Chapter 1645 Stroke

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 "Get out!"

Unexpectedly, Lao Zhou from the district branch roared angrily.

"You say I practice favoritism and malpractice, go to the higher authorities and sue me!"

His name is Zhou Mingming, he handled the case, and he knows the ins and outs of the matter. Now you come to put a hat on me, who are you?

"You are that Deng Shang, I'm going to sue you! You are so tyrannical. Your relatives pretended to be powerful and took advantage of others. They made a big fuss in the hospital and even got into a fight, breaking Director Song's nose. Not only did you not reflect on it, you also found

Our trouble, you really don’t want the black gauze hat on your head.”

After saying that, he added, "Get out!"

All Deng Shang's courage was gone. He staggered out of the gate, hurriedly climbed into the car, and said feebly, "Go home."

"Where to go back?" Driver Xiao Liu didn't understand. There are two places to go home, one is the office and the other is his own home.

"Home! Home! Do you know what home means?" Deng Shang was very angry.

Driver Liu didn't dare to say anything. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward. Deng Shang was startled, "You are seeking death!"

Driver Liu felt unhappy and drove the car crookedly, stumbling, braking suddenly, rushing forward, and jamming again.

Extremely thrilling.

However, Deng Shang did not protest anymore.


Where are the people?

Driver Liu was frightened now. Is there anyone in the back row?

Driver Xiao Liu quickly stopped the car and got up to take a look.

Deng Shang fell in the gap in the back row. Is he dead?

Driver Liu also ignored the rule of not parking in the middle of the road, stopped the car, got out of the car and walked to the back seat to check his nose.


"Boss! Boss! Deng Shang! Deng Shang!"

No one answered.

Driver Xiao Liu returned to his seat and was about to drive when a police car drove over, "998, park on the right!"

Driver Xiao Liu quickly drove the car to the right side of the road.

"Penalty 6 points, deduction 300!"

The traffic police ticket has been issued, and his driving license and driver's license have to be checked.

"People are sick and need to go to the hospital in a hurry." driver Xiao Liu explained.

"Since you are in a hurry to go to the hospital, why do you park your car in the middle of the road?"

The traffic police found it difficult to agree with what Driver Liu said. It’s understandable that you were speeding when you were sick. But you stopped in the middle of the road. What’s the logical relationship between this and you going to the hospital?

Driver Xiao Liu quickly explained.

"You didn't tell me earlier!" The traffic police suddenly realized, "Let's go!"

Driver Xiao Liu thought for a while, where should we go?

Originally, there was no doubt that I should go to Antai Hospital. Only Antai Hospital is insured.

The mortality rate of stroke patients in Antai Hospital has always been the lowest, and now the mortality rate is only 2%, far ahead of other hospitals.

However, Deng Shang's illness was related to Antai Hospital. He fell ill on the way to Antai Hospital. Although driver Xiao Liu did not study medicine, he had worked in the health system for nearly 10 years and had some knowledge.


It must have been a stroke.

He did not drive to Antai Hospital, but went to the nearest neurology department of No. 1 Hospital.

The beds in the Neurology Department of City No. 1 Hospital are very spacious and there are not many patients. As soon as the doctor saw the patient, the resident doctor on duty today immediately got up and admitted the patient.

The patient was carried to the hospital bed, and he began to ask about the medical history and perform examinations.

"Name, gender, age, ID number..."

Driver Liu knew some, and some he didn't know, so he answered some.

"How did he get sick?" The doctor asked about the medical history.

"I was so excited that after getting on the bus, there was suddenly no sound and I fainted." Driver Xiao Liu said.

"Is there vomiting? Is it projectile or non-projectile? Is there nausea? Is there a headache? Is there dizziness? Yes..."

Resident doctors don’t have much experience and have only graduated less than a year ago.

"Doctor, doctor, he is in a coma. Who knows whether he has a headache or is dizzy? Can you check first?"

Even driver Liu discovered that this doctor's skills were not very good. How could a comatose patient get headaches and dizziness?

The doctor also noticed that it was wrong. He was in a coma. How could he have subjective symptoms? But he refused to admit defeat and said it bravely.

"What do you know? I asked him whether he had these symptoms before the onset of the disease. This is very important. If I don't ask about the medical history, how can I write a medical record?"

Finally started checking.

"Stroke! I need a CT scan right away. Oh, by the way, hurry up and pay the 10,000 yuan." said the resident doctor.

"Didn't bring it!"

"How can you write a medical order if you don't have money? If the computer can't write a medical order, hurry up and pay. It will kill someone if you're late." The resident doctor has no choice. If there is no money in the account, the doctor can't write a medical order.

"He is Bureau Deng." Driver Xiao Liu showed Deng Shang's sign.

"Deng Hall can't even do anything!"

What the resident doctor said makes sense. As a computer, I only care about money and not my position. If I want to save my life, I must take medicine. If you talk to me about your position at this time, it has nothing to do with me. Even if it is my business, I can't give orders.

Use the back door of your computer.

"Doctor, you can't do this, it's urgent to save your life!" Dr. Xiao Liu was anxious.

The resident doctor didn't have much experience, and he couldn't think of a way to solve the problem for a while. In the end, he had to say, "You can pay as much as you have first, and then I can make medical orders after a CT scan."

There are usually only a few possibilities for this sudden coma. The most common ones are stroke, including cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction, cardiogenic syncope, and acute poisoning.

Now eager to do a CT scan, Xiao Liu had 2,000 yuan in his cell phone. Half an hour later, the CT results came out.

Massive bleeding in the basal ganglia broke into the ventricles.

The resident doctor prescribed medical advice, which is nothing more than dehydration, using mannitol, so-called brain-protecting drugs, and stomach-protecting omeprazole to prevent stress ulcers. I prescribed a few other drugs to see if they have any effect.

The doctor is not sure either.

However, it won’t work if we don’t open it. If such a patient doesn’t pay for it, the director will scold him to death.

At least 1,000 yuan per day.

Of course, the resident doctor also considered sending the patient to the ICU.

No, the director didn’t agree. If you transfer the patient away, our neurology department will suffer from the northwest wind? Besides, the neurology department itself has an ICU.

There is another question. Minimally invasive puncture is also carried out in the first hospital in the city, but it is not available tonight. It will not be performed at night. The doctor who performed the puncture is off work and is 40 minutes away from here.


Piercing tomorrow.

His superior doctor consulted over the phone and gave instructions.

We have seen this disease too much, so there is no need to make a fuss about it.

People from the work unit are arriving one after another.

Deng Shang’s family also arrived.


"Yes, transfer to another hospital!"

"Hurry and transfer to Antai Hospital!"

"Yes, Xiao Liu, what's wrong with you? You sent Bureau Deng here and you didn't even discuss it with us!"

Driver Liu almost drowned in saliva and was covered in bruises before he had a few seconds to explain.

"Director Deng had a quarrel with Liu Muqiao. He got sick because of the incident at Antai Hospital." Driver Xiao Liu then told the whole story.

The argument started again.

There are two schools of thought on the issue of whether to transfer to another hospital.

One group is opposed to the transfer. His condition is unstable and there is a conflict with Antai Hospital, so the transfer is of little significance.

The other group said that the level of Antai Hospital is much higher, and the sooner the transfer is better, the better. If it is no longer possible, it will be too late to transfer.

There is also a compromise group that stabilizes the condition first and then improves the condition.

This chapter has been completed!
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