Chapter 1364 Early Warning

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 Of course, this does not mean that there are no people doing things in Jianyang City. There are people who do things. The managers in the municipal government have a group of migrant workers, but it is difficult to arrange them.

Mr. Ma needs to wait until the house is repaired before he can look at the house and buy it.

Definitely buy one by the river.

There are not many houses by the river anymore, and he doesn't have many choices. The key is that when he wants to repair it, he gives a red envelope to the workers and asks them to decorate according to his ideas.

Now, he lives in an apartment building and has occupied a rooftop, where he pretends to practice.

This time the spiritual energy burst out very powerfully.

Not everyone in Jianyang City will rejoice, some sensible people are afraid of this frequent burst of spiritual energy.

There must be a reason.

The earth's crust is moving?

Is there going to be an earthquake?

Is there going to be a volcanic eruption again?

There is still very little research on Reiki, and the scientific community still has a lot of doubts about Reiki. They even think that Reiki is superstitious and idealistic.

There are many mysteries in the universe. Scientists adopt a relatively open mind and tolerate various theories. They can even accommodate such ethereal things as "wormholes". They are also tolerant of multi-dimensional and multi-parallel spaces.

I don’t know why, but they associate aura with the soul and think it is a superstitious thing.

As for the presence of spiritual energy beams in some people's bodies, scientists do not accept it. Their explanation is that this is an idea that only exists in consciousness and is not linked to actual specific materials.

To put it bluntly, they think aura is imaginary.

Although Liu Muqiao did not agree with the theory of cultivating immortals, he was certain that the spiritual energy bundle in his body was growing continuously.

It was such a coincidence this time. After a night of absorbing spiritual energy, his spiritual energy beam became larger and longer, almost the size of an index finger.

There are a few scientists in Jianyang City. They think that the recent frequent outbursts of spiritual energy must be a sign of something.

This kind of worry is necessary and some contingency measures should be taken.

Are the people in Jianyang City mobilized to temporarily evacuate?

In the event of an earthquake, the topography of Jianyang City is too dangerous. There are mountains on both sides, with only a gap of less than 500 meters in the middle. In the event of an earthquake, the entire Jianyang City will be buried in rocks.

If it were a volcano, it would be flattened by the volcanic lava.

The county government's on-duty staff has received several calls, all reminding the county government that it is time to take action.

The county government held emergency consultations and concluded that it was time to evacuate temporarily.

A notice began to play on the radio, asking all citizens to evacuate 30 miles south along the creek road to a wider area.

He didn’t say the reason or when he would come back.

Liu Muqiao also heard the notice.

Zhang Jiuyu also came over.

"How to deal with it?" Liu Muqiao had no experience in this kind of scene, so he could only ask Zhang Jiuyu for his opinion.

Zhang Jiuyu frowned and said: "It's hard to decide. The key is Jiang Wei. She has such good spiritual energy. It's a pity to leave her. Her heart rate and breathing are so poor. Just practice a relatively large spiritual energy bundle in her body."

Make up for the lack of heart rate and breathing."

When Liu Muqiao heard this, he felt happy. This explanation made sense, "Since there is such a good thing, let's take a risk here. You go, I will stay alone."

"How can this be done? If you stay, I will stay too." Xie Min disagreed.

Zhang Jiuyu pondered for a moment and said: "To be honest, I don't want to leave myself. It's such a shame to have such a strong spiritual energy. I estimate that many people will not leave after the notice is given. If you don't leave, then I will

Not leaving."

Liu Muqiao waved his hand and said: "You should go. I stay here only to take care of Jiang Wei. With her current physique, it is very difficult for her to leave the mountain. If she takes risks and accumulates more spiritual energy, even if her heart rate is lower,

Even if she breathes less, the aura will help support her life. This risk is worth taking."

Xie Min said: "Mu Qiao, you are still young. You evacuate and I will stay."

Zhang Jiuyu said: "You should all leave. I am a doctor and Jiang Wei is my patient. I think I have the most reason to stay."

Several people argued for a while, and finally concluded that they should all stay and take risks together.

There was a commotion in the city, and some people began to move, and some people had disputes with their families. Some wanted to evacuate, and some wanted to stay.

On the road, there are people walking with luggage on their backs, some holding their children, some pushing their parents, and some driving Mercedes-Benz and BMWs.

Here, you can see many kinds of transportation.

This is not difficult to understand. Some people came here a hundred years ago, when the means of transportation were earth carts, and some people came in recently. They drove in their original vehicles after many twists and turns.

Most people move with their luggage on their backs.

Qingyunzi did not leave, he was reluctant to part with it. Such rich spiritual energy was richer than ever before. One breath was worth a month of normal practice.

In the past, there were times when the spiritual energy was very strong, especially the last time when it erupted for 7 days and 7 nights. The spiritual energy was very strong. At that time, Qingyunzi's spiritual energy changed from the thickness of an earthworm to the thickness of a thumb. This shows how much he benefited last time.


He refused to leave and insisted on staying.

Mr. Niu is packing his luggage. He doesn’t want to lose his life here. He will go outside for a while and he will be back soon.

Mr. Yang and Mr. Ma did not hesitate. Their suitcases had been packed and they were ready to leave here in Mr. Niu’s Rolls-Royce.

Many people left overnight.

About one-third of the people remain in the city.

The night passed.

The aura is still so strong.

Jiang Wei woke up on time at 9 o'clock the next day.

Her first sentence was: "What a strong spiritual energy. My spiritual energy beam has become bigger."

Liu Muqiao and Xie Min quickly asked: "How old are you?"

Jiang Wei gestured and said, "It's about the size of thick chopsticks and two feet long."

Liu Muqiao asked: "Did you practice inner strength and mental methods in your dream again?"

Jiang Wei said: "Actually, as soon as I fall asleep, I will practice the internal skills and mental methods involuntarily."

Xie Min said: "Perhaps, you will be the first to succeed."

Jiang Wei said: "What is Zhengguo?"

Xie Min said: "I can't say for sure. Anyway, if we continue to practice like this, we will definitely have unexpected gains in the future."

Liu Muqiao said: "You mean cultivating immortality?"

Xie Min shook his head and said: "I don't believe it either, but health maintenance is certain, and longevity is certain."

Jiang Wei also smiled slightly and said: "I don't believe in cultivating immortals, and I don't ask for longevity. I just want to get better quickly so that I don't drag you down."

Xie Min said: "What are you talking about being a drag? Okay, Jiang Wei, please wash up. The meal will be ready soon. You eat one meal a day, and this meal must be delicious."

Xie Min had already started preparing the meal half an hour ago, and she could start eating as soon as Jiang Wei woke up.

This chapter has been completed!
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