Chapter 1554 Female Patient

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 The people on the plane are all uncles and aunts, which is different from other private planes. They all choose handsome boys and beautiful women, and Liu Hanmo chooses uncles and aunts.

In fact, the aunt is not that old, she looks about 38 or 39. Maybe she is actually older, but Liu Miqiao still finds it pleasing to the eye.

This waiter is very elegant, gentle and charming.

The plane was flying at high altitude, and Liu Hanmo chose to remain silent. Chatting on the plane was quite strenuous, so he closed his eyes and rested his mind.

However, Liu Muqiao felt that he was not concentrating with his eyes closed, but was thinking about something on his mind.

He never told Liu Muqiao about the patient's condition, nor who the patient was. But if Liu Hanmo came to pick up Liu Muqiao in person, then this person must be a very important person.

Liu Hanmo didn’t say anything, and Liu Muqiao didn’t ask. This is the basic way to behave.

The plane landed after a two-hour flight. Two cars and a van came to the airport.

The flight attendants took minivans, one for Liu Hanmo and one for Liu Miqiao and Jiang Wei.

Liu Hanmo’s car is a Rolls-Royce.

Liu Muqiao and Jiang Wei were riding in a Mercedes-Benz.

After walking for nearly an hour, we stopped at the door of a single-family villa in a wealthy area. The van went to another place.

Liu Hanmo's Rolls-Royce was parked in a large garage, and Liu Miqiao and Jiang Wei's cars stopped at the door.

The house is very big.

There seems to be a lot of staff.

The security guard and receptionist is a middle-aged man with a straight body, who looks professional at first sight.

Liu Hanmo led Liu Muqiao in, walked through a few doors, and finally took the elevator to the fourth floor. There was a waitress here who asked Liu Muqiao and the others to change their shoes.

A faint agarwood fragrance makes people feel ecstatic.

Further inside is a bedroom.

"This is my wife's room. I will briefly introduce my condition, and you two will sit down."

Liu Hanmo pointed to the sofa and said.

The waiter brought the tea and said: "Please have tea."

"The patient is my wife. She was frightened when she visited the Ming Dynasty mausoleum a month ago. A white shadow flashed past, which seemed to be a woman with a long tongue.

The staff firmly denied the possibility that there were even cats near the mausoleum. When she came back that night, she had a fever, which was not very high, with a maximum temperature of 38.2°C. From then on, she started at around 9pm every night until 3am.

Taking antipyretic medicine has no obvious effect."

The main symptoms introduced by Liu Hanmo.

Then the main treatment process was introduced.

"I went to several hospitals of Shanghai Medical University to see a doctor, and did a lot of examinations, including MRI, CT, and Pat, and no problems were found. I also went to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to see a doctor, and after taking Chinese medicine for 10 days, I was fine.

It has no effect. Seeing that I am losing weight day by day, there is no good way. Since the day before yesterday, my condition has become worse, and my body temperature has reached 39 degrees Celsius."

Liu Hanmo introduced the treatment process.

"Is Madam dreaming?" Liu Maqiao asked.

Dreaming is what everyone dreams. Liu Hanmo understood what Liu Miqiao meant, and he was asking if he would have weird dreams.

"I always dreamed of a woman in white, glaring at her." Liu Hanmo replied.

Liu Muqiao frowned.

He is not an expert in psychiatry, but Liu Miqiao is a master of psychology in nursing, and he vaguely found the reason.

However, he is not prepared to make any announcement.

Liu Muqiao took Jiang Wei in to see the patient.

Liu Muqiao was slightly surprised.

Although this woman is not ugly, and can even be described as "beautiful", Liu Maqiao dislikes this person very much.

There was a condescending look in her eyes, and there was also a taste of contempt.

It's been a long time. Liu Muqiao hasn't seen this look for at least ten years. He often saw it when he was a child, and adults and children in the neighborhood liked to look at him like this.

Later, when he went to middle school, he did not fill in the "address" column as an orphanage, but filled in the house number.

The column for parents no longer fills in "None", but instead fills in "Xie Min, Liu Long."

Later, this kind of look became much less frequent, especially when his academic performance was very good, and more and more people looked at him with appreciation and praise.

Today, he saw this look again.

He had the urge to leave for a moment.

But, no.

"Can you tell me about the onset of the disease?" Liu Maqiao asked patiently.

"He has already said it, and that's basically it."

There was a sense of impatience and disgust between the woman's brows. She seemed not to believe that Liu Miqiao could cure him.

"Do you think there is something evil? Are there ghosts and gods in this world?" The woman asked Liu Miqiao in turn.

"Yes! There must be some."

Liu Muqiao said smoothly that he was playing a prank. In fact, until now, even though he knew people like Qing Yunzi, he still did not believe that there were ghosts and gods in the world.

But in order to retaliate for the look in his eyes just now, he said that there are ghosts and gods, which makes even the superior people a little afraid.

Liu Muqiao didn't know who Mrs. Liu Hanmo was or what the relationship between them was. He only knew that he didn't like this woman, so he said there were ghosts and gods.

"You are a doctor. You doctors don't believe in ghosts and gods, but you, why are you different from other doctors?" said the lady.

"Well, this is easy to explain. Doctors are just craftsmen. They are not scientists and do not know the essence of life. But unlike them, I am both a doctor and I am also studying the origin of life."

"Do you really think there are ghosts and gods, heaven and hell in the world? Are you lying to me?"

"Why should I lie to you? There are indeed gods and ghosts in the world. I have seen them with my own eyes. However, what I saw were gods. Not only me, but Jiang Wei has also seen them."

"Are you Jiang Wei?"

"Yes, Auntie."

"Are you your girlfriend?"


"I heard that you are sick?"

"Yes, I'm sick."

"Why, everyone says Liu Miqiao is a miracle doctor. Why can't he cure your disease?"

"Yes, doctors have expertise, and not all diseases can be cured."

"Ah! So, my disease may not be cured?"

"Let me take your pulse."

Liu Muqiao doesn't have a good method in Western medicine. Medication is Liu Muqiao's weakness. He mainly does surgery well.

The purpose of taking pulse is to find the prescription in ancient prescriptions.

The woman's eyes showed disdain again, and Liu Maqiao immediately became angry.

He doesn't want to see it.

There was a voice in my head saying: "Calm down, calm down, why are you arguing with a patient?"

Liu Miqiao put his hand on the woman's wrist. Suddenly, one prescription shone brightly, while the other prescriptions were motionless.

He pulled the prescription closer and was surprised to see that the prescription was not an ordinary Chinese medicine, but an image and some text.

"Thirty-two pieces of paper clothes, a paper car, a paper house, a certain amount of paper money, a paper cow and a paper sheep were brought to the crossroads of a certain village. At five o'clock, when no one was around, they were burned. Do this three times in a row.

God, her illness will be cured."

Liu Muqiao said according to the things on the ancient prescription.

He himself was surprised. This is a superstitious thing among the people. Is it really useful?

This chapter has been completed!
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