Chapter 1233 Principal Time

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 The people who greeted Principal Shiguang walked a long way. They greeted them all the way to the gate, but they didn’t see the Audi A6L inside the school.

The old principal was mentally prepared for this time. He knew about administration and what standard subordinates would do.

Principal Shiguang’s secretary must ensure that a group of people come up to greet Principal Shiang when he gets off the bus. This is his basic responsibility, so he will notify the other party in sufficient time in advance to avoid accidents.

What the secretary fears most is that when the leader arrives, the scene is deserted.

Seeing Liu Muqiao glance at the door from time to time, the old principal said with a smile: "It's not that fast. At least 30 minutes in advance. In less than half an hour, we won't be able to get there."

Liu Muqiao smiled slightly.

He didn't know much about administration, but he knew that even a decent intellectual principal like Yi Ming would do as the Romans do, and he wouldn't be sloppy in situations.

Principal Zhou Yiming can be very casual and unscrupulous with Liu Muqiao in private, but in formal situations, he is still well-behaved, not unconventional, and does not do something else.

All walks of life have rules, and abiding by the rules is the basis for entering the industry. If you don't even follow the rules, then you are not an orthodox person in this industry, and you will not be able to go very far.
Since Principal Zhou Yiming can do as the Romans do, then there is no reason for Principal Shiguang of the same university to disobey the rules.

Liu Muqiao smiled understandingly.

"Professor Mu Qiao, I said it's best for you not to be an administrator. It's not that I have any prejudice against administration. I'm saying that you should live a free, comfortable and relaxed life, or live your own life and do your own profession.

It’s better. Don’t look at people still respecting me so much now. Haha, Mu Qiao, you are not an outsider. I’m going to whisper to you, but that’s for others to see..."

"Old Pan, please stop talking, okay? Principal Shiguang is good enough for you, okay!"

The old principal's wife quickly stopped him from continuing.

"Dr. Liu is not an outsider. He is still very young, so it will be fine." said the old principal.

"Old Pan, you are a generous person, why do you always take that matter to your heart?" the old principal's wife reminded him.

"Which thing? Oh, you are wrong, I have not paid attention to that matter a long time ago." The old principal said with a smile.

What he said is true.

As an older generation, it is difficult not to have conflicts with the younger generation. It is inevitable that people will change the policies and strategies of the past.

The successor of the old principal is now Principal Shiguang. In the past, Principal Shiang has changed a lot of the rules he set. Some of the changes in sensitive policies cannot be fully accepted by the old principal, and some of them even directly deny the old principal's work and performance.
The old principal is still a very generous person, especially after being ill for 5 years. He has already seen through what should be seen. He also established a rule, that is, no one around him is allowed to talk about school affairs, let alone go to school.

Criticize the current leadership.

Not listening or asking was the rule he set for himself.

However, there are still contradictions.

Two years ago, people came from above, and there was a session where old leaders were arranged to participate. However, Principal Shiguang did not send anyone to pick up Principal Pan.

The reason is that Mr. Pan is ill.

Principal Pan was very angry at the time. He was not hospitalized or bedridden. He was able to go out and walk around in a nearby park every day.

Originally, he was looking forward to this interview, but in the end, he missed him.

This incident greatly stimulated the old principal.

Although Principal Shiguang later explained that he thought the old principal was hospitalized in the capital for treatment, this reason was very weak.

This is what Principal Pan's wife said.

What he said was indeed that he did not keep this matter in mind.

However, there was something that old principal Pan couldn't get over. A year ago, there was a Japanese professor giving lectures at Tongji Hospital. It was completely possible to arrange for that professor to consult with the old principal. Shi Shi also knew that the old principal was in hospital, but there was no arrangement.


The old principal can't get over this.

The old principal said: "Mu Qiao, man, health is the greatest wealth. Only health belongs to you. I have experienced this personally in the past few years. If you don't have a good body, everything will return to zero. You have such miraculous medical skills.

, it’s best to make further progress and don’t let administration delay you.”

This is the right thing to say, and Liu Muqiao accepted it easily.

"In the past few years, I have come to realize that health is a very important thing. No matter how rich you are, how powerful you are, or how famous you are, without health, everything is just a cloud. Your knowledge is about benefiting mankind on the one hand, but the key is

, your knowledge surpasses other subjects. Studying medicine is really better than studying other subjects..."

He spoke for more than ten minutes in one breath.

His lover couldn't bear it anymore.

"Are you giving a report? People are tired of listening to such a long speech. Are you energetic? Hey! Lao Pan, how do you feel about your health?"

"It's not bad." said the old principal.

"In the past, your voice would become hoarse after you spoke a few words, but today you have been speaking for more than ten minutes and your voice is still so loud. Dr. Liu, your acupuncture skills are really superb." The old principal's wife said in surprise.


"Yes, Mu Qiao, your medical skills are really amazing. I have never heard of this kind of acupuncture before. It must not be ordinary acupuncture."

Liu Muqiao smiled and said: "It is indeed not ordinary acupuncture. I asked the old principal to help me keep the secret. I don't want too many people to know. Patients don't have to tell when they need it, but once more people know, no one can

Sick people will also come to our door."

The old principal quickly said: "I understand this. I will never tell others that you have such medical skills. You can treat illnesses when you are sick and keep fit when you are not sick. Once others find out, those who are looking for you will break down the door."

Of course the old principal understands this.

Nowadays, there are so many rich people in society. In addition to pursuing wealth, they value health more. If there are famous doctors and good medicines, they will find them no matter how difficult it is.

Therefore, there have been some fake miracle doctors in society, who have deceived many plutocrats and celebrities. For example, there is a man named Wang in Pingshi, who has deceived many celebrities.

Sometimes people are fooled even though they know it is a scam, just because they take health too seriously and would rather believe it.

Liu Muqiao checked the time again. Sure enough, almost half an hour had passed and Principal Shiguang hadn't arrived yet.

"How about it, Mu Qiao, am I right? It's not too long. Sometimes, it's common to wait for an hour or two. Waiting is actually not the most difficult thing. The most difficult thing is rushing. Sometimes in order to

It would be thrilling to get there before the leader arrives."

Principal Pan frowned and continued: "When I was a county magistrate, I was inspecting road construction in one township and decided to inspect the water conservancy in another township. I only needed 20 minutes, and those who came from the city

It would take an hour for the relevant people. Unexpectedly, when I got there in 20 minutes, not one of them was absent, and they were all there. Later, I was scared to think about it. It took them only 20 minutes to travel an hour, and all of them were there.

It's a mountain road."

This chapter has been completed!
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