Chapter 1552 Tip

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 Liu Muqiao repaired the ascending aorta in just a few minutes. The next step was to rescue the patient.

The blood loss was so intense just now that the patient was in deep shock. It will be very difficult to rescue the patient from shock.

Originally, this was not Liu Miqiao’s strong point.

Su Yajuan took action.

She first gave the patient a pill of Longhu Powder, and then some more powder.

The patient had no reaction, the only thing was that his heartbeat became slightly stronger.

The heartbeat has recovered from more than 40 to 58 beats/minute, which is a good sign.

Those present are all experts, and they know that this progress can be regarded as a miracle.

The patient was transferred to the ICU ward.

It stands to reason that at this time, Liu Muqiao's mission has ended, the blood vessels have been repaired, and Su Yajuan's first aid has achieved its purpose - the patient's blood pressure has been restored.

A blood pressure of 60/40mmHg. is still shock blood pressure, but for a patient whose blood pressure was zero just now, it is already remarkable.

Su Yajuan only has this ability.

As for the later effect observation, it is not measured in hours. The recovery period of days or months is not the task of Su Yajuan and the others.

However, Liu Muqiao decided to continue taking over for a few more hours - anyway, there is no rest on New Year's Eve, and this has been the case since Liu Muqiao started studying medicine.

When he was in college, he worked during holidays and earned a semester's pocket money during holidays. On New Year's Eve, he worked part-time at the Xiangyueqing Hotel next door to Qingjiang University.

Xie Min did not object, she encouraged the children to be independent.

From the beginning of his internship, Liu Muqiao had to rescue patients, so he didn't expect to enjoy the happiness of New Year's Eve quietly.

Jiang Wei did the nursing herself. The nurses in the ICU didn't know that the beauty in front of them was a nursing expert at first. After several operations, they were surprised to find that she was not the legendary nursing god Jiang Wei?

Of course, the medical staff in the affiliated hospitals will know Jiang Wei. There are two professors under the age of 30 at Qingjiang University, and she is one of them.

In the last nursing operation competition, members of the Qingjiang University Affiliated Hospital Team and the Second Affiliated Hospital also participated, and they won first place. Everyone knows Jiang Wei’s name.

Jiang Wei was not idle. She simply checked all the patients in the ICU ward and found more than ten problems and corrected them one by one.

That’s fine too.

There is a fine for inspection from above, but Jiang Wei's inspection is free - these are problems that are difficult to find by yourself.

Su Yajuan feeds the patient some powder every now and then. So far, she has given it 7 times. The most expensive one is Longhu Powder, and the others are some compatibility of which Su Yajuan has intellectual property rights.

After several years of research, she has found at least 50 formulas that are very effective in clinical practice, and in the future, they can all be made into patent medicines and widely used.

This is a fortune.

After Su Yajuan later became a master of traditional Chinese medicine, she successively launched 72 prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, almost forming a traditional Chinese medicine empire, and her wealth was as rich as the country.

This is a later story.

Liu Muqiao secretly gave Jiang Wei a few Huiqi pills. When it was already dawn, Liu Muqiao proposed, "Let's withdraw."

The patient has not yet woken up, but his vital signs are stable, his blood pressure has reached 90/60mmHg, and his heart rate is 106 beats/minute.

These are two key indicators.

It’s time to hand over your shift.

Su Yajuan kept a few dozen grams of each of the two powders, which is the amount to be used in a week.

Xiyu talks very little.

She said: "I should change my career."

She played almost no role last night and was just a spectator. Liu Miqiao performed surgery to repair large blood vessels, Su Yajuan rescued the patient, Jiang Wei taught nursing, and I, Xiyu, was the only bystander. How embarrassing.

"Xiyu, you can't think like that. Doctors all have their own strengths and weaknesses. You can be said to be the leader in the field of rheumatism. I heard that last month, you generated more than 3 million in revenue from the rheumatism clinic?"

Jiang Wei asked.

Hospitals need to generate revenue, but it is now very taboo. Some hospital directors are afraid to report business turnover, and the health administration department has even proposed cutting off the connection between doctors and department revenue.

In fact, this is deceiving others.

The hospital's financial subsidy is less than 4% of normal expenses, and even higher is less than 10%. The hospital's survival must rely on revenue generation.

Liu Muqiao has a clear-cut stand and must generate income when it is time to generate income.

Last year, Antai Hospital spent 11 billion, how much did the finance provide?

The finance department gave 80 million yuan.

This 11 billion is the total cost of patient treatment, equipment updates, administrative costs, and personnel expenses.

It is undeniable that the salary performance of Antai Hospital's medical staff is relatively high, higher than any other hospital, which makes people envious and hateful.

However, Liu Muqiao thinks this is reasonable.

They earned it.

They earned it under the current rules of the game.

Last year, the hospital saved RMB 1.7 billion after raising depreciation and development funds.

How to deal with these 1.7 billion has not yet been decided. It is still placed in the account of Antai Hospital for the time being. Lao Yang from the province has said that they will not easily adjust their funds. The hospital should be financially responsible. How can it be reversed?
Yuyu recently gave foreigners a clinic, which was very lively. She left one-third of the number for foreigners for two purposes. One is that international friendship is the national interest, and the other is that foreigners like to tip.

Don’t look at the fact that 50 or 100 US dollars is not much, but 15 of them a day is an income of 1,000 US dollars.

Domestic regulations prohibit medical staff from accepting red envelopes, but this does not apply to foreigners. It is their habit to tip.

Besides, Xi Yu is not very strict about rules and regulations. I treat patients and cure diseases that have not been cured for decades. Is it only worth the 3 yuan and 50 cents registration fee?

Last month, Xiyu generated more than 3 million yuan in revenue for the hospital, and also generated 150,000 yuan in additional income for herself in addition to performance.

Yu Yu does not make money for the sake of money, she is just a normal girl who is not disgusted with money.

150,000 is taxable. She clearly knows that and has no intention of evading tax.

Originally, she was very proud of her harvest.

You know, it is normal for a hospital's employees to earn an average of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan a year. As doctors, they are the main income generators. It is normal for a doctor to generate an average income of 1 million, and the main force is 2 million.

This is one year’s results.

Now, Xiyu earns more than 3 million a month and close to 40 million a year. This is an incredible achievement and can support 100 employees in an ordinary hospital.

"Now the hospital doesn't emphasize generating revenue, 3 million, and I don't see Master handing out any awards. You still treat patients with great vigor."

Xiyu answered Jiang Wei.

"Don't be stupid. Although we don't talk about economic benefits, when we compare hospitals with each other, what should we compare with? Isn't it the turnover? Last year, our hospital's RMB 14.5 billion was not yet among the top ten in the country. We don't talk about economic benefits.

Okay? Next year, you have to work hard and make more money. Of course, making money does not mean messing around, but expanding your business by seeing more patients. Besides, Xiyu, don’t just see your results. Compared with Su Yajuan,

There is still a gap." Jiang Wei said.

This chapter has been completed!
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