Chapter 1354 Liu Maqiao smiled with satisfaction

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 Liang Hongyu said: "Withdraw from most product production lines, focus on air conditioners, make the best air conditioners, and add a few new product lines to avoid the edge and find new ways."

Liu Muqiao laughed and said, "I understand. It turns out that the Dali air conditioner originally belonged to Miss Hongyu. Now it has a very good reputation. We need to increase investment, right?"

Liang Hongyu nodded and said: "Yes, our company's Dali air conditioner has several core technologies that are the most advanced. In addition, we have worked hard on technology, and we are determined to make the best air conditioner in China and even internationally."
Liu Muqiao asked again: "Do you have an absolute stake in Dali Air Conditioning?"

Liang Hongyu said: "I don't own it, but I have control. The other shares belong to the Zhu City Municipal Government. They mean to prepare for listing."

Liu Muqiao nodded and said yes, knowing better.

He is not optimistic about Dali Air Conditioning itself, but is optimistic about Liang Hongyu.

Who could have predicted that Dali air conditioners would indeed become a giant in China, with quality and sales far ahead? What Liu Maqiao didn't expect was that this time came so quickly, only taking a year and a half.

A few years later, Liang Hongyu also became a master-level business person and became a big sister in China.

This is a later story.

Back to the topic.

The shareholders meeting officially decided that Liang Hongyu will serve as the chairman of Hongyu Technology Company, Mr. Tang will serve as vice chairman, and Mr. Shi will serve as director and CEO.

Mrs. Liang accepted Liu Miqiao's invitation to serve as the chief investment officer of Shenzhou Electronics. Liu Miqiao placed her position above CEO Zhou Ming.

How can Liu Muqiao have too much time to manage the company?

He is still his doctor, and running a business is just a hobby. When he has time, he can read the reports and understand the company's operating conditions. He will only participate in the decision-making when it comes to big decisions.

This is his plan.

After the meeting, Liu Maqiao helped Liang Hongyu do a Tianlai acupuncture.

This time, Liu Miqiao sighed, why are there so many beauties?

To be honest, Liang Hongyu is a very beautiful woman, especially the fragrance on her body is almost exactly the same as that on Jiang Wei.

This kind of fragrance makes Liu Muqiao feel ecstasy.

Liu Muqiao knew that he couldn't stay with Liang Hongyu for too long because his immunity was not strong enough. This kind of person was both talented and beautiful, especially the type he liked. He could smell her fragrance when he was more than one meter away from her.

After a long time, you may fall into a mud pit.

If Jiang Wei hadn't had this accident, Liu Miqiao might have indulged himself a little, but now, he was determined to make Jiang Wei his only one.

However, he sometimes hesitates about the only two words.

Where is Su Yajuan?

Liu Muqiao helped Liang Hongyu perform a natural sound acupuncture, and the song she chose was "Jasmine".

After the Tianlai acupuncture was done, Liang Hongyu suddenly changed into a beautiful person, full of vitality, and every pore exuded the breath of youth.

Liu Muqiao gritted his teeth hard.

Damn it, it turns out Liang Hongyu is a peerless beauty!

Liu Miqiao was secretly frightened. Although his mind was shouting, "No! No!", his body was honest, and every cell in his body was singing!

"Mu Qiao, I will entrust Liang Hongyu to you for the rest of her life. Of course, I don't mean that. I just think that you and Liang Hongyu are both sweethearts. You should pay more attention to her in the mall from now on.

Isn’t this excessive request?”

Mrs. Liang has always been by her side. She could not fail to see Liu Miqiao's demeanor. She also noticed that Liu Muchiao was definitely in love with Liang Hongyu.

Of course, as someone who has experienced this, 50-year-old Liang Hongyu will not fail to know that Liu Muchiao has a very large choice space, and Liang Hongyu is not the only woman in the world. Besides, men can be very casual when they like women, it is their nature.

Mrs. Liang certainly hopes that Liu Muchiao and Liang Hongyu can develop further, but she feels that this possibility is not very high.

Liu Muqiao is already 26 years old and has long been a celebrity. Will he be short of women around him?

However, she still made this request.

"No problem." Liu Maqiao agreed readily.

She is a person on the same boat, so if you don’t take care of her, who will you take care of?

"There is still a long way to go, Mu Qiao. I will help you for five years. If Hongyu can take on a big job, you can continue to cooperate."

After Mrs. Liang said this, she took Liang Hongyu and left.

It's time for her to leave. Her husband's affairs haven't been settled yet, and some guests have arrived, including some foreigners, Mr. Liang's friends and partners.

Mrs. Liang and Liang Hongyu are going to socialize.

Besides, it has been agreed that Liu Muqiao will also meet with Mr. Shi and Mr. Tang. This is also very important. Mr. Tang and Mr. Shi are both heavyweights in the company. In the future, whether this friendly force will have combat effectiveness will depend on their abilities and attitudes.


Mrs. Liang is gone.

Liang Hongyu also left.

When she went out, she looked back at Liu Miqiao. This time the eye contact lasted for 10 seconds. Liu Miqiao knew exactly what message this was conveying.

Mr. Tang and Mr. Shi came together to see Liu Miqiao.

Today’s ending is happy for everyone.

Only now do they understand that it is purely a dream for two people to want to be chairman. With Mrs. Liang here, the possibility of the dream becoming a reality is infinitely close to zero.

They are destined not to be the chairman. Even if Mr. Shi fully supports Mr. Tang, or Mr. Tang supports Mr. Shi from the beginning, there is only one outcome for them, and no one has a chance.

Mrs. Liang is so amazing.

Even if she doesn't rely on Liu Muqiao, they have no chance of winning. She is a person with great wisdom. Mr. Tang and Mr. Shi are vulnerable to this person.

Even Liang Hongyu, they are ashamed of themselves. Liang Hongyu inherited the genes of Mrs. Liang and Mr. Liang, and this gene is very powerful.

Looking at Liang Hongyu's part-time investment results, they were already amazed.

They know that Mr. Liang did not withdraw a large amount of funds to invest in his daughter, but gave 10 billion yuan to his son. With limited funds, she actually received such generous returns on investment and financial management. Many people started businesses, and the entire enterprise

You can’t make that much money either.

Mrs. Liang and Liang Hongyu made them suddenly realize that women can also run businesses and be so good.

Just like it is generally believed that women cannot drink, once a woman appears who can drink, how can ordinary men dare to drink with them?

"Mr. Liu, thanks to your intervention, Hongyu Technology Company was saved. Thank you."

"Chairman Mu Qiao, really, we want to thank you very much. If you hadn't taken action this time, our Hongyu Technology would have been in disaster."

Mr. Shi and Mr. Tang said.

"It's not that serious." Liu Maqiao said.

"We know that really, if you hadn't taken action, a disaster would have been imminent this time." Mr. Tang's face was solemn, "Because the two of us will do our best to prevent Liang Hongyu from becoming the chairman."

"Yes, splitting is the minimum." Mr. Shi said, "I have already found my next employer. Once the election fails and there is no good arrangement, I am going to go to Tenghui Company in the south."

This chapter has been completed!
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