Chapter 1236 Why is Liu Maqiao sitting on the stage?

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 It is true that some people are unhappy.

Why is Liu Muqiao sitting on the stage?

Even if you are capable, your skills are different? Ours are all medical skills, is it your magical skills?

Intellectuals are generally very conceited, look down on others, and think that they are the most powerful.

There are several liver specialist experts who have been performing liver transplants for many years and are very famous internationally. How can they look down on Liu Miqiao at this moment?

Usually, they only look at foreign language materials, and they only look at liver transplantation, and at most some liver tumors, because liver transplantation is inseparable from liver tumors.

A considerable number of liver cancer patients also want to choose liver transplantation, but the chance of success is relatively small, because liver transplantation requires waiting for a liver source, and liver cancer patients cannot afford the time. If the liver source is not waiting, liver cancer will reach an advanced stage.

This group of experts has made great achievements in Tongji Hospital, making liver surgery one of the largest liver disease departments in the country. These experts are quite awesome.

Now, here comes Liu Muqiao. At a young age, he was hired as a professor by the school and was also appointed as the director of general surgery.

Why should he be the director of surgery other than orthopedics, thoracic surgery, and gynecology?

Will he do a liver transplant?

Liu Muqiao heard this voice.

He smiled slightly.

He has long been a master-level expert in liver surgery. Can he still perform a liver transplant?

I've been itching for a long time, but I just never had the chance!

The biggest problem in liver transplantation is the liver source.

Transplantation has this problem.

Kidney transplants, corneal transplants, liver transplants, and other transplants all require a stable source of organs, and this source has always been very difficult.

Kidney transplantation is better, but liver transplantation is very difficult, and it is difficult to obtain a liver source. This is one of the reasons why Antai Hospital has not performed liver transplantation until today.

Of course, another reason is that Antai did not specially introduce a liver transplant doctor. Liu Maqiao is a master of hepatobiliary surgery. He has no problem with the operation, and there are no problems with the operation and treatment.

However, Liu Muqiao cannot regard himself as a resident doctor. Liver transplant patients have a long hospital stay, and the treatment process is very complicated. Medications must be adjusted at any time, and the patient's condition must be monitored at least four times a day.

Obviously, there is a lack of liver transplant doctors with long-term professional training. It is not cost-effective to perform a liver transplant just by Liu Miqiao.

This is an important reason why Antai Hospital does not carry out transplantation.

However, Liu Miqiao has had liver transplantation skills for almost two years and really wants to give it a try.

When he heard someone in the audience questioning that he would not do a liver transplant, he made up his mind.

The meeting begins.

The dean held a mobilization meeting for each subject.

It is divided into hepatobiliary surgery, liver transplant surgery, and pancreatic surgery, with a total of 24 departments. Together with gastrointestinal surgery, it is classified under the general surgery department, with Liu Miqiao as the director of the general surgery department.

There was some discussion in the audience.

There are many kinds of sounds.

Some are envious, some are resentful, and some are indifferent.

Logically, there should be a group of people cheering and cheering, but this kind of voice is extremely weak.

Liu Muqiao's name is not resounding everywhere, let alone every discipline. This is the case at Tongji Hospital.

Tongji Hospital was a Western hospital established by Westerners a hundred years ago. It later developed into a medical school and was the earliest medical school in China.

They have a sense of pride and a sense of loss.

Pride, they are pure modern medicine, a Western hospital established by foreigners. They are in the same line as Hopkins University, just like Yan Fuqing, one of the founders of Xiangya Medical College, their founder is also Hopkins

Sri Lanka’s orthodox bloodline.

At the same time, they also feel a sense of loss.

Because Nan Xiang Ya and Bei Xie He were so well-known, the so-called Chinese Tongji was added later, which was their biggest regret.

Therefore, over the years, they have been competing with Xiangya, targeting Xiangya Hospital and Xiangya Medical College.

They are determined to surpass Xiangya.

So why don't they bother with Union Hospital?

Concorde is too big and too strong. It is unrealistic to catch up with them.

Therefore, Tongji Hospital has a Xiangya complex.

To be honest, this is a good thing and this is motivation. Tongji people are determined to be the most powerful Western hospital. They are one of the first hospitals to establish long-term cooperation with foreign countries. Doctors must have overseas experience when they are promoted. They require all doctors to have overseas experience.

Doctors must read foreign language journals. They publish many foreign journals, which can be said to be the most among hospitals.

Because they have this complex, they have indeed surpassed Xiangya in many aspects over the years, among which liver surgery is a lot ahead.

They read less domestic journals, and most of the people who read them are low-level doctors. After becoming associate professors, they generally stop reading domestic journals.

Therefore, very few people know Liu Muqiao’s name.

Another reason is that the development of pancreatic surgery in Tongji Hospital is average. There is no separate pancreatic surgery department, but it is attached to the hepatobiliary surgery department. As a result, there is no very dedicated pancreatic surgeon.

Because hepatobiliary surgery is so famous, everyone wants to become a member of the mainstream society. Now that they work in hepatobiliary surgery, everyone wants to be a leader in hepatobiliary surgery, but no one is working hard in the direction of pancreatic surgery.

It is for this reason that few people in Tongji Hospital know that Liu Miqiao can perform the Vilishi surgery, and some even don’t know what the Vilishi surgery means.

Therefore, Liu Muqiao, a great master, did not arouse much resonance in Tongji Hospital.

There was a lot of buzz in the venue.

The key is to divide into specialties. Some people will leave hepatobiliary surgery.

The Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery is a brand department of Tongji Hospital. Working as a doctor there has such a bright aura that no one wants to leave.

Even the pancreatic surgery team is not willing to come out. They are willing to live in the hepatobiliary surgery department, so that their lives will be more glorious.

Now, the hospital is determined to separate the pancreatic surgery department, which is like getting a divorce. Some people are unwilling, which is painful.

The dean began to introduce Liu Muqiao.

"Professor Liu Muqiao is a great expert in surgery, especially in pancreatic surgery. He is the highest level in the country today..."

This kind of introduction seems very important, but in the eyes of experts, it is not valuable. In the audience, there are several professors who are also super big names in the country, and they are also the highest level in the country.

What’s so great about Liu Muqiao having the highest level of pancreatic surgery?

The dean continued to introduce Liu Miqiao.

However, there were no advertising slogans in the wording, and there was no similar exaggeration. Although Liu Miqiao's achievements in neurosurgery, spine surgery, burns and plastic surgery were introduced, the audience's reaction became complicated.

Some people are doubting.

Experts should be specialized rather than abusive.

You can do this and that, so why don’t you become a general practitioner?

General practitioners are not valuable in the eyes of specialists, and they are even looked down upon.

Liu Muqiao’s introduction fell into a trap.

This chapter has been completed!
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