Chapter 1648 Self-recommendation

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 The plane flew at an altitude of 10,000 meters for 17 hours.

Jiang Wei also slept for almost 17 hours on the plane. Liu Miqiao was sitting next to her. They bought a first-class cabin.

Jiang Wei slept deeply. Even the first-class stewardess was envious of her beauty.

In the past, first-class flight attendants had a sense of superiority, and she was coveted by many people. But today, she has to understand that there is always a way out.

"Is she your wife?" the flight attendant asked Liu Miqiao.

"Yeah." Liu Miqiao didn't want to explain more, so it would be easier to just give a positive answer.

"You are so lucky." The stewardess said this for the others in the first class cabin.

"Thank you." Liu Muqiao replied politely.

"Your wife is not only beautiful, but she also has a fairy spirit." The stewardess's eyes are really poisonous.

"Thank you for the compliment." Liu Muqiao was about to let Jiang Wei take a Huiqi Pill, but he held back and did not give it to her.

When the plane arrived at the Swiss Capital Airport, Jiang Wei woke up from her dream. Liu Miqiao was responsible for taking down the luggage, while Jiang Wei only held her own bag and Liu Miqiao's black metal box.

Liu Muqiao's black metal box is small, lighter than a laptop, but very strong, about the same as a portable safe.

There was almost no resistance when they left the customs. They took a quick look at their IDs and were released. It must be that in the past few days, there have been more people attending the nursing conference, and they have already received permission.

When they came out of the station, to their surprise, Liu Muqiao and Jiang Wei were picked up by a special car. There was a man and a woman holding up a photo with the words "Welcome Ms. Jiang Wei and Mr. Liu Muqiao" written in Chinese.

The man is a small, white man, only a little over 1.6 meters tall. He is very smart and very enthusiastic when he meets Liu Miqiao and Jiang Wei.

He is a volunteer, a doctor at the National Central Hospital, and he admires Liu Miqiao very much. He took the initiative to pick up Liu Miqiao and Jiang Wei. His name is JIOM.

The woman is a staff member aged 26 or 27. She is very beautiful. She works as an officer in the Nursing Department of the National Central Hospital and is also a formal staff member of this conference. Her name is MILIN.

J stood half a head shorter in front of M.

However, Liu Muqiao feels that this pair of people are a perfect match. Although J is shorter, it does not affect him at all as a typical European man, and he is somewhat heroic.

J is a fan of Chinese culture, especially because he knows Shaolin boxing and once defeated a boxing fan who was a head taller than him.

J and M enthusiastically arranged for Liu Miqiao and Jiang Wei. Then they started the car and drove along the highway.

The city is not big, and there are not too many cars on the road.

Liu Miqiao and Jiang Wei, who are used to the crowded traffic and traffic in Qingjiang City, are envious of the traffic and the beautiful scenery here.

The buildings in the city are somewhat sparse. Red tiles and white walls are dotted among the green mountains and green waters. This should be a characteristic of Europe.

While driving, J enthusiastically introduced the customs and culture of Switzerland, and also introduced several castle-like buildings on the roadside.

They are all ancient buildings with a history of 200 years.

With the ancient castle as the center, there is a whole patch of green grassland, and the cattle and sheep are gnawing on the tender grass leisurely.

It is indeed beautiful.

If you own such a farm, buy a few good horses and gallop on the grass, it will be a very pleasant thing.

"That's the Alps over there!" J said, pointing to the mountains in front. There are still several snow peaks looming in sight. It's really a beautiful place.

The Alps are a large mountain range as famous as the Himalayas. They stretch across the European continent.

"I heard that there are many immortal cultivators living in seclusion in your Alps?"

Liu Muqiao suddenly remembered that a certain magazine said that there were people cultivating immortals in the Alps, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Yes. However, we have only heard that the authenticity cannot be verified. Even our media rarely reports it. However, there are many legends. Some people say that there is a platform to climb to the sky, but it is difficult to find it.

, if you find it, you can go directly to heaven..."

J started talking about local myths.

It seems that every nation has its own myths, especially the topic of cultivating immortals. It seems that there are such legends wherever there are people.

While we were chatting, we arrived.

Please report to the conference center first.

J and M were busy helping Liu Miqiao and Jiang Wei go through the formalities and get their conference certificates and hotel room cards. Zhang Lingzhi waved at the other end.

"Which room do you have?" Zhang Lingzhi is a very enthusiastic person. He tries to lower his voice, but it still sounds loud.

"We are 1890 and 1892." Jiang Wei said.

"I am 1970." Zhang Lingzhi said.

"I'm 1934." An acquaintance came up, from the same hospital.

"What, just you two? Where's Wang Yi?"

Zhang Lingzhi discovered that Liu Muqiao and the others were missing one person. Wang Yi should come to the meeting. She was a member of the team. Without her, team formation would be a problem.

Jiang Wei smiled and said, "Originally she came, but instead of adding that she must win this competition and at least get the top three, the two of us discussed it and decided to change it to another person instead of you."

Discuss, sorry."

"For someone else?" Zhang Lingzhi then remembered that the target was given above, and he must be in the top three in the nursing competition. "Who should I change for? You?"

She looked at Liu Muqiao and asked.

"Yes, I apply to be a super free person."

The so-called super free agent is actually a super main force, just like the extra questions in an exam. The most difficult questions require the most powerful person to complete them.

"Are you confident?"

Zhang Lingzhi is not very familiar with Liu Miqiao. Her original intention is to let Jiang Wei become a super free agent. The last time, the Affiliated Hospital of Qingjiang University won, it was Jiang Wei.

Now Liu Muqiao has recommended himself, is it successful?

"He is my teacher." Jiang Wei said with a smile.

"Oh? Don't worry, then. I didn't expect that Professor Liu, you are a jack of all trades in medicine. Not only have you made great achievements in clinical medicine, but you are also like a mountain in nursing."

Liu Muqiao laughed a few times.

The saying "Taishan Beidou" applies to him, and it's almost the same. He has master level in the three books "Nursing" and "Nursing Psychology". Looking at the current nursing world, there should not be too many


Seeing that Liu Muqiao was not modest at all, Zhang Lingzhi was still a little unhappy. He thought to himself, no matter how good you are, nursing is not your specialty. Your major is clinical medicine, which does not mean that you are proficient in clinical medicine. You can study nursing.

You are now proficient.

She is a little worried.

She glanced at Jiang Wei, a little blaming, and murmured in her heart, "Why don't you discuss it with me? If something goes wrong, can you bear the responsibility?

Too willful.

"Let's do this for now. You go to your room and wash up. After dinner, we will meet again and discuss the competition."

Zhang Lingzhi is the president, and she is the final person responsible. Although you, Liu Miqiao, are famous, this conference is a nursing conference. You have to be clear about it and not overwhelm the guest.

This chapter has been completed!
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