Chapter 1712 Wedding

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 The patient woke up as quickly as possible. Professor Mitri even washed his hands three times and left in a hurry.

Liu Muqiao laughed at his back and smiled secretly.

Liu Muqiao called Zeng Xuefei and asked about Professor Mitri's situation. Zeng Xuefei reported on the recent situation.

"There won't be any problem, right?"

Liu Miqiao is most worried about this group of people who still have the nature of beasts. Even if they are professors, Liu Miqiao is really worried that they will turn into beasts.

Zeng Xuefei also pondered for a while and said, "No way, Mitri is a well-known professor."

It’s not easy for Liu Muqiao to discuss this issue further. As an unmarried young man, he has little experience in this kind of problem.

Mitri took a motorcycle when he went out. It was too late and he couldn't even wait for a taxi. He grabbed a motorcycle and shouted, "Go to Deya Building!"

"Sir, I am not a motorcycle driver."


"I'm not."

"Add 50 more."

"Okay, hold on, I'll open it."

The flow of people at the entrance of Antai Hospital is very large, and taxis are arranged 300 meters outside the east gate, queuing up to pick up passengers just like at the airport.

There are also Didi shopping nearby, and generally speaking, the customer attendance rate is very high.

The third thing is this kind of swimming motorcycle. They are used to saying that it is not a motorcycle. They are worried about fishing law enforcement. Once they enter, the production tools will be gone.

The income that this group of people expect is not very high. It is enough to make 10 orders a day. Each order is actually only 120 yuan to support their families. This kind of income is medium in Qingjiang City.

Mitri was driven around and walked around many paths and alleys. The further he walked, the more worried he became, "Where are you taking me? I don't have much money on me."

"Don't worry, motorcycle drivers can only take small roads. Besides, if you take a shortcut, aren't you in a hurry?"

The motorcycle driver is very happy today. He can earn 100 yuan per trip, and the distance is not far, only 3 kilometers.

Who said foreigners have high cultural levels?

It seems that foreigners also have stupid people. It was originally 20 yuan, but he paid 100 yuan for himself. Only foreigners are so stupid.

When they arrived at Deya Building, Mitri ran in and was chased by the motorcycle driver, "Money for the ride!"

Only then did Mitri notice that he had not paid the fare.

A 100 yuan note was thrown over and he hurried upstairs.


Where are the people?

Mitri's heart thumped, "Oh no! You Caihua is angry.

Mitri quickly took out his phone, dialed You Caihua's number, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm here for the surgery today. Don't be angry. Come back soon."

This is, Mitri looked at his phone, half an hour late.

This shouldn't be the case.

Really shouldn't.

As a German known for his punctuality, Mitri blamed himself very much.

"I'm really sorry. I just had a major surgery, so I'm late. Please forgive me. I brought a gift to my adopted son..."

When You Caihua over there heard the gift, she immediately fainted with joy. In less than a minute, she arrived at the date.

Although she was angry just now, she didn't go far. She just wanted to test Mitri, or play hard to get.

"This is a meeting gift for my son! 500,000." Mitri handed over a bank card, "Password. Six 8s."

You Caihua was so excited.

So happy!

You Caihua really didn't have much money. The wedding gift that year was only 68,000, and the dowry from her mother's family was only 20,000, which added up to less than 100,000.

Now Mitri can make 500,000 at any time. Including the last time, it is close to 800,000.

She was so happy that her last line of defense collapsed.

After drinking a cup of coffee, You Caihua decided not to be reserved anymore. She followed Mitri and got a room in a small hotel not far next door.

A dry firewood and a burning fire.


Professor Mitri has officially decided that he will marry You Caihua, a woman more than 20 years younger than him, who has given him unexpected happiness. He has determined that happiness will come from this woman for the rest of his life.

After only three days, they officially decided to get married, and a small wedding was being prepared.

The wedding was arranged on a piece of grass in Chaoyang Park.

It cost 30,000 yuan to rent this turf, not including the food at the buffet.

The guest invited by Professor Mitri is a colleague from Antai Hospital, and he hopes that the officiant will be Liu Muqiao.

Liu Muqiao declined, and finally decided that Sun Yigu would be the host of the wedding.

Sun Yigu's Tianlai Acupuncture is already on the second level, and it is so famous that even a professor from the Affiliated Hospital of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine asked him to do Tianlai Acupuncture - the external name is "acupuncture".

The acupuncture doctors from the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine who came here for treatment were all severely shocked. Only then did they realize that acupuncture is like this, that acupuncture can produce music.

The song "Lost Handkerchief" has been ringing in my ears for two or three days.

Sun Yigu was also fortunate to be invited to attend the wedding of Mitri and You Caihua - most of the famous actors in Antai Hospital were invited.

Compared to the total number of people, the proportion is still quite small, only 87 people.

Sun Yigu has not yet joined Antai Hospital, and his personnel relationship is still with Tongji Hospital.

He serves as the officiant.

Liu Muqiao, Sun Tao, Zeng Xuefei, and Gao Jian were all invited, and Jiang Wei also came.

Tonight’s wedding style is more Western-style.

You Caihua was very beautifully dressed, and her wedding dress cost more than 30,000 yuan - rented from the highest-end wedding photography company in Qingjiang City.

You Caihua is very happy, happiness in life comes too quickly.

In the past, I chose to buy cheap Youcaihua when buying groceries, but suddenly I became a rich woman with 1.8 million yuan. This feeling is really not an ordinary happiness.

According to the custom here, Professor Mitri gave 1 million as a betrothal gift. This 1 million is You Caihua’s pre-marital property.

The wedding starts on time at 7 o'clock in the evening.

Liu Muqiao sat at the same table with Jiang Wei, Su Yajuan and Xi Yu.

4 people sit at one table.

Chen Taizhong brought Zhong Ling and Chen Ying to the table with the soul of Qiao Feng.

Zeng Xuefei and his wife sat at the same table as Sun Tao and his wife.

First there was the wedding march, and then the newlyweds entered. Mitri was wearing a tuxedo, holding hands with You Caihua, who was wearing a flawless white wedding dress.

You Caihua's 5-year-old son and a 6-year-old girl walked behind. They were also gentlemen and dressed as ladies.

Sun Yigu comes on stage.

At the host's invitation, he walked to the center of the stage, took the microphone, and began the 10-minute ceremony.

The abbot is a popular anchor on Jiangdong TV. He hosts the wedding of the medical staff of Antai Hospital with a 50% discount. Today is his first wedding.

98,000 yuan.

In the middle of the wedding, an elegant woman, about 50 years old, came from behind. She sat on an empty stool without disturbing anyone.

The waiter gave her a glass of boiled water, a burger, a chicken wing, and a pastry.

This woman silently watched the newcomers making three Chinese bows as the host shouted.

This chapter has been completed!
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