Chapter 1576 Rare rescue

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 Ye Lin's illness is indeed very serious, so serious that even Li Liuyi was frightened.

After feeding him a pill of Longhu Powder, Li Liuyi then injected a shot of yellow-orange liquid. This is an undisclosed formula and is still in the trial stage.

This is not to use Ye Lin as a guinea pig. If it weren't for him being Ye Lin, Li Liuyi might not be willing to let him use it.

Although this medicine only has two milliliters, the price is not affordable for ordinary people. 300,000 is just its cost.

As for other medicinal solutions, there is no need to say more. They are commonly used in hospitals, but the dosage and compatibility are different. There is nothing special about them.

Drugs are similar in hospitals. The key to effectiveness is compatibility and when to use them. This is knowledge. When should you use which drug and when should you switch to other drugs? This reflects the level of the doctor.

Li Liuyi is undoubtedly a master in this aspect, better than Liu Miqiao.

Liu Muqiao has been wondering, how could Ye Lin, who was pretending to be sick, be really sick?

He never solved the mystery.

Li Liuyi did not determine the cause of Ye Lin's illness and could only treat the symptoms. He thought it was poisoning, but what was the basis?

There are only a few types of common poisoning.

Don't think about potassium cyanide poisoning. You will be dead long ago. No one can stand this kind of poison.

Followed by rat poison, thallium is the main ingredient.

This poison is relatively common clinically.

However, Li Liuyi's experience told him that Ye Lin was not poisoned by thallium.

What about pesticides?

Methamidophos is an organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. It was very common 20 years ago. People who drank pesticides would die from it every year. It is not difficult to treat, and even residents can save it.

Organophosphorus pesticide poisoning can be seen at a glance and is manifested by high parasympathetic excitement, abdominal pain, cramps, salivation, pinpoint-like pupils, and a smell of garlic in the breath.

In terms of treatment, gastric lavage, pralidoxime and atropine are very effective.

The situation has changed now. There are fewer people poisoned by organophosphorus pesticides, and more and more people are drinking paraquat.

This poison cannot be drunk, and there is no cure. Gastric lavage may be the only chance, but the hope is slim. If you drink it, you will die. Pulmonary fibrosis is the fundamental reason why it cannot be treated.

There is another kind of poison that is more common, mushroom poisoning.

It is not easy to treat mushroom poisoning. If you encounter a highly poisonous mushroom, a large area will die.

One year, more than 20 people were poisoned by mushrooms in the emergency department of Xiangya Hospital in a hotel across the road. It took less than 10 minutes to go from the hotel to the emergency department. It can be said to be the shortest distance and the best hospital, but in the end it was

14 died.

Li Liuyi analyzed that Ye Lin is not the poison mentioned above.

In other words, he basically ruled out the diagnosis of poisoning.

Besides poisoning, what is the reason?

Li Liuyi has a lot of experience, but he encountered a problem today.

Ye Lin's heart showed signs of myocarditis, with slowed heart rate, cardiac insufficiency, and decreased blood pressure. It was cardiogenic shock.

Liver damage. Transaminase, glutamic acid, and glutamic acid all are over 1,000, severe liver failure.

The kidneys are also damaged, including acute renal failure and oliguria.

The lungs are also damaged, breathing is shallow, the frequency increases, and blood oxygen saturation decreases.

The brain is even more troublesome, and the patients are already in a deep coma.

The worst part is the body temperature.

Doctors are afraid of patients with high fevers. When patients have high fevers, many body functions can be destroyed. In many cases, doctors have to do everything possible to cool down the temperature.

Drug cooling, physical cooling, and hibernation cooling are all about protecting important organs.

However, doctors are more afraid of a patient's body temperature falling than a rise in body temperature.

If the drop in body temperature is not caused by the environment, then it means that the patient's condition is extremely serious.

Ye Lin is in this situation now, his body temperature is only 35 degrees.

Based on the situation, Ye Lin has multiple organ failures, all of which are severe failures. It is no longer important what the cause is. The key now is to restore the function of the organs.

But, that’s easier said than done?

If it were in the hands of ordinary doctors, this situation would be almost helpless. All they have to do is talk to the family members and issue a critical illness notice.

However, today is different. One is Liu Muqiao and the other is Li Liuyi. The two masters are working together, and there is no precedent for anyone to die.

After Li Liuyi injected the yellow liquid, he then used glucocorticoids, dopamine, and glucose plus insulin.

The assistant also prepared sodium bicarbonate injection and Ringer's solution.

Ye Lin responded.

My heart rate is a little faster, my blood pressure is a little higher, and my urine is a little more.

I saw hope.

"Li Liuyi, is this version 3.0 you said?"

Liu Muqiao couldn't help but ask. Originally, he least wanted to talk to Li Liuyi, but the key was that Li Liuyi treated him as a devil.

Li Liuyi doesn’t want to stay with Liu Maqiao either.

He was very scared, worried that Liu Miqiao would one day crush him to death like an ant.

Human beings have a strong sense of awe for ghosts and gods, so Li Liuyi regarded Liu Miqiao as a ghost and god - the gods and ghosts in his mind were high-dimensional creatures.

He now thinks of a problem, that is, Liu Miqiao may not be high-dimensional himself, but he may be occupied by high-dimensional creatures.

High-dimensional creatures do not necessarily look like humans. They may be illusory and composed of waves?

When Liu Muqiao asked, Li Liuyi quickly replied, "Yes, this is my version 3.0."

"How efficient is it?" Liu Muqiao feels that not talking is not a good way to get along, and if you have nothing to say, talk to him.

"In the ICU ward, the first treatment success rate reached 92%."

The first success rate refers to the first time this method is used to rescue the patient. 92% is a very high result. In ordinary hospitals, it is generally around 20%.

Of course, this does not mean that 92% of patients in the ICU ward will be able to get out alive in the end. Some patients may become critically ill again after successful rescue for the first time.

"With your results, you can win a grand prize. The special prize should be yours." Liu Miqiao was at a loss for words.

"It's not worth mentioning in front of your achievements." Li Liuyi said.

"You can't say that, both you and I can win the grand prize." Liu Miqiao does not deny his achievements. There is almost no suspense about his achievements winning the next time.

However, for Liu Muqiao, winning awards is really not his goal. If he wants to win awards, there are many awards he can win.

His purpose is of course to be applied clinically.

Unlike Li Liuyi, the promotion value of Li Liuyi's achievements is greater, while the skills mastered by Liu Miqiao are very difficult to promote except for teaching a few apprentices.

Someone from above asked.

"How sure are you about Ye Ting's disease?"

The leaders of the department to which Ye Ting belongs attaches great importance to it. It would be a pity that a great detective who had been rare in decades would die inexplicably like this.

"It's very difficult. With multiple organ failure, even if the rescue is successful, the later treatment will be quite difficult and will take a long time." Li Liuyi said truthfully.

"Can it still work normally?" This is their focus.

"'s hard to say."

Liu Muqiao felt that it was time for Ye Lin to quit. He could quit the criminal investigation industry on the grounds of health and work on the second line occasionally. In this way, the reputation of the detective would not be damaged and his burden would be lightened.

This chapter has been completed!
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