Chapter 1693 Full-time Anesthetist

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 There are many things in the world that I just don’t understand.

Song Laosan fell in love with Mrs. Zheng, and that day he asked Jiang Wei to act as a matchmaker. Who knew that Mrs. Zheng heard everything clearly in the bathroom?

She pretended not to know and secretly observed Song Laosan for a few days. Unexpectedly, after careful observation, she discovered many of Song Laosan's advantages. Gradually, the hormones that had dried up were resurrected.

Yesterday, Song Laosan opened his mouth and proposed to Mrs. Zheng.

Sister-in-law Zheng did not agree immediately, but made a three-part agreement.

First, after getting married, Song Laosan must not be too lazy to be lazy, but must work hard to make money; second, implement the AA system first, and the economy will not be unified immediately; third, treat his daughter as if he were his own.

Song Laosan almost didn't need to think about it, he agreed immediately, and also swore that if anything happened to Mrs. Zheng, he would be struck by lightning from heaven!

They agreed to get married in one month.

The first guests are Liu Miqiao and Jiang Wei.

They are here for a treat.

Liu Muqiao tried his best to calm down, and then said: "Sister-in-law Zheng, are you sure?"


"Let me remind you, Uncle Song has been a bachelor for decades and has become accustomed to living alone. He still has some bad habits. Do you understand him? Uncle Song, don't be angry. I am doing it for Sister Zheng's good. Your shortcomings are

You know it yourself. If you want to get married, you must first let her know. Sister-in-law Zheng is a good person, and I don’t want you to hurt him."

Liu Muqiao remembered Jiang Wei's words, so he was not polite at all.

I thought Song Laosan would be angry, but he laughed and said: "My nephew understands me. Yes, I have many bad habits. But, nephew, I have already told Sister Zheng.

Isn't the shortcoming just because I'm single? There's no passion and no hope in life, and I just live one day at a time. From now on, if I have a career, will I not live a good life? Don't worry, I've found a job, in the emergency room.

The health worker is sick and has gone home. I have joined the team of Antai Hospital and I will definitely do a good job."

When Liu Muqiao heard this, he knew what was going on, but he couldn't explain clearly. He could only say: "Okay, I hope you live a good life."

After chatting for a while, Mrs. Zheng still knew a lot and said to Song Laosan: "Dean Liu is busy, so we won't disturb him."

Watching Song Laosan and Mrs. Zheng go out, Liu Maqiao nodded with a wry smile. He had a hunch that this might be a good couple.

Song Laosan is only 1.5 meters tall, and Zheng's wife is 1.67 meters tall. If Song Laosan disobeys in the future, Zheng's wife can throw him out of the window.

Director Tang from the logistics department is here to report on Song Laosan.

"I knew you were the ones behind it. Let me tell you, Song Laosan is not actually a relative of Jiang Wei. He is just the child of Jiang Wei's father. We took care of him because we felt sorry for him." Liu Maqiao said.

"We thought so too. It happened that Lao He, who was doing hygiene in the emergency department, fell ill with high blood pressure and was not suitable for this job, so I asked Song Laosan to take his place. I gave him a month's salary.

It’s 7,000, and this is the rule for newbies.”

"Just take care of him. Let him have something to do. See if he can do it. Don't break the rules because of our incomparable relationship. If he can't, then it won't do. Okay?"

"Okay, don't worry, after we know this relationship, it will be easier to handle things. We will take care of him if we can, and we won't break the rules because of him."

"Okay, thank you. Is there anything else?"

"One more thing, I have a relative who was diagnosed with liver cancer in our hospital a few days ago. Professor Hua Bucheng looked at it and said it was in the middle and late stages. I want you to do this surgery for him. I don't know if it's possible.


"Oh? When will it be done? I'm going to Beijing tomorrow afternoon."

"Unfortunately, the operation is scheduled for the morning of the day after tomorrow."

Liu Miqiao picked up the phone and asked, "What's the patient's name? Which ward and what bed?" He dialed Hua Bucheng's number.

"7 liver departments and 42 beds."

"Old lady, I, Liu Miqiao, a relative of Director Tang, can perform surgery on 42 beds in Department 7 of the liver to be rescheduled to tomorrow morning?"

Hua Bucheng said: "Boss, are you going to come in person? Okay, fine, I'll inform them to change the channel to the first one tomorrow morning."

Liu Muqiao added: "Tell the anesthesiology department that I want Mitri from abroad to take the exam. I haven't tried it yet, so I don't know what level it is."

"Oh, this guy is very capable. He was the one who performed the anesthesia for a shock patient during emergency surgery yesterday, and it was very successful." Hua Bucheng said.

"You mean, he was given anesthesia before the shock was corrected?"

Generally speaking, you don’t dare to use anesthesia when you are in shock. The routine is to correct the shock first and then anesthetize. However, sometimes for patients with blood loss, you cannot stop the bleeding without anesthesia. This is a very tangled problem.

"Haha, do you have such ability?" Liu Maqiao said happily.

There are not many such anesthesiologists in China. Doctors must first protect themselves, especially when there are so many medical disputes nowadays. If the shock is not corrected, if you give anesthesia and you die, it will be the shock or the anesthesia that counts.


Besides, the anesthesiologist doesn’t just inject the anesthetic and everything will be fine. He is responsible for ensuring the entire vital signs. Heartbeat, blood pressure, and breathing are all under his control, and he is responsible for ensuring them.

Blood pressure and heartbeat are the key points, and the anesthetist is solely responsible for them.

Besides, the most common complication of anesthesia is a drop in blood pressure. Before the injection, people are in a state of shock. This is why most anesthesiologists do not use anesthesia.

Mitri dares to fight. This is the level!

The next day, Liu Muqiao arrived at the operating room on time.

"Hello! Liu Miqiao, let me appreciate your surgical skills today." Professor Mitri waved his hand.

Liu Muqiao smiled and said, "From now on, you will be my full-time anesthetist for major surgeries."

Mitri smiled and said: "No, no, no, Master He Qiaoma will be jealous."

Liu Muqiao said: "No, don't worry, Dr. He Qiao is not so stingy. She has been my full-time anesthesiologist for 4 or 5 years and is already annoying me."

"Is it bothering you? Isn't it? The longer we work together, the more affection we will have. Let's do this, Dr. He Qiao and I take turns serving you." Mitri would also joke.

"How can you say you are serving me? We should serve the patient together." Liu Maqiao said as he prepared to start.

"Three-stage abdominal dissection, you perform three-stage abdominal dissection once!" Professor Mitri requested.


Regardless of whether it is a straight incision or a figure-7 incision, Liu Muqiao can perform a three-stroke abdominal dissection. Mitri has been an anesthetist for many great professors, and he has long heard rumors that Liu Muqiao can perform a three-stroke abdominal dissection.

Three-knife abdominal dissection exists in legends. There is no clear explanation in history who can do three-knife disembowelment.


Professor Mitri finally saw it. It was clean and tidy, without any trace of sloppiness. There was only a little bit of blood on the white gauze.

This chapter has been completed!
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