Chapter 1988 The long motorcade

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K’s uncle is still on the way.

His dispatch alerted tens of thousands of people, who deployed defenses, set up traps, prepared ammunition, etc.

K's uncle is a heavyweight. He is a big shot of the previous generation and has great influence among the people.

Only the big boss of the previous dynasty remained, and everyone else fell in the purge. He was the only one who escaped and still had a certain amount of strength. No one dared to ignore him.

He is ranked 11th.

Not among the top ten. The top ten are all from the new generation. The oldest is around 60 years old and the youngest is only 32 years old.

K's uncle is not too old, only 68 years old. He is the youngest among the older generation. Unfortunately, he suffers from severe Parkinson's disease.

I can’t take care of myself in some aspects of my life.

The route he passed has at least 7 levels and belongs to 3 different factions.

Although he has received promises from the heads of three different factions, who knows what will happen?

If something unexpected happens, then a big war is inevitable.

We are all nervous.

Not only K and K’s uncle are very nervous, but also other parties are very nervous. Once the two sides fight, the possibility of not being involved is very small, and maybe no one can watch the fun leisurely.

Similarly, Liu Muqiao's reputation has also greatly increased.

Of course, Liu Muqiao doesn't want to be famous. It's not a very honorable thing for a place like this to be famous - or it's not a very lucky thing.

You know, he is now surrounded by a group of murderous and vicious people, they are all hungry wolves.

Liu Muqiao only wants one thing, to leave here as soon as possible.

However, in fact, things were getting more and more troublesome. Behind K's uncle's car was a large convoy of people, all of whom came to ask Liu Miqiao for treatment.

K's uncle passed by someone else's defense zone, and everyone knows now that he is here to treat a disease. A doctor who can even cure Parkinson's disease cannot lose this opportunity and must seek treatment from him.

So, K’s uncle was allowed to pass through the defense zone on the condition that he take us with him.

We also went to see a doctor.

Just like that, behind K's motorcade, there was a long motorcade, and the dust rolled up spread over half of the sky.

At this time, Liu Muqiao helped K's subordinates see a doctor.

Some are suffering from long-term illness due to gunshot wounds, some are suffering from pain due to old fractures, some are suffering from tuberculosis, heart disease, cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis, and some are suffering from neurosis...

Liu Miqiao can be regarded as a general practitioner, especially because he has ancient prescriptions. His Tianlai Acupuncture itself can cure almost all diseases, so he can easily deal with almost all patients.

The key to bullet wounds was to remove them. Even on sensitive parts, Liu Miqiao performed the surgery with the help of equipment from their field hospital. As for tuberculosis - three senior officials all had tuberculosis, and Liu Muchiao still prescribed isoniazid and the like.


If this is not enough, their field hospitals can also prescribe this kind of medicine. The key is that Liu Miqiao also helps them give Tianlai injection.

Tianlai Acupuncture can significantly improve the body's immunity, and immunity is a disease-fighting force that is more effective than any medicine. With drugs as a basis, one Tianlai Acupuncture can cure the disease almost 100%.<


As for heart disease, Liu Muqiao's level of internal medicine is indeed not high, but there are many prescriptions for treating heart disease in ancient prescriptions.

In fact, the treatment of heart failure is very principled. Strengthening the heart, diuresis and dilation of blood vessels are his three principles.

Liu Miqiao picked up a lot of ancient prescriptions, and they were all excellent prescriptions for treating heart disease.

Of course, there is no traditional Chinese medicine in the Middle East, but now that the world is integrated, what can’t you buy? As long as you place an order, you may receive what you want within 3 days.

It was already noon the next day when Liu Muqiao helped K's subordinates see the doctor, and K's uncle hadn't arrived yet. He walked and negotiated all the way, and his motorcade became longer and longer.

To be honest, Liu Muqiao really wanted to leave here immediately. He might collapse if he stayed in the wolf's den for too long, especially since he was no longer in the same faction.

The convoy behind K's uncle included people from at least five factions, and each faction brought its own guards. In this way, Liucheng quickly became a powder keg, and a war could break out at any time.

It’s not an exaggeration to describe it as a powder keg. With the addition of K’s troops, there are now 7 armies stationed in Liucheng. They used to be sworn enemies on the battlefield, but now they are all concentrated in the small Liucheng. Fighting may break out at any time.


K stepped up his guard. He deployed 5,000 people on the outskirts of the city and 1,000 people inside the city.

Worrying that something would happen if people from various factions mixed together, K assigned a residence and asked everyone to stay in his residence and not come out to see a doctor until Liu Muqiao came to see a doctor.

K's uncle has come to town.

The motorcade behind him also headed for the station.

Liu Muqiao first treated K's uncle.

Parkinson’s radical surgery.

Liu Muqiao discovered that K's uncle's disease was not the kind of patient that was completely unable to take care of himself. There was no need to install a pacemaker, and the cure could be achieved by destroying the globus pallidus.

Just be awesome.

He chose to perform the operation in his bedroom, and there was no need to go to a field hospital.

He took matters into his own hands and shaved K's uncle's hair, then disinfected it with alcohol. Next, he stretched out his hand and put a piece of mazui wood in front of K's uncle's nose.

It's amazing.

K’s uncle is asleep!

This group of people who kill without batting an eye have never seen such miraculous things. There are also doctors from field hospitals among them, and they are even more surprised.

What kind of gameplay is this? Can you explain it? But he didn’t dare to ask.

Liu Maqiao drilled a hole on his bald head with a hand drill and then started puncturing.

Puncture is Liu Miqiao's unique skill. After he obtained the puncture technology from the medical wisdom system 5 years ago, he has since embarked on the golden path of a miracle doctor and is almost ready to become a general practitioner.

With only 3 minutes left, Liu Miqiao withdrew the puncture needle.

"Do you want to start over?" K asked when he saw the needle was withdrawn.

"It's done." Liu Maqiao made a patch on his bald head with accessories.

"Is it done? You didn't take any medicine?" K was puzzled. Just one injection was considered treatment.

"Yes, this operation does not require medication. Just destroy the brain tissue that caused the disease and the disease will be cured. Did you notice that his hands stopped shaking?"

Liu Miqiao said while cleaning and disinfecting the puncture.

Sure enough, my trembling hands stopped shaking.

"Are you a doctor?" Liu Miqiao pointed to the person next to him and said, "Test his muscle tone to see if it has dropped."

He is the chief surgeon of the field hospital, and he is trying to test muscle tone.

Parkinson's patients have very high muscle tone and can even reach a state of opisthotonus.

"Yeah! It's indeed better, and the muscle tone is normal. Almost normal!" the doctor at the field hospital reported in surprise.

At this moment, K's uncle woke up.

"Hasn't it started yet?" he asked.

"It's done. You're ready!"

There is obvious evidence that his mouth no longer shakes, his speaking voice is normal, and his words are much clearer.

"Are you ready?" K's uncle then discovered that the symptoms he had suffered for many years suddenly disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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