Chapter 2055 The unspeakable secret

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 Nothing happened.

Liu Muqiao had a good sleep.

Xu Min was sleeping on the sofa and had a good dream. I won’t talk about the dream.

When I arrived at Nanyang University, the executive president came with a group of people to greet me. When I got to the reception room, I introduced everyone there one by one.

Liu Muqiao has a good memory. He has remembered the positions of more than 20 people, but the names are a little difficult to remember, or there is no way to remember them at all.

If you remember Jili Gulu’s name, you’ll be a god.

It's easy to handle the official position after remembering it. Who needs to call it by name? Aren't they all called positions!

People, what do you pursue in your life? One is money, and the other is fame. Fame is mainly reflected by your position.

In the mainland, if a person retires at the age of sixty and is still a certain comrade, his life will be mediocre. Only if he has at least a section chief, director, or general manager or director can he be worthy of this life.

Of course, you can do it if you have money.

Liu Muqiao remembered the official positions of these people.

In Nanyang, many people have Chinese genes, and many people also inherit Chinese culture. Therefore, Liu Miqiao is very confident. If he remembers their official positions, he will basically not be rude.

"This is the itinerary for the past few days. Please take a look at it again."

Liu Muqiao took a look at the itinerary and compared it with the one sent last time. For example, tonight, Liu Tao, a member of the Nanyang Cabinet, hosted a banquet for Liu Muqiao, and the original schedule was not there.

Liu Muqiao looked over it and found that there was nothing that needed to be modified. It was just a few more entertainment events.

"No objection." Liu Maqiao said.

"Since Professor Liu has no objection, we will proceed according to this arrangement."

"Okay." Liu Muqiao nodded.

"Now, we have to discuss a few issues to see if Professor Liu has any different opinions."

Liu Muqiao nodded.

"First, Nanyang University would like to invite you to be a visiting professor, and we would like you to come and give lectures every year. The number of lectures depends on how many times you can give lectures. We have no specific requirements. Of course, we hope that you will give 3 or 4 lectures in the first and second half of the year.

We will listen to you regarding specific topics."

You're very welcome.

The executive principal is very sincere. Even if he makes a request, it sounds like he listens to your opinion. This person is really eloquent.

"You're welcome, principal. I promise you all of this." There is no need for Liu Muqiao to disagree. This arrangement is not difficult.

"Second, we have ten affiliated hospitals, and many world-famous doctors have opened studios here. We have a strong desire to ask you to open a studio here. Because, without you, our affiliated hospitals

The taste of the hospital is not good enough. Excuse me, can you agree to this request?"

Liu Muqiao nodded and said, "No problem."

"Oh, that's good. What kind of studio do you plan to set up? We know that you have many disciplines."

Liu Muqiao said: "This is the first time I will open one this year. Let's start with something simple. I plan to open a clinic specifically for the treatment of insomnia."

"Neurology? Treats insomnia?"


"That's great. Insomnia is a difficult disease to treat. What do we need to do?"

"Give me one person, I've already chosen it, it's Xu Min."

"Okay, if you take her as your apprentice, how many years will it take to train her?"

"It doesn't take a few years. The fastest, it can be opened tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If we encounter problems, we can solve them through the Internet."

"That would be great."

The executive principal himself suffers from insomnia. He has relied on alprazolam for a long time and has developed drug resistance. The dosage is increasing and he has to take 4 pills a night to fall asleep.

It’s not that he has never been treated. The more he was treated, the worse his insomnia became. He also saw a psychiatrist, but psychological counseling sessions were of no use.

He has intractable insomnia, and it will only work unless he takes super strong antipsychotic drugs. However, for non-mental patients, the side effects of antipsychotic drugs are too obvious, so they dare not use them easily.

Therefore, he has suffered a lot over the years and has survived until today.

"As for your disease, I suggest you use traditional Chinese medicine. I will prescribe it for you for a week. After taking it for about the day after tomorrow, you can have a good sleep. After taking the medicine for 7 days, your disease will be cured. However,

This disease can relapse, but it doesn’t matter. I have a way. If you take Chinese medicine for three days for three months, your disease will be completely cured in about two years, and it won’t relapse easily."

Liu Muqiao's tone is a typical TCM tone. This is also a part of the treatment.

People who have seen traditional Chinese medicine know that the better the doctor, the more determined the tone of his speech, and it seems that he can accurately calculate when and how much you will feel better.

Liu Muqiao didn't have any rituals. He grabbed the executive principal's left hand and several ideas popped up in his mind. He picked the brightest one and wrote it down.

"As far as I know, Chinese medicine is legal in your country. I will write a prescription for you. Follow my instructions and there will be nothing wrong with it."

The executive principal is overjoyed.

He is someone who knows Liu Muqiao's skills, and he speaks so firmly, how can there be any doubt?

The welcome ceremony ended in this relaxed environment.

I looked at the time and saw that it was almost time to go to the hotel.

Only the executive principal and the office director know which hotel it is, and they keep it confidential.

Because there is a security issue at the banquet hosted by the cabinet ministers.

Liu Muqiao and the executive principal took a car and walked for about 40 minutes. When they entered a hotel, Liu Muqiao noticed that martial law was in effect and there were security guards everywhere.

When we arrived at the hotel, to our surprise, cabinet member Liu Tao had already arrived.

"Nice to meet you, I've heard of you for a long time." Liu Tao is not very old, he looks to be in his 40s, with a pockmarked face.

Mazi, this is rare.

In the past, pockmarks were everywhere in the world, but now they are rare.

Because pockmarks are the traces left after contracting smallpox, and smallpox has been extinct in the world for decades.

He should be one of the last people to get smallpox.

"Your surname is Liu, and my surname is Liu. My ancestors were from Zhangzhou. Later they came to Nanyang for business and settled here. Counting my generation, I should be the 6th generation. Therefore, I consider myself to be from China. You

Look, I can speak Chinese pretty well," Liu Tao said.

"It's true. Many of us don't have your standards yet," Liu Miqiao said.

"Not only do I learn Chinese, but I also read ancient Chinese books, including the four major classics, "Historical Records", "The Analects of Confucius", "The Book of Songs" and other books. I go back to Zhangzhou every year to worship my ancestors. Besides, have you noticed that I

The name is Chinese." Liu Tao said.

"It's surprising. You have also inherited Chinese culture. It's really surprising." Liu Muqiao was indeed a little surprised.

"Professor Liu, I am meeting you this time. Firstly, it is because your surname is Liu and we were a family 500 years ago. Secondly, I have an unspeakable secret and would like to ask you to help me treat it."

This chapter has been completed!
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