Chapter 1536 Negotiation

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 "Well, even if they are innocent, they still have to pay the price for their country."

"You mean, we'll treat them differently in terms of fees?"

"Huh? You didn't mention it, I haven't thought of it yet. This is a good idea. If they want to seek medical treatment, they can charge an extra fee, which is called the hospital construction fee."

"This is a good name."

"Yes, you have a good idea. From now on, they will charge hospital construction fees of US$30,000 to US$100,000 depending on their condition. They also have this fee name. Many of us used to go to Hopkins Hospital for medical treatment.

Aren’t they also high medical expenses? Okay, that’s it.”

Only then did Liu Muqiao smile, and he had a way to deal with Bayer.

In fact, Bayer himself is not a bad person. He took the initiative to invite Ying to come to Antai Hospital to make peace with Liu Muqiao just to repair the relationship.

However, Liu Miqiao is a bit stubborn. There are not many people he dislikes, but he dislikes the arrogant West Village people very much.

Liu Muqiao and Jiang Weiwei performed two surgeries overnight. The friendly price was just a token of appreciation. One surgery cost 5,000 yuan. This price is the price of an ordinary professor.

A total of 70,000 yuan was collected, and Liu Maqiao gave it to Jiang Weiwei like a toy.

Jiang Weiwei didn’t dare and was embarrassed.

Liu Muqiao smiled and said: "Those who buy candy, take it!"

Jiang Weiwei had no choice. Liu Muqiao already regarded him as a child. The money was for her to buy candies. If she didn't accept it, she didn't know what Liu Muqiao would say.

However, when Liu Muqiao said he bought candy, he was not insulting anyone. He still respected Jiang Weiwei, otherwise he would not have brought her out specifically to train her.

Jiang Weiwei accepted the 70,000 yuan given to her by Liu Muqiao and returned to Qingjiang City. The first thing she did was go to Wangfujing Shopping Mall. Based on visual inspection, she noted down Liu Muqiao's height, shortness, and fatness, and bought a pair of clothes worth more than 30,000 yuan. Prepare to give it to Liu Muqiao after get off work.

Liu Muqiao returned to the hospital and saw Bayer.

This guy was so resilient that he actually sat there waiting for someone to catch him. He stayed here for 4 days and 4 nights and caught Liu Miqiao.

Regarding this point, Sun Tao had some objections to Liu Muqiao, and thought to himself, you can't avoid conflicts. If you don't see Bayer, it will make me engage in united front work here every day, and I dare not speak casually for fear of affecting international relations.

Besides, you, Liu Muqiao, have already lifted the sanctions against you, so why not borrow Poxiadonkey?

Okay, I finally threw this hot potato to Liu Miqiao.

"Mr. Liu Muqiao, I finally see your face."

"I think I am the person who has been sanctioned. Do you want to see how I kneel on the ground and beg you to lift the sanctions? To satisfy your arrogant psychological needs, right? Haha, it's a pity that you can't see it."
"No! I am not an arrogant person, I am friendly and I am here to repair the relationship with you. I am a friendly messenger."

"Okay, even if you are a friendly messenger, tell me, what do you think?"

"First of all, I announce the lifting of sanctions against you."

"It's not rare. I don't care at all whether you punish me or not. I don't have a penny of assets in your country, and I won't ask to set foot on your land. If you ask me to go, I may not be willing. To be honest.

Yes, the world is so big, I may not be able to visit every country in my lifetime, but your country is not rare."

"No, that's not what you mean. We have already lifted the sanctions against you. I think the second question is that we hope you will lift the sanctions against us. The sanctions imposed on us by Antai Hospital."

"Ask me?"

"Well, forget it."

"Are you begging me or asking me?"


"Well, if you ask me, I will ignore you. You have no right to ask us from the perspective of strength. Please, please consider this."

"You agreed?"


"What else do you want?"

"Principle of reciprocity. Didn't you impose many sanctions on us? You lifted 10 of them."

"Equal, it's already reciprocal. Didn't we lift the sanctions on you?"

"Does that count? You don't have to lift the sanctions against me, but you must lift the embargo on Qingjiang University's instruments and equipment."

A few years ago, Qingjiang University was on their blacklist. Tsingjiang University’s materials major was at an international level. They were afraid that Tsingjiang University would be ahead of the curve, so they imposed sanctions on Tsingjiang University, restricting the use of their technology, and prohibiting the sale of advanced instruments to Tsinghua University.



"No? If not, forget it. I won't beg you. We'll stop here."

"No, let's continue talking. Can we negotiate on other terms?"

"Okay, then let's lift the arms embargo."

"This won't work."

"This won't work, that won't work. It seems that you have no sincerity at all."

"It's not that you are insincere, the price you offered is indeed a bit high."

"Gao? Haha, you have hundreds of sanctions, but we sanction you only one. This is very unreasonable. Or, since we want to be friendly, then we all cancel the sanctions. This is fair and reasonable."

"Your asking price is getting higher and higher."

"You just found out?"

"Well, Mr. Liu, let's be more pragmatic. As you know, I'm just a councilor and don't have enough power. Lifting other sanctions is not something I can agree to. I hope you can understand."

"You, since you are not capable enough, why are you still here?"

"Well, that's not the logic. Our boss also has a private message for you. Please accept it."

He quickly took out a letter from his arms and gave it to Liu Miqiao with both hands.

"What a bird letter! I hate him the most." Liu Muqiao didn't even look at it. He tore it gently with both hands, then tore it several times vertically and horizontally, and threw it into the wastebasket.

"Go back and tell the truth. I'm not interested in what he farted. If you are sincere, do something practical and don't tell lies or empty words."

Sun Tao was stunned.

Bayer was also shocked.

What a personality!

Liu Miqiao stood up and said: "Forget it, I won't embarrass you Mr. Bayer. Patients from your country can come for treatment. However, each person who comes to see a doctor needs to pay a hospital construction fee of 30,000 to 100,000 US dollars. You don't

Do you think it’s unreasonable? Your citizens are not qualified to enjoy our public resources for free.”

"No objection to this."

Bayer knows that some of the hospitals in their country are free, but foreigners are charged high medical fees. This gap is very big.

He also knows that the current charging standards of Antai Hospital are much cheaper than in their country.

A pancreatic cancer surgery at Antai Hospital charges normal fees, including surgery, hospitalization fees, chemotherapy and tumor removal No. 1 and No. 2. The total cost is about 120,000, with the lowest cost being only 60,000. For foreign patients, it does not exceed 200,000.


In Western countries, the price of pancreatic cancer patients is more than 100,000 US dollars, which is almost 5 or 6 times the price.

The additional fee is reasonable. Every country's public resources serve its own citizens and are not obligated to provide them to citizens of other countries.

"Reasonable. I agree!"

This chapter has been completed!
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