Chapter 1360 Stay away from sports

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 For Mr. Yang and Mr. Ma, the concept of health is still "no disease". They believe that as long as Liu Miqiao is by their side, they will be worry-free.

Now it seems that health is not only the absence of disease, but also the absence of "aging"!

This was a big discovery. They looked at each other.

"Man, we really came to the right place!"

Indeed, they definitely came to the right place.

Being able to live in Jianyang City for a lifetime is the greatest blessing in life.

There are extremely strict restrictions on people who can live in Jianyang City for a lifetime. First of all, they must be talents and people who have made great contributions to society. If they are businessmen, it is not enough to just have money, they must also be useful to society. Profiteers must be

Not allowed.

As for a group of politicians, not many have actually come in. The main reason is that after they retire, they are already very old. Even if they live in Jianyang City, they will not have any substantial changes in their health. At most, they can live a few more years.


And people are unknown about the future. Everyone does not know how long they can live. Without comparison, how do you know if you live longer in Jianyang City?

More importantly, in Jianyang City, there are no waiters and staff, unless people in the city volunteer to serve you.

A person who is accustomed to being served by waiters cannot leave them when he reaches old age.

Therefore, there are not many high-ranking officials in Jianyang City.

As for people in the scientific community, there are not many.

First of all, people in the scientific community do not recognize the theory of aura. This is neither a gas nor a ray, and its existence has not been proven at all. They will not blindly believe it at all.

They also tested it when the spiritual energy broke out, and the test result was fog, but this kind of fog was a bit strange. The oxygen atoms in the fog actually had two negative charges.

As for the aura, they didn't detect it.

Practitioners told them that there are spiritual energy beams in the body, but they do not believe it even more. The reason is that there cannot be gas beams in blood vessels and meridians, which will cause embolism.

What's more important is that the so-called spiritual energy beam has no imaging images at all on CT-level and MRI machines.

They don't believe in the existence of spiritual energy.

Besides, the reason why scientists become scientists is because scientific research is their hobby. They have been doing scientific research all their lives. They have no time to think about other things. Naturally, they are not interested in cultivation.

As for businessmen, they are not the mainstream. Rich people want to make more money. Making money is their happiest thing. How many businessmen are willing to give up their wealth and come here to be a lonely old man?

Therefore, people who want to come to Jianyang City generally cannot get in, and those who can come in are rarely willing to come. There is another reason why there is no unified statement on the benefits of Jianyang City, and no one deliberately promotes it, but it can

Conceal it as much as possible.

Mr. Yang and Mr. Ma were hesitant before today, doubting whether their decision was right. Now that they heard that Zhang Jiuyu and the others had spiritual energy beams in their bodies, they felt no regrets. They only regretted that they came in late.

Before the two of them finished eating, they pestered Qingyunzi to learn internal skills and mental methods.

Qingyunzi laughed loudly and said: "Okay, okay, I will teach you well. Let me tell you two, you came to Jianyang City at the right time. It is difficult for people to come to the human world. The probability is very low. Billions, billions, billions.

One in a billion, now that you are here, live well. One more day is one more day. There are so many benefits from learning my internal skills and mental methods. First, you can strengthen your body and become as light as a swallow; second, you can strengthen your body and become as light as a swallow;

The first is to prolong life. Living 150 or 200 years old is not a dream; third, maybe you can become an immortal..."

Mr. Sheep and Mr. Horse became more and more crazy as they listened. They were dreaming of becoming immortals.

However, Zhang Jiuyu reminded him in time, saying: "You don't have to pay too much attention to the theory of becoming an immortal. You only need to learn internal skills and mental methods and accumulate spiritual energy the size of a hair in your body. It is entirely possible for you to live healthily for more than 120 years."


"How big is a hair?"

Mr. Yang seems to be dissatisfied with this result. Yours is the size of a small loach, so why should we be so far behind? How did they know that Zhang Jiuyu has been here for decades, and before this spiritual energy explosion, the spiritual energy in his body was only

The size of a few hairs.

"You think it's too small? You can be satisfied. A piece of spiritual energy of this size can cleanse the internal organs, activate the meridians, and remove all the waste and toxins from the body. You will not get sick, will not age, and will be healthy.

Live a healthy life of more than 100 years." Zhang Jiuyu explained.

He explained it from a medical perspective, which is more convincing.

"How long does it take to accumulate aura the size of a hair?" Mr. Ma, a businessman, asked the key points in a very practical way.

"This depends on cause and effect and chance." Qingyunzi said.

"How do you say this?" Mr. Yang asked.

"Some people will never be able to capture aura the size of a hair in their lifetime, while some people will be able to capture it in a few days."

Qingyunzi recently came to the conclusion that he discovered from Jiang Wei that it turns out that so much spiritual energy can be accumulated in the fastest day or two.

"How many days?"

Mr. Yang and Mr. Ma only focus on the benefits. They have always been the lucky ones of the times. There are thousands of people doing business. How many are successful? They are the lucky ones. Since some people can accumulate spiritual energy in a few days, then,

We can definitely do it too.

Mr. Niu hasn't spoken much, so now he has to remind them.

"Man, don't be too confident. Be prepared for a protracted war. I have been here for 4 years, and I have only recently developed aura the size of a hair. If you are not mentally prepared, I'm worried that you will rush for success."

Mr. Niu said.

Zhang Jiuyu also said: "Don't be in a hurry for success. It took me more than two years to accumulate spiritual energy as big as a hair, but I recently made a big breakthrough. So, don't be in a hurry for success."

Both Mr. Yang and Mr. Ma are business people, so they naturally know that some things cannot be rushed. They are also patient. Sometimes, their patience is far stronger than that of ordinary people.

Several people talked for a while, and drank all the wine in the wine glass without realizing it.

"It's a pity, it's a little less." Mr. Ma is a drunkard. He often drinks heartily during social events. His alcohol capacity is two kilograms.

"Yes, good wine, authentic Maotai. It would be great if I had another bottle." Mr. Yang also has a good drinker and is known for his forthrightness when socializing.

Zhang Jiuyu laughed and said: "I'm sorry, it's not that I'm stingy. When you arrive in Jianyang City, your living habits will change. First, try not to drink alcohol. Occasionally, if something happy happens, you can take a sip or two to cheer up. I won't do it either.

If you oppose it, it is not a good thing. Stay away. Secondly, the health regimen here emphasizes 'life lies in stillness', which is contrary to the health philosophy outside. I used to be opposed to this, but now it has changed and I have begun to pay attention.

Yes, life really lies in stillness. Third, outside it is about going to bed early and getting up early. Here, it is about going to bed late and getting up late. It is best to go to bed at 3 o'clock in the evening and get up at 10 o'clock in the morning. Because here, the spiritual energy is emitted at 12 o'clock in the evening and 3 o'clock in the morning.

Then slowly decrease after clicking..."

This chapter has been completed!
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