Chapter 1226 Professor from Beijing University

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 The president of Beijing University is a big shot.

Although his rank is the same as that of President Yi Ming of Qingjiang University, everyone knows that to be the president of Peking University, one Yi Ming is not enough.

Peking University is one of the top universities in the country, and their vice president is extremely powerful, with several academicians from both academies and academies.

Zhou Boyan, president of Peking University, is a well-known Chinese master and philosopher in China. On the one hand, he studies Chinese studies and is unique in Chinese studies. On the other hand, he also studies Western philosophy and has made great achievements in the history of philosophy.

Principal Zhou Boyan also has in-depth research on the Book of Changes. It is said that based on the theory of the Book of Changes, he can really deduce bad luck and good fortune, as well as ways to resolve them.

Of course, this is just a rumor.

Zhou Boyan came in.

Behind him was a driver and a secretary.

Not bringing anyone else with me means that this is a personal relationship, not purely official business.

If it was official business, he would not come alone, but would bring his subordinates and even the media.

Zhou Boyan said, we have been friends for many years, and I came to see you in private today. I heard that you were sick, and I was very anxious. However, I calculated it using Yili and found that it was not a bad thing, but a good thing. I thought, there is no need to rush.

Come quickly.

Dean Xiao was very excited and wanted to get out of bed several times, but was held down by Principal Zhou Boyan.

"You have undergone such a major operation, so you must have a good rest. Your body is the capital of revolution."

"I'm all healed. Liu Miqiao helped me perform a brainstem puncture and a radical resection of the brainstem hemangioma. I'm completely healed."

"Well, okay, I already know. They reported it to me as soon as possible. Liu Maqiao is a doctoral candidate in our school, right? I want to meet him."

"Principal, I would like to make a few suggestions. Liu Muqiao is a master's and doctoral student of Professor Long in our school. He has been studying for his doctorate for more than a year. I think he can graduate. This is the first suggestion, and the second suggestion is,

Can we hire him as a professor in our school? The third suggestion is that three international masters of Vilishi surgery suddenly appeared in the Pancreatic Surgery Department of Peking University First Hospital. The Pancreatic Surgery Department needs to expand and establish a Pancreatic Surgery Center. I would like to invite Liu Muqiao

As the director and principal of the center, these are my three suggestions to you."

President Zhou Boyan did not express his position immediately. He pondered for a while and then said: "Well, I think your suggestion is good. As long as the level is reached, time is not a problem for doctoral graduation. For this, please ask Professor Long to apply. There is a degree recognition team

The decision will be made at the meeting."

Principal Zhou Boyan took an alcohol disinfection napkin from the secretary's hand and wiped it in his hand, then said: "As for the third question, this is your dean's responsibility. The appointment of the chief director is all yours."

Responsibilities, you make the decision yourself."

Principal Zhou Boyan took the mineral water from Dean Xiao’s lover, unscrewed the cap, and took a sip.

Then he said: "As for hiring him as a professor, this matter is of great importance and I have to think about it. Logically speaking, the age is inappropriate, but age is not an absolute issue. I want to discuss it."

"Principal, are you concerned that he has already been hired by Qingjiang University?"

"Professor of Qingjiang University? Bullshit! I won't hesitate because Liu Miqiao was hired by Qingjiang University. I was thinking whether Liu Miqiao would win the award."

"What do you mean?"

Professor Zhou Boyan said: "I heard that the scientific research results that Liu Muqiao submitted for review are likely to win the highest award. If he wins the award, I am not in a hurry to hire him. If he does not win the award, I want to hire him as soon as possible. Lao Xiao, Liu Muqiao will sooner or later

I want to win the Nobel Prize."

"I just got the news that his award was ruined."


Principal Zhou Boyan began to think deeply.

Then he laughed.

"Old Xiao, please find a way to help me contact Liu Miqiao. I want to hire him as a professor of pancreatic surgery - oh, no, professor of neurology."

Zhou Boyan is all smiles.

It’s a good thing you didn’t win any prize.

If you can’t do it this year, you will definitely get it next year, and if you get it next year, the result will belong to our Beijing University.

Principal Zhou Boyan wants to compete with Zhou Yiming for Liu Muqiao.

Liu Muqiao is an undergraduate student at Qingjiang University. His establishment is at Qingjiang University, which is Yi Ming’s advantage.

Peking University also has advantages. Liu Muqiao is a student of Peking University. His current results can be used as doctoral graduation results, so Peking University has become one of the collaborators.

If he is hired as a professor at Peking University, he can share his achievements with Qingjiang University.

At this time, Liu Muqiao was in the hotel and was pestered.

Just now, Principal Zhou Boyan was coming, and Liu Muqiao left the ward. He didn't want to see Principal Zhou Boyan at this time.

Liu Muqiao is willing and somewhat eager to become a professor at Peking University. Peking University is the most famous university in the country.

As a formal professor at Peking University, there is another condition, which is that Qingjiang University must agree.

Liu Muqiao had no idea about this.

Although Principal Zhou Ming and I are good friends, out of personal feelings, Principal Zhou Ming may agree to his part-time job, but in the case of Yu Gong, it is difficult to say.

Qingjiang University is ranked 985, and it has a competitive relationship with Beijing University. Especially who gets the credit for Liu Maqiao's scientific research results is very subtle.

Now, Liu Muqiao has made many scientific and technological achievements, and it is completely expected to win the grand prize. If he shares it with Peking University, Peking University has a greater reputation and a much brighter aura. Qingjiang University and Peking University are on an equal footing, and their brilliance will easily be outshined by Beijing University.

Big cover up.

Liu Muqiao still has concerns.

He doesn't want to fall out with Yi Ming because of being a professor at Beijing University.

Liu Muqiao knows how to be grateful.

When I graduated, I was hired as a professor by the school and was allowed to open a studio. I owe a lot to Yi Ming for what I am today.

Don’t be ungrateful.

Liu Muqiao planned that if Peking University issued an invitation, he would still be prepared to get Zhou Ming's consent first. Although the possibility of consent was less than 40%, he wanted to do Zhou Ming's work.

He had also thought about it. If Yi Ming firmly disagreed, he would decline the invitation from Beijing University.

At this time, he was pestered by Professor Xue in the hotel.

"Dr. Liu, I extend an invitation to you on behalf of our dean. You said that it is impossible to agree unless our dean calls you personally. But you don't give me your phone number! Tell me, what is your mobile phone number?


Liu Muqiao shook his head.

He wants to laugh.

If you want to find me, is there no other way but for me to give you my phone number?

At this time, the phone vibrated.

Jiang Wei called.

Liu Muqiao glanced at Professor Xue and thought, the director of your hospital is still smarter than you.

"The president of Peking University is looking for you and wants to hire you as a professor at Peking University..."

Before the call was finished, Professor Xue asked eagerly: "Is this the call from our dean? Tell us, our dean will personally invite you."

This chapter has been completed!
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