearning for it.

The Duke finished it and felt extremely comfortable. The cervical spine problems he had suffered for many years were gone. Suddenly, he felt drowsy. Where could he be thinking about banquets and dances?

The banquet must be held.

You will be hungry, the turkey is already roasted, and the other delicacies are also smelling irresistible.

To put it simply, you don’t have to dance, but you must massage your cervical spine, and you must eat.

Someone started talking, and then you said something, and I said something, and soon the host announced that the dance was cancelled.

The banquet will not be cancelled, but it will not be held in a formal format. The waiters and waiters will distribute the food on plates, and everyone will line up and eat at the same time.

However, since it was still early, it was not a problem for those at the back to sit still, so there was room for free movement.

Zi Yi is one of today's stars, and naturally there are men around her. Several well-known people gathered around Zi Yi, laughing and joking, making Zi Yi happy with your words and his words.

Li Yingzi was last in line, so he also joined in the fun, gathered around Ziyi, and started flirting with girls.

Liu Muqiao was not distracted. He was doing massage seriously. Everyone, regardless of their identity, male or female, showed their night singing voices in front of everyone.

Most of the men were like oxen, humming majestically, while the women were singing and dancing. In these few minutes, all their restraint was thrown away.

Some people never moved their seats because they just liked hearing the humming sound.

Today's guests are equally divided between men and women, so the chances of hearing the singing and dancing of birds and the lowing of cows are 50% each.

If someone records this voice, it will definitely be sold for a high price.

The British are very particular, especially the upper class. They have been prosperous for hundreds of years, colonizing all over the world, and after becoming the upper class, they think about enjoying themselves.

Enjoyment is their fashion and their life pursuit. Even this humming sound has its inheritance.

It can be said that this group of people is different from ordinary people. Their arias are richer and their hums are more particular about their lineage and genre.

Passion, joy, tenderness, lingering, wildness... are all fully expressed.

An hour passed, and another hour passed. Some people were drowsy and lying on the sofa and fell asleep, some were still waiting for Liu Miqiao to do it for them, and some were talking and drinking.

The purple clothes are gone.

She went inside.

Just now, several well-known people were chatting around her, but now she went inside to change clothes.

It didn't take long to change clothes. Several men tried to follow her, but soon they saw Zi Yi coming out and she changed into tight clothes.

Outline your ecstatic figure.

Liu Muqiao glanced at it accidentally, and he once doubted whether she was really Ziyi or a fake Ziyi?

Haotian's disguise technique was done by Liu Miqiao, but after it is completed, he may be able to do it at close range, but he will not be able to distinguish who is who from a long distance.

Even if the real Ziyi is sitting here now, Liu Miqiao would have a hard time distinguishing the real one from the fake one.

Now, when Ziyi put on the tights, Liu Maqiao couldn't help but be surprised. This must be the real Ziyi.

Haotian should not have such a good figure.

Liu Muqiao was in a trance for a while.

It was later determined that Haotian had been preparing for a long time in order to become Ziyi. The preparation for the body shape may have started two years ago.

There should be no mistake. Liu Maqiao has always regarded her as Haotian since he was in China.

He has always accepted the command of Ziyi.

Liu Muqiao glanced a few more times and found that Li Yingzi was gone.

Liu Muqiao didn't pay too much attention. He continued to massage his cervical spine.

Another benefit of doing cervical massage is that you can get popularity points as a reward.

Today, most of the people Liu Muqiao treats are high-status people, including the former Duke and Foreign Minister, and the reward points he received are relatively high.

Just now, 3 points were awarded to Little Hepburn, 5 points were awarded to the Duke, and 3 points were awarded to the Baron.

However, somewhat surprisingly, most people only have 1 or 2 points.

Last time at the Royal Third Hospital, Liu Muqiao's popularity plummeted. Although it later reversed course and obtained a large number of treasure boxes, the lost popularity was still not returned.

However, the damage is not big, just a few hundred points. Relatively speaking, compared with the popularity value that is approaching 20,000, the damage of 200 to 300 points will not affect his personality charm.

Today, Liu Muqiao wants to work hard to earn some money. It is estimated that after finishing the work, he will get about 100 popularity points.

The current actual popularity value of Liu Muqiao is more than 18,000, without any bonus.

After working for 3 hours, the host suggested that we take a short break and it’s time to have dinner.

This dinner is a real dinner. It is almost 10 o'clock in the evening, but for people in upper class society, this time is within the normal range.

The British are divided into common people and aristocrats. Common people have dinner at 6 or 7 o'clock in the evening. Three meals a day are linked to work, and the time remains basically the same.

Nobles are different.

Their work is not just eight hours, it can be long or short. Like the Duke, he used to work 15 or 16 hours a day. But like the current Viscount, Deputy Minister of Transport, he only spends one or two hours a day looking at documents and looking at them.


As for the beauties like Little Hepburn, there is basically no formal work to talk about. Their current task is to enjoy themselves.

Of course, people like her account for more than half.

The upper class of the British people do two things, one is to maintain their social peace, and the other is to enjoy themselves to the fullest. These two things are their bounden duty.

For hundreds of years, the British have colonized all over the world. Their ultimate goal is simple, which is to pursue a life in the upper class.

The first way to enter the upper class is hereditary, inheriting the social status of the previous generation, so they pay special attention to blood. The second is hard work. There are many ways to work hard. You can perform meritorious service on the battlefield and become a successful person who contributes to society.

For successful people, it is not enough just to have money. It is best to become a scholar and a great scientist.

Rich people can enter the upper class, but their status will not be very high. The only title that can be bought with money is viscount.

However, if Liu Muqiao stays, for example, once he is rated as a great scientist, he will be able to obtain a title of baron or above, and his status will be much higher than that of a businessman.

This chapter has been completed!
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