Chapter 1579 Another Billionaire

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 Ye Lin resigned, not completely, but from his current position in charge and applied for medical leave.

It is definitely not possible to retire due to illness. Ye Lin is only 39 years old, which is too young. The organization allows him to take leave indefinitely.

Ye Lin's position was changed to deputy department investigator, while Lao Zhao was adjusted to "chief" and replaced Ye Lin's position.

It's fine now. Ye Linyan can rest after clearing his name. Stop worrying about specific cases. At most, he can give Lao Zhao and the others some ideas.

He is equivalent to being idle and enjoying peace and happiness.

When he asked for sick leave, the department took it seriously and sent someone to understand the situation.

If others answered Ye Lin's physical question, they might not believe it, so they asked Liu Miqiao directly.

Liu Muqiao said: "Ye Lin needs to rest - this is absolutely true. He was able to be saved from this illness because of the efforts of Li Liuyi and I. His illness is very serious and he cannot withstand it again. He needs to rest.

, there should be no work pressure, the most you can do is give lectures and participate in some activities that don’t require using your brain.

They believed what Liu Muqiao said.

The ministry suggested that Ye Lin be officially given the treatment of Zhengting.

In this way, Ye Lin was arranged to take a rest and take up the position of an investigator in the main hall. If necessary, he might be able to come in handy.

Ye Lin stayed in the hospital for a month. There were some slight abnormalities in the physical examination, but it was no longer a problem. The evidence of the disease was liver function, elevated alanine aminotransferase, 70, and aspartate aminotransferase, 68, which were not too high.<


Another piece of evidence is that there is a protein in the urine.,

He sent urine samples three times, two were suspicious, one was a , and Liu Miqiao chose the last one.

Also, what is easier for laymen to fool is the heart rhythm. Ye Lin has some premature atrial contractions.

Premature atrial contractions are not considered a disease, and there is no need to treat them. Generally speaking, if there are no other problems with the heart, doctors and patients should ignore premature atrial contractions.

With so much evidence, he was discharged from the hospital.

No one will pursue him closely. Now that Liu Muqiao has said that he needs to take a medical leave, who will ask for the truth and get to the bottom of it?

Besides, when he retires, there will be an extra deputy director's seat, and others will have to fill the vacancy. A vacancy can move a group of people, which is not a bad thing.

Ye Lin is a talented person, and his withdrawal will be a great damage to the criminal investigation industry. However, without Ye Lin, the earth will still turn around.

Ye Lin is back home.

After staying for a few days, he found that he was not used to being free. Soon, he found a way to pass the time and write a book.

He has several god-level cases, as well as a large number of other criminal investigation examples, all completed under his leadership. These are very brain-burning cases, very interesting, well written and very readable.

It should be no problem for him to summarize these cases and write a few books.

As a result, he found a direction and his life became fulfilling.

In the morning, I wake up naturally, have breakfast around 9 o'clock, start writing at 10 o'clock, finish at 11:30, then take a walk in the community, come back for lunch, take a nap again, go fishing or playing chess in the afternoon, and go home to eat in the evening

After dinner, watch TV, listen to music, or write for another hour in the evening.

During this period, there will be some invitations to give lectures or classes.

He is a part-time professor at several public security and police academies. Teaching is his basic job. There is no need to quit this job.

In addition to giving lectures, he also often goes out to drink tea. In short, his life is very fulfilling.

His first book was published in 3 months with a small number of 500,000 words. It was mainly case analysis and the writing speed was relatively fast.

He is planning to publish a series of books.

The first book was a test of the waters. The publishing house published the book very quickly. In the first week after it was put on the shelves, 30,000 copies of the book were sold out.

The semi-professional book sold 30,000 copies in one week. This was no small number. The publishing house discovered the business opportunity and quickly printed an additional 100,000 copies, and they were all sold out in another week.

The publisher is not calm this time, haha, this book has become a bestseller, and it will probably be a copy for every police officer.

Should we print 1 million?

Selling 1 million copies really requires courage. What if you can’t sell it?


The vice president in charge of sales spoke first, "One million copies, not much. I suggest printing 3 million copies."

No one spoke for a long time after he spoke. Everyone knew that 3 million copies were too bold. If there was a loss, who would bear the responsibility?

The vice president in charge of sales said: "I have conducted a survey and found that two-thirds of the books sold were not purchased by police officers, but by young students and young people in society. It is equivalent to a best-seller, and it can definitely be sold as a best-seller."
"Are you sure?" the president asked.

"Yes, 3 million copies." The vice president of sales patted his chest.

"Okay, if you complete the sales of 3 million copies, I will reward you 50 cents for each copy." The president said loudly.

"Okay! I promise to complete the task."

0.5 yuan per book, 3 million copies is equivalent to 1.5 million yuan, which is an incentive that has never been seen in the history of the company.

The 3 million copies have been printed overtime, and the distributors are working hard, and Xinhua bookstores have also made advance reservations.

Xinhua Bookstore and private bookstores all over the country have very good information. When they learn that 3 million copies will be published, when they encounter a book that makes a fortune, they desperately seek connections and order the maximum amount of purchases.

It only took 10 days to get them all booked.

3 million copies, swept away!

Finally, the bookstore printed another 7 million copies, bringing the total to 10 million, basically meeting the market demand.

A professional book - semi-professional, if you will - bought 10 million copies, and Ye Lin's net worth suddenly skyrocketed.

From 10 million copies, he earned 130 million, making him extremely fat.

Before he writes his next book, the copyright has been bought out for 150 million.

Writing books has become Ye Lin’s main occupation.

Don't write too many books a year. One book a year is enough for him to make a fortune.

For a lot of time a year, he lectures, participates in writing textbooks, and plays.

The life of a rich person is very comfortable. There are two nannies at home.

One is a female nanny, who is responsible for daily life, cooking, cleaning, and preparing laundry; the other is a male nanny, who is responsible for travel, scheduling, and receiving guests.

After Liu Muqiao learned about Ye Lin's situation, he was also happy for him.

Ye Lin is not an ungrateful person. If he has any good things, he will often send them to Liu Miqiao to share.

Director Ye also received some funding from him.

Director Ye's income is much less than that of Ye Lin, so Ye Lin specially gave him a high-end Land Rover and a BMW sports car.

The sports car is for Director Ye’s lover.

As for Liu Muqiao, Ye Lin just sent some rare items or commonly used consumables.

Tea, he gave a jar of the best Longjing worth 1 million.

Liu Muqiao also likes to drink tea with Ye Lin. Ye Lin has not forgotten his roots. He knows how much he weighs and is extremely respectful to Liu Muqiao.

Besides, Liu Muqiao also needs Ma Zai.

Ye Lin is a good guy and he has enough connections.

"Ye Lin, you haven't solved the case for a long time, do you feel a sense of loss?"

One day, when Ye Lin's first book sold out 10 million copies, they were drinking tea together and Liu Muqiao asked.

"What clues do you have, boss?" Ye Lin is very familiar with Liu Miqiao's tone.

"It's a small case. However, the sensational effect will be very strong. You can become famous again, and people will say that the detective is back." Liu Muqiao said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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