Chapter 1633 Another type O blood

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 Liu Muqiao didn't explain at all, letting them misunderstand.

Professor Pan realized that the bone marrow transplanted by Chen Shi had no antigen, and he was so horrified that he could not recover for a long time.

"How long did it take for Hopkins Hospital to develop this technology?"

Professor Pan completely misunderstood. He thought Chen Shi went to Hopkins Hospital specifically for this technology. She should know that they have this technology. And I, Pan Tao, am still an expert.

,How come you didn’t know they had this technology?


Liu Muqiao thought it would be helpful to explain a little bit to avoid Pan Tao from guessing.

"HOM was engaged in scientific research recently. He obtained an antigen-free bone marrow cell line, so we tried to undergo the surgery. It was that simple." Liu Maqiao said.

"He has just started developing this technology? The first batch?" Professor Pan keenly captured some information and asked eagerly.

"This is the first case." Liu Maqiao said.

"Ah? I understand. The bone marrow you gave me was actually obtained from Professor HOM for Chen Shi's future treatment?"

Pan Tao thinks this explanation is more logical.

Liu Muqiao nodded and said, "Yes, that's the case. However, I noticed that Chen Shi may not need a second bone marrow transplant. You can use the remaining bone marrow for experiments and help others treat leukemia.


Academician Pan Tao was extremely happy.

Good guy, with this bone marrow, if you go back and cultivate it carefully, you will have new hope for refractory leukemia in the future.


With motivation, Academician Pan Tao was full of energy. He took extra care of Chen Shi. Of course he understood that whether the bone marrow in Laboratory No. 7 was his or Chen Shi's, the key depends on Chen Shi's condition.

If Chen Shi's illness relapses, he, Pan Tao, may not be able to get anything.

He made the greatest determination to make Chen Shi get well as soon as possible.

Academician Pan Tao has a secret weapon in the treatment of leukemia. After his careful conditioning, Chen Shi's health improved quickly.

After working for 5 days in a row, as a doctor, the concept of weekends is not very clear. During breaks, they may also come to check on patients.

Academician Pan Tao brought two chief physicians, who took turns on duty to serve Chen Shi.

Today is the weekend, and it is supposed to be Pan Tao's day off, but he still came to check the ward.

He received a doctor's order yesterday and took a blood test this morning. He is anxious to know the results.

The released blood is sent directly to the central laboratory for testing. The results come out faster and the test results are more accurate. The tests here are double tests, so there is no possibility of errors.

Academician Pan Tao was the first to see the results.

Blood routine is the indicator he is most concerned about.

Red blood cells 4.6, hemoglobin 120, white blood cells 7.4, platelets 110...

Pan Tao felt happy.

Good guy, the anemia has basically been corrected, the white blood cells have increased, and the platelets are normal.

What does this mean? It means that the bone marrow has formed hematopoiesis normally.

Look again, immature cells, immature red blood cells account for 8%, which also shows that the hematopoietic function is active.

Academician Pan Tao handed the blood routine list to his apprentice.

He started looking at other results.

There are 7 test orders.

There is no need to take a closer look at blood lipids and blood sugar. Just take a quick look. There will be no big problem. Even if the blood lipids are a little higher, it doesn’t matter.

Blood lipids are all normal. Cholesterol and triglycerides are all very good, and high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein are within normal indicators.

There is no need to worry about electrolytes. If you eat well, there will be no electrolyte confusion. However, Academician Pan Tao still took a look at the blood calcium.

Blood calcium is sometimes an important indicator in cancer patients. If bone is invaded, hypercalcemia will occur and severe clinical symptoms will occur.


Let’s look at tumor marker indicators again.

These are several important laboratory indicators, and oncologists are very sensitive to them.


Keep reading.

Inflammation indicators, heart failure indicators, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and rheumatoid factor are all normal.

Blood type, type O.

Academician Pan Tao was not too surprised by this indicator.

Liu Muqiao, he was checking Chen Shi’s test results on the computer in his office.

When he saw that Chen Shi's blood type was "O", his heart skipped a beat.

He thought of himself.

Chen Shi used to have blood type B, but now he has blood type O. What about himself?

Liu Muqiao clearly remembers that when he was a freshman, he used his own blood to test blood types in the laboratory.

He learned his blood type for the first time, type B.

However, later, his blood type became type O, and the first case of universal transplanted cells in history appeared. The seven rejection antigen sites on the cells in his body were all type O - that is, there were no antigens.

He was stunned for a long time.

There are two very important questions.

First, the question of whose son he is has now returned to the mystery of the past. He may still be the son of Xie Min and Liu Hanmo.

The second is how his blood type changed to type O.

Especially the second question, his genes have changed. How did this happen? Moreover, it is a large-scale genetic change.

This is a huge mystery.

No one can solve this problem, and we can’t invite others to solve this mystery together.

We can only study it quietly.

Liu Muqiao pondered for a while. He wanted to tell Xie Min this question, but then he thought that before he could figure out the second mystery, he couldn't be reckless.

The first mystery is not important. It doesn’t matter whether he is Xie Min or Liu Hanmo’s son. The change in his blood type may hide a major medical mystery, especially since his 7-site antigen has been cleared. The more people who know about it, the more likely he is.

Less is better.

His blood is real "panda" blood, and his tissues and organs are also universal transplantable organs. If this secret is spread, he will be accidentally quartered by others one day, and the dozen organs in his body will become those of a dozen people.


It's terrible.

Liu Muqiao was covered in cold sweat as he thought about it.

However, this feeling was also short-lived. Liu Maqiao, who was quite nervous, left the office. He thought, didn't he possess martial arts skills?

If anyone comes to harvest his organs, the person who will die will definitely be that person.

As soon as he went out, he met Academician Pan Tao. He was overjoyed and said, "Liu Miqiao, good news. Chen Shi's bone marrow hematopoietic ability has been fully restored. The functions of all important organs have also returned to normal. I came here to announce the good news. Secondly, I came to announce the good news."

I want to ask, can I use the bone marrow from Laboratory No. 7?"

Liu Muqiao hurriedly said, "Yes. However, there is one condition. You must keep it secret and cannot tell others the source of the bone marrow."

"No problem, you think I'm stupid." Pan Tao said happily.

Liu Muqiao suddenly thought of a question and said: "Chen Shi's illness is almost healed. What are your plans for the next step? If a few people from your team stay, I will very much welcome it."

Pan Tao looked at Liu Muqiao, was silent for a while and asked: "Are you going to poach me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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