Chapter 1934 Fragrant Dream Pillow

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 Liu Muqiao came back and lay on the bed unable to sleep.

Insomnia is a rare thing for Liu Miqiao. He has always fallen asleep within a minute. Being unable to sleep for more than half an hour is too rare for him.

There is always the shadow of Li Liuyi in his mind.

Li Liuyi, who has no arms or legs, is very emaciated. The ribs on his body can be clearly seen without touching him. He is highly malnourished.

In fact, his food is very good, and everything he eats is high in protein and vitamins.

Liu Muqiao was worried that he had hyperthyroidism, so he took blood tests and found that all the indicators were normal, except that the hemoglobin was a little low.

It’s just a critical value.

This kind of malnutrition is purely caused by mental factors.

Li Liuyi slept very poorly and had constant nightmares. He was particularly prone to dreaming about his deceased parents, grandparents and others, so vividly that even his wrinkles were clearly visible.

He felt that this was not a dream, but that he was with their souls.

Li Liuyi believes in parallel universes and souls. He does not think that people in this world are purely a natural phenomenon. He does not think that dozens of elements can become a living person. Why is there no life in the house?

Why are stones lifeless?

The house is also very exquisite, and the jade is also very exquisite, but they are lifeless.

And people have.

Why? This is a big question.

He believed in the soul. He dreamed of his dead relatives because their souls met. If it were just a dream, it shouldn't be so clear, so vivid, and so real.

Since Li Liuyi's sleep was not a good experience, he very much hoped to get a pillow of yellow rice.

It is said that there is a magical equipment called "A Pillow of Yellow Liang", which can give you good dreams.

Liu Muqiao and others belong to the fifth dimension, why don't they develop such a thing?

This kind of thing is great!

You know, there are many people in the world who have sleep disorders, and patients with severe insomnia are very painful, even more serious than physical pain.

How great would it be if we researched a device like "a pillow of yellow rice" that would give people wonderful dreams when sleeping on it!

Liu Muqiao thought about it over and over again, and before he knew it, all his sleepiness disappeared.

He is very sleepy and just can't sleep.

Is this the legendary insomnia?

In fact, he is not considered insomniac. Patients with insomnia will be very anxious. The more anxious they are, the more unable to fall asleep. The pain is no less than that of depression.

Talk to Jiang Wei to discuss this issue.

Liu Muqiao suddenly wanted to know Jiang Wei's dream.

As for who gets more sleep, there is no one in the world who sleeps more than Jiang Wei in a year. Of course, except for people with mental disorders.

Liu Muqiao came to Jiang Wei's room and gave her a Qi Qi Pill.

"Why are you coming here so late? Is something wrong?" Jiang Wei woke up.

"Can you determine the time now?" Liu Miqiao discovered for the first time that Jiang Wei knew the time when she woke up from her dream.

"Yes, it is roughly around 12 o'clock in the evening." Jiang Wei raised her head and glanced at the electronic clock on the wall. It was 10 minutes past 12 o'clock.

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought of a question and wanted to ask you. Do you dream when you sleep?" Liu Muqiao asked.

"Have a lot of dreams," Jiang Wei said.

"How does it feel to experience a dream?" Liu Maqiao asked.

"Overall, it's relatively dull, just like when I'm awake, there's not much difference." Jiang Wei said.

"Do you often dream about dead people? Do you often have nightmares?" Li Liuyi encountered this problem. His dreams felt bad, very bad.

Jiang Wei shook her head and said: "I almost never dream about dead people, and there are very few nightmares."

Liu Muqiao asked again: "What is the most common thing in your dreams?"

Jiang Wei said: "Practice the exercises you taught me. I seem to be awake most of the time, but I keep practicing the inner skills and mental methods."

Liu Muqiao was slightly surprised.

He also practices internal skills and mental methods, but he doesn’t practice them every day, only two or three times a week. Jiang Wei is in a dream, doesn’t it mean he practices it every day?

"What do you think you gained?" Liu Miqiao was a little anxious as he hadn't mentioned this matter for a long time.

"I don't feel that I have gained anything. After practicing, I always feel good, so in dreams, the spiritual energy that drives the body circulates in the body." Jiang Wei said.

"How's that aura in you?"

Liu Muqiao found that his spiritual energy was being consumed a little bit, but it was consumed very slowly. It was difficult to detect without special comparison.

"Speaking of spiritual energy, my spiritual energy has been slowly increasing and is now as thick as a thumb." Jiang Wei said.

Liu Muqiao was surprised, "Why, mine is consuming, but yours is increasing. It seems that this internal skill and mental method still need to be practiced seriously."

Jiang Wei said: "Since it is an internal skill and mind method, and people practice it every day, we can't fish for three days and dry the nets for two days. Of course, you don't have time. I have too much time, and the quality of practice is also high in my sleep."

, so any aura in the air can be absorbed by me."

The two chatted about Reiki for a while. Since their knowledge of Reiki was very limited, they couldn't talk about in-depth things. They only knew that Reiki was useful, but no one could tell what it was used for.

After chatting for a while, the topic returned to Li Liuyi.

"He is eager to get a kind of treasure called 'Yi Pillow of Yellow Liang'. He is really out of his mind." Liu Muqiao said.

"He also understands that if he can have a sweet dream during the long wait, his life will be much happier." Jiang Wei said.

"Li Liuyi always thinks that we are five-dimensional creatures, and thinks that people from high latitudes will definitely be able to develop things like 'a pillow of yellow rice'. It's hard for me to explain. If I explain, he will lose faith in life."

, will find a way to end his life." Liu Maqiao said.

"Well, yes, he now hopes that you are a person from the fifth dimension, so that he has a reason to persist. However, although this 'a pillow of yellow rice' is impossible, but isn't there any of your ancient prescriptions?

Are there any ancient traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions that can promote sleep and improve sleep quality? Insomnia is also a major disease. Logically speaking, there should be some, so you should look for them carefully."

Liu Miqiao's heart tightened. He looked into his mind and saw, oh, there were hundreds of twinkling stars, and one of them was like a morning star, very dazzling.

Take a closer look, oh, good guy, this recipe is called "Fragrant Dream Pillow". The recipe consists of 8 traditional Chinese medicines: mother of pearl, cinnabar, Uncaria, salvia, prunella vulgaris, Albizia bark, Alisma, and wild chrysanthemum.

.Look at the explanation again, it relieves liver fire, calms the nerves and nourishes the brain. Look at the popular explanation again, it helps insomnia patients fall asleep quickly, and the dreams are beautiful and coherent.

Liu Muqiao paid special attention to the last four words, and the dream was coherent!

It’s so simple!

Liu Muqiao acted quickly and ran to the prescription. He quickly made a "Fragrant Dream Pillow" and brought it back to Jiang Wei for trial.

This chapter has been completed!
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