Chapter 1794 Please enter the urn

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 "You said, you stand aside and watch the fun?" Tan Sihai was furious.

"Hehe, that's right. Everyone likes to watch disaster movies, and the live-action version is even more exciting." Li Youqin reversed his previous deepness.

"You! Hey, who's the disaster is still uncertain!"

Tan Sihai's voice dropped an octave. He heard some bad information from Li Youqin's mouth.

Did she know something?

At this moment, Tan Sihai's call came.

When he saw the number, his heart skipped a beat, Oops, here we come.

The leader talked to him.

He went to the place where they were talking uneasily.

"In view of your recent actions, the organization has decided to remove you from your current position. I hope you will use this time to reflect on it."

The conversation was very brief, and a lot of things that needed to be said were not said, not even the basic facts.

The fewer words, the bigger the matter.

This is something everyone understands.

Tan Sihai returned to the bureau confused and thought over the conversation just now.

A few cold words.

He was vague and didn't say many things. He was very annoyed and anxious.

Is that the end?

Maybe it's lucky that it ends like this. The question is, won't other things be exposed?

After several days, it was very quiet and there was no message.

He woke up from the panic and began to feel sad about losing his position.

He began to take revenge, and the way of revenge was to secretly collect evidence. He did not believe that Li Youqin would be clean, especially when he wanted to search for the benefit transfer relationship between Antai Hospital and Li Youqin.

He couldn't figure it out without checking, but after checking, he was happy. It turned out that Li Youqin had two relatives doing business in Antai Hospital, one was Liu Xu and the other was Chen Taizhong.

In other words, Liuxu and Chen Taizhong are relatives of relatives.

Chen Taizhong works in Liu Muqiao's studio. He is the cousin of Bureau Chief Li Youqin. Chen Taizhong is 15 years younger than his cousin.

Liu Xu's identity is a bit embarrassing. She is a salesperson. She was first in the medicinal materials business, and later became the general agent of Liu Maqiao's puncture equipment, and her business was very big.

A report letter arrived. According to the content of the report, Li Youqin opened the door for Liuxu to do business, and Liuxu was Li Youqin's agent.

There are a lot of factual bases listed above, and even the amount of economic issues is clear.

This is a very weighty report material. If the evidence is conclusive, Li Youqin will never come out in this life, and he will never be able to finish his life in prison.

The superiors had to send people to investigate.

Liu Muqiao had to take this matter seriously and stop joking around. Someone was obviously framing Li Youqin.

Liu Muqiao told the facts about how Liuxu made his fortune. It was very clear that Liuxu's fortune had nothing to do with Li Youqin and everything was closely related to Liu Muqiao.

When I asked Liu Xu herself again, the process she told was completely consistent with Liu Miqiao. However, after further investigation, someone asked her for a bribe, Tan Sihai.

Tan Sihai asked her for a bribe three times in total, each time it was 600,000 yuan.

As a person who made a lot of money in business, Liu Xu couldn't refuse when the leader of her supervisory unit asked her for a bribe, so she gave Tan Sihai 1.8 million in three installments.

"Liu Xu, you have to understand that if you frame someone else, you will be legally responsible. Do you understand?"

Liuxu said: "How do you want me to answer? If I tell you, you say it's a frame-up. If I don't tell you, you say I won't cooperate with your work. What should I say?"

"Do you have evidence?"

Liuxu said: "No. If there must be evidence, then don't ask, how could I leave evidence? I give people money and leave evidence, don't I mean to harm others?"

"Well, what you said makes sense. Just keep talking."

"No more." Liu Xu said, "Except for giving 1.8 million to Tan Sihai, no one else has any financial dealings."

"Li Youqin, do you know this person? How much money did you give to Li Youqin?"

"Li Youqin? My uncle's cousin. She's not very close. Why should I give her money? She is a high-ranking official and has money, so she doesn't need me to give it to her. Besides, she and I are far away from each other, so we usually don't give it to her.

We don’t have much contact." Liuxu looked innocent, innocent for her aunt.

"When you were doing business, your aunt didn't say hello to Liu Muqiao? Didn't you ask Liu Muqiao to take care of you?"

Liu Xu shook her head and said: "I went to Antai Hospital to do business, and my aunt is still working as an official in the area below, and she hasn't even come to the provincial capital yet."

This is true.

Li Youqin only came to work in Qingjiang City last year.

The investigation was very detailed and professional, and they found that Liuxu told many lies.

However, Liu Muqiao told them not to frighten Liuxu. The person who asked the question did not scare Liuxu and allowed Liuxu to talk nonsense.

However, the facts are already very clear. Li Youqin indeed has nothing to do with Liuxu’s fortune.

There is one person who is a bit troublesome, Gao Jian. He has many suspicions. However, no one asked further.

Now it was Tan Sihai's turn to be frightened. He reported Liu Xu and Li Youqin, but Liu Xu said that Tan Sihai had demanded 1.8 million from Liu Xu.

This is a clue.

He was investigated.

The person who is trying the case will never show his trump card.

"Tell me, if you ask for or accept bribes, take the initiative to speak out. If you confess, you will be lenient. If you resist, you will be stern."

At this moment, Tan Sihai was so scared that his soul flew away.

Originally, he wanted to get rid of Tan Sihai, but because he didn't have any evidence, Liu Xu said that he had given him 1.8 million. This was the breakthrough.

They asked about Tan Sihai's reception, and of course they were not in a hurry to bring out the catkin materials. In order to win leniency for his confession, Tan Sihai tentatively told a few things.

"Continue, we have more than this."

Tan Sihai said some more.

The more he talked, the more he talked. Eventually, he collapsed and poured out everything he remembered bit by bit.


Big fish!

8.6 million!


Tan Sihai's home was searched.

There was no big harvest, but 11 million in cash was found at another place, Tan Sihai's sister's house.

This is a big fish.

Finally the network was closed.

"You still have a sum of money that you haven't paid, Liu Xu. You paid bribes three times, totaling 1.8 million."

"It's unfair! It's really unfair! I did hint to her, but this person doesn't understand human nature and didn't give me a penny."

Several people handling the case looked at each other, hahaha, and laughed.

Tan Sihai went in, and his mother-in-law's husky also died, not from illness, but from starvation. Because Tan Sihai's wife also accepted bribes, she will also stay in prison for several years.

Her dog was not fed and was sick. A few days later, sanitation workers found a skinny stray dog ​​dead next to the trash can.

Lao Yang said to Zhang Ling, you want Liu Muqiao to remind Gao Jian.

Zhang Ling came back and said to Liu Muqiao: "Lao Yang said, you have to pay close attention to your subordinates, so that something doesn't happen and it doesn't hurt you."

Liu Muqiao smiled.

This chapter has been completed!
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