Chapter 1836 Liu Miqiao also ran into trouble

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 In the case of textbooks, due to Liu Muqiao's strong grasp of the latest knowledge, all 680 errors he pointed out were quickly rewritten.

Some have gone through repeated verification and demonstration, like Bai Sha, who consulted several foreign masters through emails, and they supported Liu Miqiao's views.

Of course, there are also some people who are lazy. You, Liu Muqiao, insist on making changes, and you are the editor-in-chief, so there is nothing we can do. Let’s make the changes casually.

Of course, there are also some questions that are reluctantly passed. For the two questions asked by Professor Hu from Jincheng, the consultation results were 2 to 8 and 1 to 9. Only 1 or 2 people supported Liu Miqiao's conclusion, while 8 people supported the old view.

To 9 people.

In the end Liu Muqiao had to force his way through.

"You are conducting an election, and the minority obeys the majority. That is a typical mistake in academia! The more advanced something is, the fewer people have it. The truth is in the hands of a few people. You should understand this.

Why are there so few big guys and so few super bosses? Think about it, if science were voted on, would people like Newton and Einstein still exist?"

Professor Hu was scolded so badly by Liu Muqiao's specious theory that he didn't dare to bear it anymore.

Liu Muqiao doesn't care whether your ideas are passed or not. Anyway, if he writes the correct ones in the book, there is nothing wrong.

The book has passed, and the impressions given are both good and bad, but generally speaking, Liu Miqiao has completely established his position as the number one person in neurology in the country. Both those who are convinced and those who are not convinced know that Liu Miqiao has the absolute latest knowledge.
Those who are dissatisfied are only dissatisfied verbally, and they are stubborn. In fact, have they ever been dissatisfied in their hearts?

Xiao Bo and Bai Sha are convinced, and the others will stop talking nonsense.

It took Liu Muqiao 8 days to finish the first draft, and he was ready to go home.

However, something happened. As they were about to go to the airport, Liu Maqiao was waiting for Peng Shan's car, and her car was hit.

Her driving skills were so good, how could she be hit by someone?

The problem is, her car has been impounded.

It's a bit contradictory to be hit and detained at the same time.

"Peng Shan, tell the truth, you hit someone else, right?"

"No, this time, someone really hit me. Think about it, I have never painted a Bentley with paint as big as a fingernail? If I hit someone, I wouldn't hit them with a Bentley!"

"Well, tell the traffic police and let go of the car. I have to go to the airport in a hurry."

"The people I'm dealing with today are a bit unkind and unprofessional, I've already said that. I'll try to negotiate again, but if it doesn't work, I'll have to go to their captain."

Liu Muqiao agreed.

I looked at the time and saw that I had a very tight schedule to go to the airport. I had to pick him up in half an hour, otherwise I would not be able to catch the plane.

I must go back today. It has been 8 or 9 days since I came out. I have already accumulated several major surgeries at home, especially one scheduled for tonight, involving a foreign patient and a political figure.

Five minutes later, Peng Shan called.

"I met a rival today. They hit me and wanted me to pay for it. They asked me for 3.2 million, and the traffic police agreed to keep it private." Peng Shan said.

"Who is he?" Liu Miqiao didn't need to think too much. In this capital, this kind of person must be a high-profile figure. He asked first.

It’s not a question of 3.2 million, but a question of being reasonable. If you are unreasonable, even one cent will fight you to the end!

"I got to know this man a little bit, and he is very familiar with the traffic police. They call him Mr. Ren. His ancestors were officials, high officials, and his father's family was in real estate. As for his name, they refused to tell him." Peng Shan said.

"Well, I understand. I know who this person is. Most people don't take him seriously. He has a lot of money and is very arrogant."

"I'll negotiate with their captain again. If that doesn't work, it's your turn, Liu Muqiao." Peng Shan addressed Liu Muqiao by his first name.

"Forget it, give me your phone number and I'll tell him directly." Liu Maqiao looked at the time. If he doesn't let him go, he won't be able to catch the plane.

"Liu Muqiao, you don't know Captain Pan, so let me fight." Peng Shan said.

Peng Shan is a well-known person in the traffic police brigade, and she often causes trouble for them. They usually let Peng Shan go, knowing that Peng Shan is a difficult person to deal with.

Peng Shan often gets into trouble, but almost every time, Peng Shan gets it right. Most of the road bullies in the capital have been repaired by Peng Shan.

She is famous.

Peng Shan was scratched by others, or even rear-ended. Every time, her own injuries were very low, while other people's cars were seriously injured. The key is that 80% of the others bear full responsibility and 20% bear secondary responsibility.

Later, the traffic police basically went to the scene and directly held the other party fully responsible.

This actually works.

Those who get hit consider themselves unlucky.

I met my opponent today. This so-called Mr. Ren seems to be even more awesome than Peng Shan.

Peng Shan hit a wall again. Captain Pan Zhengguo actually ordered Peng Shan to be handled by the traffic police and cooperate with the investigation.

"Captain Pan, do you know who owns my car?" Peng Shan endured her anger.

"What the emperor, I don't care, if you bump into someone, you should be dealt with." Pan Zhengguo said in a very hard tone.

"Team Pan, Liu Miqiao has to catch a flight. If it's late, you're responsible for it!" Peng Shan was rude and moved Liu Miqiao out.

There is an unspoken rule. For luxury cars, most traffic police can tell the owner of the car. Especially for cars with special license plates, the traffic police will remember them.

"Is it my responsibility for Liu Muqiao to catch the plane? I'm responsible for that!" Captain Pan said foul language.

Peng Shan was so angry that she was speechless for a long time.

When Liu Muqiao found out about this, he asked for the brigade's phone number and called. The other party answered the call from the office, "Pan Zhengguo, answer the phone!"

"Who are you?" Office staff will not answer the phone from just anyone.

"Liu Muqiao. Owner of 4880A."

"Okay, I'll get in right now, wait a moment."

Liu Muqiao didn't call Pan Zhengguo's cell phone because he didn't want to follow Peng Shan's old path. Peng Shan dialed the cell phone number.

Liu Muqiao didn’t use his own mobile phone either.

An arrogant voice came from the microphone.


"Liu Muqiao, the owner of 4880A. My car has been impounded by you. I am going to the airport now and need the car. Please let me go immediately."

"No, your car hit someone else's luxury car, and the car needs to be impounded for processing. Or, you can reach a private agreement."

Liu Muqiao suppressed his anger and said: "Maybe you haven't figured out who Liu Muqiao is? Just handle it according to the procedures. What does it mean to impound the car? Besides, someone else's car hit my car, don't you?

Dealing with the perpetrator will embarrass the victim instead? Let me tell you, if you don’t release the car within 5 minutes, I will complain to your boss.”

"Mr. Liu Muqiao, I'm really not very familiar with you, but your driver is famous for being arrogant. Today she provoked others first." Captain Pan Zhengguo was not polite at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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