Chapter 1535 They are patients

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 Bayer waited for 12 hours but did not see Liu Miqiao. He was busy.

"How can you be unreasonable to me?"

"Why should I be polite to you? Do we know each other well?"

"I am the Councilor Ape!"

"Consultant ape, it's none of my business!"

"I'm here to inform you to lift your sanctions!"

"I beg you? Do I care whether there are sanctions or not?"

"This is respect for you!"

"I want your respect? Do I care whether you respect me or not?"

"How can you not care, I represent the greatest country!"

"Haha, in my eyes, your country is like mink hair! Do you think it is very important in my eyes? You may be overthinking it!"

"Mr. Liu Muqiao, you can be rude to me, but you can't be rude to our country!"

"It's unreasonable, you're trying to bite me off!"

"Okay, okay, we are not vindictive and are calm. We have lifted the sanctions on you. Please also lift the sanctions on us."

"Why should I listen to you?"


"Equality? Are you equal? ​​You have always been unreasonable, arrogant, and robbers, and now you say you want to be equal? ​​Haha, let me tell you, now it is our turn to not be equal to you."

"Liu Muqiao, don't be crazy!"

"Am I crazy? OK, I am crazy, and I will be crazy to you. You bite me, bite me!"


Liu Muqiao and Bayer competed in the air.

Liu Muqiao was not at Antai Hospital at all. He was on the high-speed rail and took Jiang Weiwei to Chang City. There was a patient with pancreatic cancer in the advanced stage to see if he could be operated on.

Because the patient was too weak, he could not come to Antai Hospital for treatment.

Originally, Liu Muqiao had not performed a similar flying knife for a long time. Today, because Bayer was guarding Sun Tao's office, he did not want to see him. Knowing about this operation, he told Du Xiaoping, you are at home, I will help you do it.


This is not for the sake of money. Du Xiaoping's flying knife abroad costs 100,000 US dollars, and domestically it costs 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, which is very high. Liu Muqiao also paid this price in the past.

Go to Changshi to make flying knives. Of course, the cost of throwing knives will be paid to Liu Muqiao.

However, the current Liu Muqiao is no longer the Liu Muqiao of the past. He was not excited at all about this small amount of money, so he casually threw it to Jiang Weiwei.

The surgical patient in Changshi had a KPS score of only 20, and it was difficult for him to withstand the shock of surgery. Liu Maqiao pondered for a moment, but decided to help him.

Ordinary doctors are very strict in selecting patients for surgery. Those with a KPS score of less than 30 points will try to avoid surgery. It is difficult to say whether such patients can get off the operating table.

The current medical environment is not good either. Once someone gets a handle on medical matters, it may cause serious disputes.

Therefore, in recent decades, doctors' risk-taking spirit has become much worse. Even if the doctor himself is willing to take risks, superior doctors or hospital leaders will stop him.

The KPS score was only 20 points. Liu Miqiao was confident in doing it. The leaders of Changshi Hospital also agreed to the operation after repeatedly consulting the patient's family.

"If something goes wrong, it's not the hospital's fault or the doctor's fault!" the family members swore and signed that they would bear all the consequences themselves.

Liu Muqiao came on stage. There were a large number of doctors in our hospital who wanted to see Liu Muqiao perform surgery. Finally, the director called his name and 6 doctors were selected.

We don’t need so many assistants.

This surgery was performed by Liu Miqiao, who did not perform Vilishi surgery but used the simplest traditional method. The key was to compete with the King of Hell for time.

Pancreatic cancer surgery takes a long time, usually around 5 or 6 hours, and Liu Miqiao plans to complete it in 2 and a half hours.

Jiang Weiwei has cooperated with Liu Muqiao in setting a small goal, which should be achieved.

As soon as the operation started, the onlookers and 3 or 4 assistants in our hospital were so shocked that they were speechless.

Is there such a quick operation?

Liu Muqiao hardly needed much help. Jiang Weiwei tried her best to keep up and only helped when necessary. Most of the time, Liu Muqiao was doing stand-up comedy.

Jiang Weiwei is on the side and doesn’t have many words.

The operation lasted for 2 hours and was over, half an hour shorter than expected.

"Jiang Weiwei, you have made great progress. As I said last time, you have changed a lot of your bad habits. Keep working hard, and maybe you will make progress much faster than others."

Liu Muqiao does not praise people casually, but praises Jiang Weiwei from the heart. Indeed, Jiang Weiwei has made much faster progress in changing her habits than Du Xiaoping and others.

This has something to do with Jiang Weiwei being still young.

Jiang Weiwei is only 32 years old. Logically, she can be promoted to deputy chief doctor next year.

In tertiary hospitals, before the deputy chief doctor, there are not many opportunities to perform major surgeries. Especially in certain disciplines, the chief surgeon is at least the deputy chief doctor. Before the chief surgeon, he is almost a full-time assistant. If he can help in major surgeries, that is

The director looks up to you, you are the director’s younger brother.

Therefore, it is still too late for Jiang Weiwei to change her habits, and many of her problems have not become habits that cannot be changed.

2After completing a pancreatic cancer operation in two hours, and the patient was in a terminal stage, the doctors in our hospital seemed to have discovered a breathtaking fact - we are so bad!

Liu Muqiao did not go back immediately after the operation. Changshi Provincial Hospital finally invited Liu Muqiao. Then several departments applied for Liu Muqiao's consultation and surgery.

To summarize, there are a total of 4 consultations and 2 surgical requests.

He checked and found that two of the four consultation patients did not need to be discussed. Liu Miqiao gave them the answer directly. One was demyelinating disease in the Department of Neurology.

The other is patients with chronic pancreas undergoing pancreatic surgery. They can consider surgery. Elective surgery does not need to be done immediately. Make preoperative preparations and choose the best time.

"The key for this patient is to supplement nutrition, fat emulsion, albumin, and wait until the weight has increased by 5 kilograms before performing surgery. Of course, it may take two months to gain 5 kilograms of weight. During this period, emergency surgery can also be performed.

It’s best to go to Antai Hospital.”

Liu Muqiao said to the department director.

Liu Muqiao rejected the other two consultation patients, "I'm not expert. For those with heart disease, you can ask Li Liuyi for consultation, but I'm not good at it. The other one is from the respiratory department, and I'm not good at it either."

As for the two surgeries, one is for neurosurgery, which deals with tumors, and the other is for liver surgery, which also deals with tumors.

"When can these two surgeries be scheduled at the earliest?"

"The fastest, it can be tonight."

"Okay, let's go back tomorrow morning. There is a high-speed train at 6:30, and it will arrive in Qingjiang City at 8 o'clock."

Liu Muqiao will participate in a surgery at the Department of Burns, Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology tomorrow and will appear in the operating room at 9 o'clock at the latest. It is a level 10 surgery that no one can replace.

"Dean Liu, has Bayer left?" Jiang Weiwei asked.

"I told you not to call me Dean Liu. Just Liu Muqiao. That Bayer, leave him alone. I really have no interest in meeting this group of people. They are too arrogant. I think they are superior to others."

"Aren't you ready to forgive each other?"

"No such plan."

"But these patients are innocent."

"Are they innocent? Why are they innocent?"

"They are patients."

This chapter has been completed!
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