Chapter 1157 Argument

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 "Give me an example." Jianen asked.

"There are very few elites, just like 007, the elite among the elites. There are no more than 100 such people in the world. However, the Viscount is not an important figure. Is it necessary to use such a figure?" said the criminal investigation expert.

"Well, we may have deviated from the direction of consultation." Jane said.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, this is one of the questions we want to solve." said the criminal investigation expert.

"Oh, since that's the case, can we assume that Li Yingzi is such a person?" Jane said.

"Li Yingzi? He should have died half an hour earlier." The criminal investigation expert chuckled.

"Oh? So, Li Yingzi can't be the person who killed the Viscount?"

"It cannot be ruled out that Li Yingzi's men did it. However, they are all our own people. There are many ways to punish the Viscount. There is no need to kill him."


Jiane had a long discussion with the criminal investigation expert.

It cannot be said that it is meaningless.

When discussing such a difficult case, many times it is just such an ordinary conversation, and something fishy is discovered in every question and answer.

After asking for about half an hour, Jane stopped talking and was deep in thought.

Yamashita River started, and he directly asked the pharmacologist Honggoing, "Are there any poisons that cannot be detected?"

"No. However, in fact, there are some unknown poisons that outsiders cannot detect. However, even covert workers rarely come into contact with such poisons. There have been no new poisons in more than ten years.

" Hongoing replied.

"Everyone in the criminal investigation field, are you sure that Li Yingzi does not have this unknown poison?"

"I'm sure."

This person is in the 5th game.

At this time, Liu Muqiao began to think about the issue of poisons.

When Liu Miqiao opened the intermediate treasure box, he opened the expert-level "Toxicology". Unfortunately, he didn't pay attention to it and threw it away.

Liu Muqiao felt that there were too many useless skills, and the later he got, the more he lost.

Many skills seem to be useful, but not very useful and cannot be used often. Liu Maqiao is worried about insufficient "memory", so recently, he has become more bold in throwing away skills. Last time, he even inserted a gastric tube and catheterization

Forget about this kind of medical skills.

These techniques of inserting gastric tubes and urinary catheters should be mastered by nurses and junior doctors. It was not Liu Maqiao's turn to do it himself, so he lost it.

In fact, I felt a pity when I lost it. Although it is a small skill, the skills marked on it are also expert-level skills. Keep it, it may be useful. Who knows one day you will encounter a catheter that cannot be inserted?

However, when I think about it again, this opportunity is so rare that I may never use it once in my life.

For example, when inserting a gastric tube, the easiest mistake is to insert it into the trachea. However, there are very few medical accidents caused by inserting a gastric tube into the trachea. Besides, even if corrections are needed, other nurses have to do it. There are many big doctors like Liu Miqiao.


In general, it is more complicated to insert a urinary catheter. Sometimes it cannot be inserted due to prostate cancer or prostatic hypertrophy. However, this is a skill of urology, and ordinary urologists should be able to handle it. There are very few cases that require senior doctors to handle.

It’s rare once or twice a year.

Liu Miqiao later lost a lot of similar skills.

Now I regret it. Not long ago, Liu Miqiao lost a copy of "Toxicology", expert level.

Liu Muqiao believed that the Viscount's death was related to poison.

The less clues there are, the more it means that his death is related to poison. The reason is very simple, that is, it was the Viscount's bedroom. No one entered, and it was not suicide or disease, so the only explanation is poison.

He should have been poisoned at Shengde Manor.

A few hours after being poisoned, he died from the poison.

So, who in Shengde Manor would poison the Viscount?

Two suspicious people.

One is Li Yingzi, and the other is the person who poisoned Li Yingzi.

Liu Muqiao still believes that Li Yingzi was in a coma at Shengde Manor yesterday because he must have been poisoned, but the poison was very clever.

Liu Muqiao helped Li Yingzi perform Tianlai Acupuncture. This is not the first time he has performed Tianlai Acupuncture. In the past few times, where was the yellow secretion from the eyes, nose, and mouth?

It should be said that Li Yingzi and the Viscount were poisoned by different poisons.

However, Liu Muqiao was not prepared to speak because he was suspicious of Ziyi.

Since the speech between Ziyi and Li Yingzi that night, Liu Maqiao had an extra thought. Is this Ziyi definitely trustworthy?

You know, the hidden front is very complicated.

Liu Muqiao listened carefully to what others said.

Now Yamashita River is asking the criminal investigation experts for some details.

Jiane is thinking seriously.

After asking for about half an hour, Shanxiachuan also became thoughtful.

However, the discussions and inquiries did not stop.

There are 30 people, and there are many good players among them.

Finally, someone put forward such a hypothesis.

"It can be assumed that the Viscount died of some new type of poison. He was already poisoned at Shengde Manor."

"And the person who inflicted the poison was Li Yingzi."

"This assumption is valid, but there is no evidence of poison found on the Viscount. Besides, the gentleman from the 5th Bureau also said that Li Yingzi does not have such poison."

"I asked the gentleman from Bureau 5, is Li Yingzi definitely under your control? What if he still serves an organization? Does this assumption exist?"

"Any possibility exists."

"So, new poisons also exist?"

"Yes, new poisons also exist. Samples have been taken from his blood, urine and vital organs to conduct poison experiments."


The discussion was very lively.

Liu Muqiao gradually lost interest and was playing with the treasure box in his hand.

He currently has a large inventory in his hand. He counted 173 intermediate treasure boxes. As for the elementary treasure boxes, he didn't even want to count them. They piled up into a small mountain. There are several thousand if not ten thousand.

It's not that Liu Muqiao doesn't want to use it, sometimes he can use some small skills, but the probability of using the Huiqi Pill is too high, and the Huiqi Pill is sometimes useful, but too much is annoying, and destroying it is a waste of natural resources.

Keep the guilt, you won’t need it so much.

If only I could find a way to share it with others, or if I could mix it into medicine, it would be an incredible medicine.

How many people are working overtime now? If drugs like Huiqi Pills were made and sold to others without side effects, the efficiency would be greatly improved.

Of course, this is impossible.

Today, can you try your luck by opening a few intermediate treasure boxes?

Aren’t Jianne and Yamashita Chuan awesome?

If you have one or two special skills in forensic science, it would be a pleasure to have a discussion with Jane and Yamashita Sichuan and become famous.

However, looking at the intermediate treasure box in his hand, Liu Miqiao's heart became cold again.

No matter how powerful it is, it is still an expert-level skill.

And Jane and Yamashita Sichuan are already more than experts. They are super bosses. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to use expert-level skills to argue with super bosses?

This chapter has been completed!
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