Chapter 1930 A sigh

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 In the following days, the weather in Qingjiang City was still bad, and several incidents occurred. As the best hospitals in the city, they were all very busy.

The helicopters kept flying back and forth after the strong wind stopped, rescuing a dozen patients in total. Several helicopters donated by Wan Lei made a great contribution, and these lives were saved by Wan Lei.

Liu Muqiao performed 9 surgeries in 3 days, and even those who took Hui Qi Wan felt tired.

I really want to lie down and have a good sleep.

But, no, Song Baiyi cannot perform the surgery and needs support.

It can be said that surgeries that Song Baibai couldn't handle are relatively rare nowadays. He really couldn't handle this one. In addition, he had been struggling for 3 days and 3 nights in a row and only slept for 10 hours in total. He was very tired.<


He is a little annoyed and a little impatient.

Once he became impatient, the operation became unsatisfactory. When it came to the stage of spinal anastomosis, his hands began to tremble a little.

The most amazing skill of a spinal surgeon is that his fingers do not move at all and do not tremble under the microscope.

Liu Muqiao is here.

Love was napping aside. Professor Gan just came here, and so did his assistant Shi Youliang.

Liu Muqiao is preparing to form a new team to take over the operation.

"Can I try it first?"

Shi Youliang's last success made him eager to try. Although the last operation was not difficult, it had exceeded his ceiling. He had every reason to believe that he could do more difficult operations.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Professor Gan stopped him softly.

Professor Gan is Shi Youliang's superior doctor. He has this right and this obligation.

You really can't joke about today's surgery. This is an operation that even Song Dynasty couldn't handle. I, Gan Mouren, have been daunted by it. You, a small attending doctor, are you kidding me?

Liu Muqiao looked up at Professor Gan, then at Shi Youliang, and said, "You can give it a try, and I will be your assistant. However, there is a condition. Don't take risks. If you can't do it anymore, stop in time."

Professor Gan said: "Liu Muqiao, you too, is this the time to joke? If he can take it, will Director Song ask you to take it?"

Liu Muqiao said: "It doesn't matter, I will be his first aid and there will be no problems. Have you noticed? Shi Youliang's hands will not shake during the operation. This is something that even Song Dynasty did two years ago.

Can't do it."

He did not say further, even you, Professor Gan, are more shaken than Shi Youliang now. If I don't train such a person, who else will I train?

Professor Gan couldn't say more. He looked at Shi Youliang with envy.

He has never had such an opportunity. He is the surgeon, and Liu Miqiao is the assistant. When Liu Miqiao is the assistant, he is giving you tricks and teaching you step by step.

As expected, Shi Youliang stood in the position of the surgeon.

After taking one look at the surgery field, I felt dizzy immediately.

Can't do it!


"What's wrong?"

"It's too difficult. Sorry, I didn't know there was such a scene."

Before his eyes, it was as if he was in a century-old mining area, with traps everywhere and unfathomable coal holes everywhere. If you don't pay attention, you will be in jeopardy.

"Clear it up, focus on your key points, and identify the areas that need to be consistent." Liu Muqiao encouraged.

"The surgical field is too small."

It's really small. This is a spinal cord rupture deep in the 7th cervical vertebra. Looking at it from this angle is like looking at a book 100 meters away. You need to read it under a microscope and fill in the pinyin.

This is the difficulty.

Don't shake your hands at all.

Why did Song Baibai run away from the battle? He couldn't control his trembling fingers. Even when he had had enough sleep and was in high spirits, he could only persist for 30 minutes.

"Try it. You can do it for as long as you can." Liu Muqiao actually just wanted to see if Shi Youliang could do it, and if he could, how long he could do it.

This is an extremely difficult operation. Only Liu Miqiao, Jon, Zhu Yaguang and Song Baibai can do this kind of surgery.

None of the other ten professors can do it.

Shi Youliang started doing it.

My hands are not shaking.

He found the severed end of the nerve, and Liu Miqiao sent the other end over and aligned it.

Got the first stitch.

Not bad, solid.

My confidence immediately increased.

If you can sew the first stitch, you can sew the second stitch. This is the general logic.

However, there is another logic to this operation, that is, after 10 minutes, it will be difficult for you to persist until the 11th minute.

People who stand on tiptoes should not stand on tiptoe for too long, you will not be able to bear it.

Liu Muqiao hopes he can last 10 minutes.

The more you have this desire, the 10 minutes will fly by very quickly, and the 10 minutes will pass quickly.

Liu Muqiao was surprised to find that although Shi Youliang's surgical skills were relatively unfamiliar and his speed was relatively slow. Normally, he should sew more than 30 stitches in 10 minutes, but Shi Youliang only had 9 stitches. However, after 10 minutes, his hands did not shake.


This is so exciting.

If the sewing speed is slow, it is because you are not yet proficient. Not shaking, more importantly, it requires talent. Whether you are familiar with it or not, you can do it through hard work, but talent cannot be improved day by day.

Shi Youliang sewed another nerve bundle, and finally, the record of continuous non-shaking ended at 18 minutes.

"Very good!" Liu Muqiao couldn't help but exclaimed, "Shi Youliang, if you increase your speed from now on, it may not take a few years to catch up with Song Baihun. I hope to become Jon as soon as possible."

When it comes to Jon, Liu Muqiao's heart sinks. No matter how talented Shi Youliang is, it will only take 8 years for him to become a talent. No matter how good he is, he can catch up with Jon in 5 years?

That was also 5 years later.

Not to mention that Li Liuyi can't wait for that day, even I, Liu Miqiao, would go crazy.

Two days ago, Liu Muqiao went to see Li Liuyi, and he kept begging Liu Muqiao, asking him to find a way to end his life.

Liu Muqiao comforted him for a long time.

Although Liu Muqiao understands profound psychology and has a high level of psychotherapy, Li Liuyi is not mentally ill at all. He really does not want to live anymore.

In fact, Liu Miqiao himself understands this kind of life that is worse than life. Not only Liu Miqiao, but also the two male caregivers who care for him.

Liu Muqiao did not dare to promise when he would perform a body transplant on Li Liuyi. Without a competent assistant, Liu Muqiao would never dare to perform a head transplant or a body transplant easily.

This is an operation that cannot fail.

If you want to be foolproof, you really don’t dare to make up your mind.

Sometimes, Liu Muqiao lay in bed and thought, thinking about letting Song Baibai be his assistant. But when he thought of failure, he didn't dare to think about it. This kind of failure was completely murderous.

Liu Muqiao looked at Shi Youliang, sighed, and then shook his head.

This scene was sent by Liu Muqiao subconsciously, but it was seen by Shi Youliang.

He was shocked.

Liu Muqiao is very disappointed in me!

He asked Professor Gan for help in horror. What went wrong with me? Why did Liu Miqiao sigh and shake his head at me? Do I have an insurmountable shortcoming?

Tell me! Tell me! Liu Muqiao, don’t ruin me with just a sigh or a shake of the head, okay? Tell me what flaws I have and I’ll correct them!

This chapter has been completed!
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