Chapter 1366 Many people are back

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 It will most likely be 7 days and 7 nights again.

It has been 6 days and 7 nights, and the spiritual energy has not dissipated.

As the radio continued to broadcast the possibility of an earthquake, in the end, less than one-twentieth of the people left in the city.

Many people regret it.

The few hundred people who stayed really enjoyed a spiritual feast.

The spiritual energy in Qingyunzi's body is not a bundle, but spiritual energy flowing throughout the entire meridians. Now he does not need guidance at all, just like a big river, it flows continuously in the meridians.

This is a good sign.

Qingyunzi himself believes that it is just a matter of chance that he will ascend, and he already has all the conditions for ascending.

However, what he was confused about was why he hadn't ascended yet?

Indeed, he did not ascend.

Of course there is no doubt in his mind that ascension may not exist. He firmly believes that sooner or later he will ascend, and it will be very soon, because he already feels as light as a swallow.

He stood on the rooftop and wanted to jump several times.

However, he hesitated.

What if being as light as a swallow is an illusion? What about an imagination?

He did not jump.

There are two results for jumping, one is to fly up or remain intact, and the other is to be broken into pieces.

After all, he is a 150-year-old man. Who knows if his bones are as broken as rotten wood?

He did not jump, but continued to desperately absorb spiritual energy.

Mr. Niu, Mr. Sheep, and Mr. Ma came back on the 5th day after the aura broke out. They regretted being so timid and afraid of death.

It turns out that there is nothing wrong with the saying that wealth can be gained through danger. Being greedy for life and fearful of death will lead to inaction in the end.

They came back after much hesitation.

Mr. Niu benefited a lot after he came back. His spiritual energy beam actually increased and became the size of 6 hairs.

This is amazing.

Some people cannot achieve this level of achievement in a lifetime. Mr. Niu only spent more than 4 years. From now on, he will not need to take anti-cancer drugs at all. This aura is enough to cleanse any harmful substances in the body.


It cannot be said that Mr. Ma and Mr. Yang have gained much when they come back. They have not yet mastered the internal skills and mental methods, so it is impossible to form a spiritual energy beam, but it is not without benefits. At least, their cells are influenced by spiritual energy, just like steel being magnetized.

, it will be beneficial to future cultivation.

Mr. Niu and the others are not the only ones to come back.

On the seventh day, people who came back began to gather in groups. They were all very upset that they had missed such a good opportunity.

Especially when someone yells that so-and-so is missing, or that so-and-so leaves a note and disappears.

The missing people are all similar to Qingyunzi.

Soon, the consensus was that they had soared!

It has been 20 years since the last ascension.

A total of 3 people evaporated this time.

Of course those who believe believe that they have ascended, while those who do not believe still assume that they must have evacuated because they were afraid of the earthquake and will not come back.

It is true that some people left completely. Many people believe that earthquakes are only a matter of time, and once Jianyang City is shaken, there will be no chance of survival.

The terrain of Jianyang City is too dangerous, with high mountains on both sides, and it is so steep that in the event of an earthquake, Jianyang City will be buried underground.

In the past few days, about a thousand people have traveled far and wide.

Therefore, the three missing people may have left their lives long ago.

The final conclusion is that some people think they have ascended, while others think they have withdrawn.

When Qingyunzi heard the news, he naturally believed it. He knew the details of these people, their skills were very high, and they were slightly younger than Qingyunzi, but there was a reason for their ascension.

A few years ago, Qingyunzi suffered from an illness, and his practice was sideways. Half of his body was paralyzed, and he lost a lot of power.

He was very happy and strengthened his confidence.

When Liu Muqiao heard this, his first reaction was that they were scared away.

The more people want to live longer, the more they are greedy for life and afraid of death. They find that it is very dangerous in Jianyang City. If they don't run away, is there another way to go?

Zhang Jiuyu also agrees with this analysis.

Yes, he ascended, he must have run away.

6 days and 7 nights, what a guy!

The spiritual energy beam in Liu Miqiao's body is thicker than his thumb.

Jiang Wei's aura is about the same, and she is as thick as a thumb and over one meter long.

Xie Min's progress is relatively slow, and the aura in her body is the size of a small finger.

However, she is already very satisfied.

Such a thick spiritual energy beam is only a cultivation level for high-level people. I am only in my 40s and have such a thick spiritual energy beam. How can I still be dissatisfied?

Only Zhang Jiuyu did not reveal how thick his spiritual energy beam was.

It seems that this big gamble is going to win.

It stands to reason that once the spiritual energy disappears normally, it means that the chance of earthquakes is greatly reduced. Will today be the last day?

In the past, people hoped that the spiritual energy would not be dispersed. This time it was different. Many people hoped that it would be dispersed as soon as possible. Everyone hoped that Jianyang City would be safe.

As we all know, Jianyang City did not exist millions of years ago. About hundreds of thousands of years ago, a major earthquake split the mountain into two, and a grand canyon like this appeared.

Jianyang City was created by an earthquake and may have disappeared due to an earthquake. Many people have this dialectical thinking.

It's just that everyone hopes that it will disappear not now, but sometime in the future.

The aura did not go as everyone expected. It did not disappear. On the contrary, the concentration was still increasing.

"Liu Muqiao, I'm really worried. Is this phenomenon too weird?" Jiang Wei asked.

"Don't be afraid, it's just that we are lucky. These auras are so valuable to you. Now, I guess you can climb mountains and swim." Liu Muqiao said.

"That's good, but the question is what to do if there's an earthquake?" Jiang Wei said.

"It won't happen." Liu Maqiao wanted to gamble again.

"We can't take chances. I think enough is enough. We have gained a lot, and we won't lose anything if we evacuate now." Jiang Wei said.

"But, I think..." Liu Maqiao still wanted to gamble.

"Mu Qiao, Jiang Wei's considerations are reasonable. Should we just evacuate?" Xie Min came over.

"Uh..." Liu Muqiao looked at Xie Min and then at Jiang Wei, he was hesitating.

"Don't hesitate, evacuate now, we have earned enough." Xie Min said.

While he was hesitating, Zhang Jiuyu walked in and said, "Mu Qiao, don't hesitate anymore. You can retreat. I estimate that something big is likely to happen tonight. I'm also planning to retreat 30 miles south and wait there."

A few days."

Seeing what he said, Liu Muqiao said: "Okay, we will retreat south as well."

Zhang Jiuyu said: "Over there, our hospital branch has built temporary wards. Jiang Wei, don't worry, all the equipment and facilities are in good condition."

Xie Min said: "Then act quickly."

Next, several people packed their luggage, and even Jiang Wei was not idle.

"Jiang Wei, don't move."

"It's okay, I know how much physical strength I can withstand."

This chapter has been completed!
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