Chapter 1700 Embarrassment

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 Liu Muqiao has gained a lot from this trip.

He was a grateful man. The next night, in the dead of night, he gave the old man a Tianlai acupuncture.

This is the sixth-level peak natural acupuncture. There is no doubt that it will prolong your life, and the feeling of suddenly being 20 years younger is particularly refreshing.

The old man was so excited that he really wanted to give Liu Miqiao another 10 billion.

However, he restrained himself. 10 billion is not a small number. Besides, this guy is not very short of money. Especially the old man has long known that Liu Miqiao gets a large amount of US dollars from Libya every year. If he doesn't tell, how can the country not know?

?This is top secret, and they will not reveal this piece of paper. This is a major event that is beneficial to the country, and no more than 20 people know about it.

The old man enjoyed the Tian Lai Acupuncture. There was an old man who came to visit the old man and got a blessing by the way. He also received the Tian Lai Acupuncture once. Since this person had a higher status, Liu Miqiao had no reason not to do it for him.

In this way, Liu Muqiao got to know two more big guys. Although they are both retired, you know their energy.

"You should buy your own plane. It will be more convenient and safer." The old man who came to visit suggested, "Nowadays, many business leaders have private planes."

"Liu Muqiao keeps a low profile. Among the airlines, he has not been included in the list of 'important customers'. This needs to be done quickly. He walks through the same channel as ordinary customers without special treatment. This is the airline's dereliction of duty."

"Yes, yes, it must be done."

Important customers have a very special status in the airline list. Not only do they have special passages and lounges, but when they miss their flight, they only need to make a phone call and the plane will have to wait. This kind of customer is generally in the "department" level.

"Above, some super bosses in the business world also have this privilege.

Liu Muqiao did not object, but twice he had to change flights because he was 10 minutes late.

The next day, Liu Muqiao arrived at the airport and enjoyed the treatment of an important customer. There was no security check at all, and he waited in a luxurious room. Liu Muqiao did not want to say more about the items he enjoyed because he felt there was no need to show off.

Before takeoff, he was led onto the plane by the ground attendant, seat No. 1.

Only then did Liu Muqiao remember that this seat was often empty, even if the stewardess was taking a break. There were a few times when someone sat in this seat, and they were all people with a lot of aura.

Well, Liu Muqiao is now the person sitting in this seat.

There is a seat on the left and right. He was arranged to sit in seat A today, probably to avoid the sun.

The stewardess is extremely enthusiastic.

The service is even more special.

This stewardess knew Liu Miqiao - she knew his face, but she didn't know what he did. She was a little confused. The last time she came here, he was still sitting in an ordinary first-class seat, so why did he suddenly become an important guest?

Important guests, people under 50 years old are rare, and this stewardess has never been seen before.

He should only be in his 20s, an important guest?

The flight attendant secretly opened the Internet and entered the three characters "Liu Miqiao". A full page of "Liu Miqiao" quickly appeared on the screen. Open one at random and voila!


Big entrepreneur!

Famous doctor!

Famous doctor!


Wow, professors from 7 universities!


The most famous director of Antai Hospital!

The stewardess was flying from Beijing to Qingjiang City. She had a cold, so she asked Qin Meixiang to do a Tianlai injection at Antai Hospital. After leaving the outpatient clinic, the severe cold was completely cured.

The flight attendant’s surname was Huang. After hesitating for a while, she was ready to strike up a conversation.

She is usually very cautious and dare not take the initiative to talk to customers for fear of entanglement. There are also regulations in the airline flight attendant manual.

The customers in the economy class are not too entangled to be scary, but they can be violent when they have less time.

It's a bit more troublesome to tangle with customers in the first class cabin. They are all respectable people, especially important guests. It's really difficult for you to deal with them.

Therefore, flight attendants rarely say more than one word to customers. What they say are only a few original words, designed to make you feel "enthusiastic". They rarely say anything other than the design plan.


Today, the stewardess is going to chat with Liu Maqiao.

She pondered for a long time, then walked up and said, "Mr. Liu, do you need help?"


"How about a cup of coffee? There's freshly ground coffee from Chile."

"No, I don't like drinking coffee."

"Then let's drink tea. What kind of tea do you like to drink? Black tea or green tea."

"Just Coke."

"Okay, besides Coke, do you also need some snacks?"

"No need."

"Mr. Liu, are you the director of Antai Hospital? A famous doctor?"

"Is something wrong?"

"It's okay. I just want to ask a little question, is that okay?"


"Are you married?"


"Oh, that's hard to ask."

"As a doctor, whether you are married or not does not prevent you from solving medical problems."

"Okay, let me ask. Is there any good way to deal with dysmenorrhea for girls?"

"Oh, this question is really difficult. There are no special medicines without side effects. If the pain is severe, I can give you a Chinese medicine prescription. Remember, 15g of cumin and 15g of Corydalis.

Angelica sinensis 15g, Chuanxiong rhizome 15g, Guangui 15g, red peony root 10g, myrrh 10g, Puhuang 10g, dried ginger 10g, Wulingzhi 10g... decoct and take it, it has some effect."

"Thank you. Mr. Liu, can you leave your phone number?"

"This won't work."

"No?" The stewardess was extremely disappointed. She rarely asked for other people's phone numbers. It was so embarrassing to be rejected.

Huang Xiaoyun is a good-looking stewardess. Logically speaking, no one would refuse her initiative. What's more, the cheongsam she wore today was worn by a supermodel sponsored by a listed company.<


She is very confident.

Of course, she had no intention of marrying Liu Miqiao in the first place, just to make friends.

Unexpectedly, Liu Muqiao refused without hesitation.

This is so embarrassing.

Liu Muqiao also noticed it and said: "I'm sorry, only 12 people know my phone number. Because I want to be quiet and can't delay things by answering the phone. Besides, I am doing surgery most of the time and can't answer the phone."
Huang Xiaoyun also quickly said: "I just want to be a normal friend and have a chat. If I have a headache or fever in the future, someone can consult me. I have no other meaning."

Liu Muqiao smiled slightly and said: "Actually, I am not suitable for being an ordinary friend. My spare time life is very boring - and I don't have a lot of spare time."

At this time, the customers behind also noticed that Liu Miqiao was not an official, and soon understood that he was the legendary Liu Miqiao, and asked: "Professor Liu, I want to ask you a medical question. I am only 57 years old this year. I am two years old."

I only have pain in my foot, and the doctor said it’s a degenerative disease. Do you have any ideas?”

"What's your surname?" Liu Maqiao turned around and asked.

"My surname is Li, the president of Shencheng Huamei Technology."

"Oh, great entrepreneur. The best way to treat degenerative diseases is to take care of yourself, eat a balanced diet, take appropriate calcium supplements, get more sun, and exercise more. The most meaningful exercise is swimming." Liu Miqiao said.

This chapter has been completed!
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