Chapter 155 Noble Man

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 The unveiling ceremony was very grand, with several major TV stations coming. Leaders from the National Health Commission and the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine made long speeches, highly praising Kumamotoji’s contribution to the cause of traditional Chinese medicine.

Kumamoto Yoshi Studio is listed as a "protected unit" and will be protected as a "cultural relic" from now on.

Today is not only the unveiling of Master Qian Sili of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but also the closure of Xiong Benji’s studio. From now on, there will no longer be the account of Master Xiong Benji of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the world.

In other words, from now on, except for some special groups of people, who can ask Kumamotoji to see a doctor, others can only ask his apprentice to see a doctor.

The scalpers have to switch to speculating on money-making accounts.

It is certain that Qian Sili will still be in pain for a period of time. With the mountain of Kumamotoji weighing on his head, it will be difficult for him to get involved in the special illnesses of high-end groups.

However, he does not have to worry. In a few years, Kumamoto Yoshi will die. Not only will he not be a mountain weighing on Qian Sili's head, but he will become a monument, a monument that Qian Sili will only enjoy.

Seeing a doctor is very enjoyable. Some doctors especially like to see a certain group of patients. Those who are either rich or noble, seeing a doctor is an opportunity. The so-called secrets of the world are hidden in the hands of this group of people.

Of course, Qian Sili is only one step away from achieving this. As long as Kumamotoji becomes more seriously ill, or simply dies, this group in this province will be handed over.

The leader's speech today had high hopes for Qian Sili, but it was more of encouragement and encouragement.

If there were no Kumamotoji, the style of leadership speeches would definitely not be like this. There would be no encouragement or encouragement, but praise.

Therefore, Qian Sili also sensed the moisture and distrust.

There is also a large section praising and praising Kumamotoji.

Qian Sili felt unhappy.

What was different from the atmosphere on the stage was that Liu Muchiao was secretly doing cervical massage for people. He was very well covered and his screams were muffled.

Liu Miqiao didn't listen to the long speech on stage. He was doing cervical massage, and what he was holding now was the cervical spine of Xu Hongwei, the CEO of Qingshui Pharmaceutical Company.

This is a special cervical vertebra.

The reason why it is special is because this cervical vertebra has been operated on once before, and now the problem has occurred again. He would not dare to do the second operation even if it kills him.

The first time he had cervical spine surgery, he was so frightened that he had no love for half a year. It was done at Kong General Hospital. He got infected and was given all kinds of antibiotics. Finally, he was given vancomycin to save his life.


Recently, his left hand began to feel numb again and he could not turn his head to either side. He had several massages and tractions done by Professor Pan from the First Affiliated School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but the effect was not good.

I went to the Spine Surgery Department of Qingjiang University Affiliated Hospital and came to the conclusion that surgery is the only way.

Recently, he heard that Antai Hospital had a powerful character, and he was dubious.

Even now, he is still dubious.

He tried asking, but to his surprise, Liu Maqiao actually agreed.

It's meeting time now, a very serious occasion, so they can only be very careful when massaging down there. No matter how happy you are, you can't make a sound.

Xu Hongwei is very happy.

He had no choice but to bite his sleeve, "woo woo woo" like a special music effect in a horror movie.

Liu Muqiao spent a lot of effort to loosen the rigid fascia. Many of his small muscles spasmed, compressing the peripheral nerves. It would be strange if his hands were not numb and painful.

"You can't solve the problem at once. You have to persist for half a year, once a week, and you may be able to return to your post-surgery state." Liu Muqiao said.

"Exceeded...already...exceeded my expectations a lot."

Xu Hongwei, who was so happy that he could hardly speak, said.

"Exceeded expectations? The key point is, I haven't even started yet."

Next, Liu Miqiao's technique suddenly became more severe, and many of the adhering fascia and fibers broke and loosened one after another. Xu Hongwei clenched his teeth tightly.

It hurts!


So sour!

So cool!

Yes, this is the real feeling, your hands are free!

The neck also seems to be loosened.

Before it was over, Liu Muqiao pushed hard.


Finally, Xu Hongwei broke out, with a shrill, long sound, as if someone had fallen into the abyss.

All faces face the perimeter.

Xu Hongwei covered his mouth tightly.

Liu Muqiao pretended to have nothing to do with me.

The people on the stage were thinking, this is strange, such a scene would appear in the VIP table, what is wrong with the old people nowadays? They are disrespectful to the old.

At this time, the leader's speech was reaching a critical point. Xiong Benji was moved to tears and cried so much that a towel was wet with tears and snot.

The sound just now was so disharmonious.

He stopped crying and turned his head to look for the source of the discordant sound.

Saw it.

Xu Hongwei.

He is a guest of Kumamotoji. They have cooperated for more than ten years. Many of Kumamotoji's medicines are produced by his company.

They not only have many business contacts, but also have a deep personal relationship.

What, is this guy causing trouble today?


He spotted Liu Miqiao behind his seat.

It must be Liu Miqiao who is helping Xu Hongwei do cervical spine massage.

Xu Hongwei had a problem with his cervical vertebra. Kumamotoji knew about it and helped him treat it. However, cervical spondylosis was not Kumamotoji’s strong point.

He also knew that Liu Muqiao had recently learned a good massage technique.

Although I feel unhappy.

However, since it was Liu Muqiao who ruined the atmosphere of the meeting, he really had no intention of getting angry.

Liu Muqiao is a noble person. How many noble people can you meet in your life?


In Kumamotoji's life, he recognized three noble people.

One is his master, Qian Laosi, who has long since passed away, and is Qian Sili’s great-uncle. During the Communist era, he not only taught Kumamotoji his skills, but also used the yam and barley in the company to

Red dates saved Kumamotoji’s life.

At that time, there was not enough to eat. Kumamotoji was working as an apprentice and he was so hungry.

His master thought of a way and said that he was sick and needed medicine, so he prescribed a pair of Chinese medicine and took it for three months, and he passed the most difficult days.

Later, when Kumamotoji himself became a famous doctor, he realized that this was not medicine, but food!

I won’t go into detail about the second noble person. The reason why Xiong Benji became a master of traditional Chinese medicine has a lot to do with him. Horses with thousands of miles of horses often exist, but Bole does not always exist. The second noble person is Bole.

The third nobleman is Liu Muqiao.

Of the three noble men, only one is attending the meeting now. How could Kumamotoji be angry with him?

However, there is one person who is angry at this time.

Professor Pan, who is affiliated with the first level of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is also a master of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

That’s not true!

How can you be so crazy!

Later, I will have a Huashan sword debate with you. I don’t believe that you, a big-ass brat, can beat me, Master Pan.

Professor Pan is famous for his treatment of cervical and lumbar spondylosis. He is one of the few masters in the country who can correct cervical and lumbar spondylosis. His unique skills are not only the cervical spine, but also include acupuncture, acupuncture and fire therapy.

This chapter has been completed!
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