Chapter 151 Worry

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 Zhao Yilin got two bigfoot fish and four mouthfish; Xiang Lifang got four; Liu Jianxin, Zou Qingxiang, Wang Yi, Lu Lu and Wen Xingyu also got four.

Yuan Shan, A Ling, Liu Ya and Director Peng, Qin Xiangmei each have two.

Xie Min got six mouthfish, two rainbow trout, two bags of plums, one bag of dried bamboo shoots, six bags of fungus, and three bags of matsutake mushrooms.

These were sent by Shixian People's Hospital.

Liu Muqiao rushed into the custody room by himself.

Before he even had time to open the treasure box, he was urgently recruited by Zhao Yilin.

Lu Lu’s buddy was responsible for delivering the fish—an unemployed young man who drove a Land Rover.

"Director, do you think it's strange or not? We haven't encountered brainstem hemorrhage before. Today's is probably the first time." Liu Muqiao said.

"This is not unusual. There are relatively few cases of brainstem hemorrhage, and most of the patients we treat have been filtered by other hospitals. They will not send them to patients with brainstem hemorrhage," Zhao Yilin said.

"This is the truth. However, there are cases where people come directly from the hospital. It can only be said that there is a lot of chance. Therefore, our mortality rate is not completely correct without manual operation. At least, other

The hospital helped us block it."

"Yes, but you should know, aren't affiliated hospitals and provincial hospitals the same? Aren't their patients also sent from other hospitals?"

Liu Muqiao thought about it, and it was right.

It seems that the main reason why our mortality rate is low is related to ourselves.

He thought about his own manual CPR and felt more confident.

However, now I have a troublesome patient in front of me. He has a brainstem hemorrhage of 4 ml.

If the brainstem bleeds 5 ml, it is considered a major hemorrhage, and the chance of resuscitation is very slim. Now this patient’s bleeding amount is 4 ml. It’s hard to say whether his bleeding is more or less.

Can it be saved?

Zhao Yilin shook his head.

"Not much hope."

Liu Muqiao searched for cases in his mind. There were about 900 cases of brainstem hemorrhage, and most of them died.

For a bleeding volume of 4 ml, death and survival are 7 and 3, and the quality of life is very poor.

An idea suddenly popped into Liu Miqiao's mind, what about puncture?

Zhao Yilin was shocked when he brought it up.

"You are seeking death!"

In a word, Liu Muqiao had nothing to say.

The medical dispute has just ended, and a person who has no responsibility for his death has been compensated 30,000 yuan. Why are you going to touch someone's forbidden area of ​​life? Isn't this the rhythm of seeking death?

"Don't even think about it."

"Director, I just have this idea. I think the restricted area of ​​life is not so scary. When can we try it on patients who are bound to die?"

"The problem is that even if the family agrees and signs, when the patient dies, the informed consent form becomes a piece of waste paper."

Director Zhao has a lot of experience. In the past few decades, medical disputes have become a disaster. In recent years, the trend has slowly improved, but medical injuries still occur from time to time.

What hospitals fear most is medical disputes. In Shenzhen City, there have been cases of medical staff wearing helmets to work. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it also reflects the seriousness of the doctor-patient relationship over a period of time.

Zhao Yilin has experience and lessons. He really doesn't dare to take the risk and test the restricted area of ​​​​life.

However, Liu Muqiao is different. He is ignorant and fearless. He really wants to make a breakthrough in the treatment of brain stem hemorrhage, because this is of great significance.

In his mind, brainstem puncture is also a gap, and he wants to fill this gap.

This is how he understood it. The system gave him master-level stroke treatment knowledge, and he should develop on this basis in order to live up to the good conveniences the system gave him.


Yes, without breakthrough, what kind of master is he?

Masters want to explore the future based on the past!

However, this patient is not very suitable now. He has a 30% chance of survival. Once he dies, the real cause of death cannot be determined. Even if he survives, he cannot identify whether the puncture was responsible.

"Let's try it next time we encounter a massive hemorrhage, director. I always feel that we can make some achievements in this aspect."

Zhao Yilin did not lose his temper in a hurry. He thought for a while and said: "If we can break through the restricted area and do puncture, once successful, we can save many patients. However, the risk is too great. Do you know, we have brainstem hemorrhage?

When the mortality rate after puncture is evaluated by the Medical Association, we may lose the lawsuit. Even in the court, we will still lose. People will say that life is a restricted area. You know clearly that you cannot puncture, why did you puncture it? Now that the patient is dead, can you prove it?

Isn’t it because of your piercing?”

Liu Muqiao did not discuss this issue again. Now this patient can only be treated conservatively. Liu Muqiao gave Zhao Yilin a conservative treatment plan.

Besides, there is no time to discuss this issue. The puncture preparation for another patient has already been completed.

Dr. Zou will have to stay in the hospital for a few days, and Liu Miqiao's workload has increased. Liu Miqiao has to do most of the hematoma punctures himself.

Liu Miqiao performed the puncture seriously. The puncture needles he chose became increasingly finer and finer. This was the result of his continuous exploration.

Now he is not only pursuing the success rate of puncture, but also the recovery rate of patients' sequelae.


After the results of the first phase of the first batch of rehabilitation experiment patients came out, it can be said that Liu Miqiao and others were given a shot in the arm, and the trophy of success was almost within reach.

Thinking about Smith's phone call, I felt very relieved now, but it also gave Liu Muchiao a little worry.

Liu Muqiao does not hate Smith. He still has a good impression of Smith. He thinks he is a decent person and a pure gentleman who basically treats all races equally.

However, the group of politicians in their country, the so-called elite, are arrogant, prejudiced, and self-righteous. Liu Maqiao really wants to use his results to slap them in the face.

Liu Muqiao has little interest in cooperating with Johns Hopkins, and he doesn't want to share his Nobel Prize with others.

However, there is still a small problem, which is that Liu Miqiao does not rule out the possibility of cooperation.

When Smith chatted with him that day, he revealed a little bit. Smith's team is researching a neuron regeneration agent. If it is successful, there will be another option for treating the sequelae of stroke in the future.

With the international status of Smith's hospital, it is easier for them to influence the entire world.

This is a competition issue.

We are in a competitive position.

Another disadvantage is traditional Chinese medicine. Many countries do not recognize traditional Chinese medicine, so it is very difficult to promote Huatuo Regeneration Pills.

Some people would say, isn’t artemisinin also a traditional Chinese medicine?

Wrong, he only extracted the active ingredients from Artemisia annua, and the extraction method was completely based on Western medicine methods, so that from the day it was born, it was classified as Western medicine.

Huatuo Zaisheng Pill is different. It is a pure Chinese patent medicine, and its active ingredients cannot be expressed by molecular formulas at all - this is one of the reasons why it is difficult for foreign countries to admit it.

If you don’t have the molecular formula of the drug’s ingredients, who knows which ingredient is working? How do you know whether it is harmful to the body?

This is a problem.

However, there is no need to worry too much. It is effective. This is a fact. Your country does not use it. It is you who do not allow patients in your country to receive effective treatment and recovery. That is your business.

However, if Smith’s team has developed the nerve regeneration agent and is in trouble, can Huatuo Regeneration Pill still go global?

Thinking of this, Liu Muqiao had another layer of worry.

This chapter has been completed!
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