Chapter 1793 Stand aside and watch the excitement

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Antai Hospital's appeal was rejected. The drug regulatory department insisted that Antai Hospital pay a fine of 32 million yuan immediately, otherwise it will arrest people.

Antai Hospital ignored it, and Sun Tao casually threw the notice on the table.

They sent people over to demand payment, but Sun Tao didn't even see him.

However, there has been no action on arresting people.

When arresting someone, should we arrest Su Yajuan or the legal person Liu Muqiao?

They do not have the power to arrest people. They must apply to be arrested by the police station. The police station has long ignored Tan Sihai.

Li Youqin, the head of this bureau, did not show up at all. She hid in the First Affiliated Hospital and was hospitalized with a herniated intervertebral disc and cervical spondylosis.

Arresting people is not the purpose. Tan Sihai knows that arresting people is relatively difficult. The pain last time has not been relieved. Now he hopes to recover the 32 million fine.

32 million is not a small number, it is the bureau’s fiscal revenue for two years.

If he gets this done, he will be the emperor of the bureau from now on, and Li Youqin will have to pay him a respectable seven points.

He and Li Youqin did not have a harmonious relationship. Li Youqin was new here and he, Tan, was an old man in the bureau. The two of them competed for authority.

This time I have made a great contribution, 32 million yuan in fines and forfeitures, and 88% of the commission will be given to the bureau. If I give this money to the bureau, I can make a fortune for several years.

It is obvious that superior achievements overwhelm the master.

Although it is difficult to punish Liu Muqiao directly, he still has to work hard and take Liu Muqiao to court directly.

The court has not responded yet.

Whether it will be accepted or not is still a question, and Tan Sihai is worried about it.

If the court does not accept the case, Tan Sihai plans to go directly to the provincial government and go directly to Lao Yang.

Lao Yang has a high prestige, a good reputation, and is selfless. He will definitely uphold justice.

He didn't go there himself, but suddenly heard that Li Youqin had gone to the provincial capital, and his heart skipped a beat.

Why is she going to the provincial government?

In fact, they are rivals, and nothing good will happen if Li Youqin goes to the provincial capital.

After a few days without any movement, he felt relieved again.

However, Tan Sihai soon lost his joy and the court did not accept his case.

As for why, the people in the court had a very bad attitude, saying "You know it yourself!" He was rejected with one sentence.

The 32 million yuan fine has not yet been paid in full. I went there several times, but Sun Tao didn't see them.

Tan Sihai vaguely felt that something was wrong. Could there be another reason for Antai Hospital's indifference?

Generally speaking, it is never a good thing for a hospital to go against law enforcement. Even if you win this time, there will be a next time. What about the next time?

Antai Hospital is very good and has the ability to ignore others, but no matter how good it is, can it continue to fight with the law enforcement agencies?

It's not that simple.

Tan Sihai took action personally.

He caught Sun Tao and must ask Sun Tao to sign.

Sun Tao smiled and said: "Don't worry, you won't be able to take away this money as a fine. We are going to sue you, personally."

Tan Sihai said: "Sue me? Sue me for what? How dare you!"

Sun Tao said: "You should know whether you dare or not. You are my mortal enemy of Antai Hospital. This time, I tell you clearly that we must take you down."

Tan Sihai shuddered, "You don't have the energy either!"

He is tough-talking.

If you think about it carefully, Liu Muqiao's energy is certainly not small. Will they really attack me alone?

"This is a unit behavior, and I represent the bureau! It is not a personal behavior!" He reminded Sun Tao.

"I don't care if it's a collective behavior or an individual behavior. Once we identify you, we'll grab you and hold you tight. Hey, Liu Maqiao has already gone up there."

Sun Tao is not scary, but it is true. A leader has made an appointment to meet Liu Miqiao, just to understand the situation of this Tan Sihai man.

Tan Sihai suddenly became afraid.

He knows Liu Muqiao's ability and knows that he has too many resources. It really won't be difficult to bring him down.

However, he said stubbornly, "Okay, I'm not corrupt and I'm not corrupt, sue me? Hey, let's see who suffers first."

Tan Sihai suddenly discovered that this deck of cards, which were not bad at all, was getting worse and worse. He had to make the last move. He wanted to find Lao Yang's deputy, who was in charge of drug supervision.

He no longer wanted to recover the 32 million, but asked the driver to drive to the provincial capital.

"Do you have an appointment?" The guard stopped.

"Some, some."

Tan Sihai is very cunning. If you hesitate, you won't be able to get in. If you just say confidently that you have an appointment, people will not doubt you and let you in.

Tan Sihai rushed in directly.

Met Lao Yang’s deputy.

"Why are you here?" The leader looked unhappy.

"I want to report a situation. Antai Hospital is too rampant, manufacturing counterfeit medicines, violently resisting the law, injuring me, and refusing to pay fines. The key is that there are many departments supporting them!"

Tan Sihai has a good relationship with this leader. They once carried out the "100-Day Drug Safety" campaign across the province. On that occasion, Tan Sihai made great achievements, destroying 7 dens for manufacturing counterfeit drugs and arresting 130 people.

A ringleader selling counterfeit drugs also punished 170 hospitals and 380 pharmacies, confiscated 1.9 billion yuan in illegal income, and confiscated 3.2 billion yuan in fines.

This leader had a good impression of Tan Sihai and gave him the impression of being capable, resolute, decisive, and selfless.

After this operation, they established a certain personal relationship. He became Tan Sihai's supporter.

He calmly listened to Tan Sihai's briefing, and then said: "Since so many departments do not support you, you should go back and think more about why, or what other problems are behind this matter, such as

Did you have any bad motives for checking them this time? Did you get the support of the main comrades in the bureau? Did everything you did represent the unit? Did you report what should be reported, and did you ask for instructions that should be asked for?

Of course, the key thing is that you caught Su Yajuan, this move is too bad!"

Tan Sihai was a little confused.

These words just now contain a lot of information. He should have already grasped the situation before listening to his report.

He has to think carefully.

He found that it seemed that he not only had one opponent, Liu Maqiao was only his opponent openly, but also secretly.

Li Youqin.

What the leader just said contains a lot of information, and it is obvious that Li Youqin was involved.

Tan Sihai had a hot temper, but he could hold it back in the provincial government. When he returned to the bureau, he almost rushed to Li Youqin's office.


He punched the desk and shocked Li Youqin.

Li Youqin stayed in the hospital for a few days and is now back at work. What does it mean to avoid Tan Sihai?

"Tell me! How did you get into trouble with Liu Maqiao!" Tan Sihai shouted loudly.

His roar shocked everyone in the nearby office.

Li Youqin calmed down and said calmly: "I am ashamed of you for having these words come out of your mouth!"

Li Youqin stood up and continued: "I can tell you, Lao Tan, you have found the wrong opponent this time. Originally I wanted to remind you, but then I thought about it, is it appropriate for me to remind you? If I remind you, you

There must be a misunderstanding. Besides, our relationship is not to the point where I have to take care of you. I thought, what's wrong with standing aside and watching the fun?"

This chapter has been completed!
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