Chapter 206 Two surgeries at one time

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 Ginger is still spicier.

Zhao Yilin raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a bright smile.

He said: "Dean, do you want comfort or practical results? No need to ask, you will definitely want practical results. Good results are the last word, right? To tell you the truth, if I do it, you will be very happy.

Don’t worry, Mr. Xiao has also received comfort and respect.

However, there is a saying that you know, people are old and frail. My body is not in the best condition recently. I can do operations, but I can’t find the feeling. My self-confidence is not strong enough. To put it more clearly, I just feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Not practical.

On the contrary, I, Dr. Liu, have performed extremely well recently. Not only was it successful every time, but the excellence rate reached 100%. Therefore, I insist on Dr. Liu performing Mr. Xiao’s surgery. For the sake of Mr. Xiao’s health, you will not object.


The last sentence is to conquer an army!

The dean was choked, what else could he say? Everyone had already said everything.

Well, I’ve seen this guy’s operations anyway, he’s very skilled, he’s probably a genius or something like that.

However, this matter cannot be hidden from Mr. Xiao. If he insists on Zhao Yilin doing it, then let him do it. Even if the effect is not good, it will be good. Anyway, he is 78 years old and has a good life. He can live for up to 10 years.

,If you don’t die at the age of 88, you are still a waste.

When the dean explained his idea, Zhao Yilin's scalp was numb. Most likely, the man named Xiao would still insist on the old man doing it.

He himself is an old man.

Many times, the elderly are very stubborn and outrageously stubborn. They insist that the elderly are experienced and stable, and they are trustworthy only when they are older.

If Lao Xiao insists, what should we do?

No, we must stop the dean from discussing with him. No need to guess, Lao Xiao will definitely ask me, Zhao Yilin, to do it myself.

But, how to stop the dean?

Even the well-informed Zhao Yilin was suddenly at a loss and stared at the dean walking out.

"Dean, come back." Liu Maqiao shouted loudly.

"Well, what?" The dean has one foot outside the door and one foot inside.

"Come and take a look at this MRI film." Liu Miqiao waved.

"You see, this is the gray matter of the brain, here is the medulla, here is the globus pallidus, and here is the basal ganglia. Parkinson's disease means that the dopamine produced here is reduced. In ordinary people, the globus pallidus is destroyed and inhibition is reduced, or in the basal ganglia

By inserting a pacemaker, the patient's Parkinson's symptoms will be eliminated. Right?"

Liu Muqiao said.

The dean thought, yes, everyone knows the basic principles, do you need to teach me?

"Dean, I have an idea. It is not my ability to cure Professor Xiao's disease. To cure it, we must allow Mr. Xiao to go to the operating table again."

The dean looked at Liu Miqiao in surprise.

Aren't you bragging? He's 78 years old, and if you ask him to go to the operating table, even if his hands and feet don't shake, his eyes won't work either.

Besides, for surgery, it is not only enough that the hands do not shake, but also dexterity and sensitivity. The ten fingers on the hand are more flexible than a pianist.

When you get old, you get old, and you can no longer be as flexible as before. Besides, this feeling, the feeling of your fingers, is no longer good for old people.

This is a fact.

A 78-year-old man goes on stage to undergo surgery. Isn’t that just whimsical?

"Aren't you afraid that this won't work?" the dean said.

"Okay, I can ask Mr. Xiao to come on stage to guide the surgery." Liu Maqiao changed his mind and said.

"Oh, are you going to guide the surgery? Maybe I can do it reluctantly."

The guidance of the operation was not performed by Mr. Xiao himself, but designed by him, and he directed the progress and method of the entire operation.

This kind of guided surgery is generally an extremely difficult surgery and must have great teaching significance before being carried out, and it is difficult to perform it several times a year.

Liu Muqiao said: "Then we will work hard towards this goal. My idea is to destroy the globus pallidus and place a pacemaker at the same time."

The dean was shocked.

Aren’t these two surgeries?

"Is it necessary?" he reminded.

"It is necessary. In this way, Mr. Xiao will be 10 years younger, no, he should be 20 years younger. One operation is performed, two operations are also performed, and it is done at one time to achieve the best effect. Why not do it?"
A bit tempting.

If the effect is so good, it will definitely surpass other hospitals.

The three hospitals have not yet carried out Parkinson's surgery. They want to do so, but they have no talent or equipment. They have had ideas but no action for many years.

The key is lack of confidence.

Introducing Zhao Yilin and others not only provided Parkinson's surgical treatment, but also achieved better results! Wouldn't the reputation of the Third Hospital have greatly increased?

OK, I want curative effect!

Don’t be afraid of good curative effect, the better, the better.

"This surgery can only be performed by your master, right?" the dean asked.

Liu Muqiao shook his head, "On the contrary, he can't do it. He is more conservative. In our group, he is a conservative. I must do this surgery."

The dean hesitated and asked tentatively: "Who among your team has the best technology?"

"There is a saying that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Hey, you don't think I'm bragging? I have the highest excellence rate, 100%. If it were you, who would you choose?"


That’s it.

The surgery was performed by Liu Muqiao.

The dean wants to make a name for himself right away.

An hour later, Professor Xiao was sent to the operating room, and Dr. Zou gave him a beautiful bald head.

He is trying hard to surpass Wen Xingyu.

Wen Xingyu’s bald head is indeed very beautiful, and he can make a living from this craft.

Dr. Zou’s specialty is defibrillation.

They all have their own strengths.

But he doesn't like this honorable title. Even the title of shaved head sounds better than defibrillation. If you shave someone else's head at the card table, you are a master.

Liu Muqiao is watching the MRI film again.

There are a few more people in the observation room, and all members of the hospital team are here. They have the right to say whether to introduce these people.

"I understand that it takes two hours for them to perform an operation in one hospital. The patient must be younger than 70 years old, and cannot have too complex underlying diseases. There are too many restrictions."

"Parkinson's disease is now the third leading killer after cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. It is very valuable to develop this technology."

"However, I have some doubts that a third-rate hospital can produce such a master?"

"The masters are among the people."

"Just kidding, it's impossible for medical experts to appear among the people."

"Okay, look, he's already started."

"His hand was very steady, without any shaking."

"He has high self-confidence and is very determined in inserting the needle."

"So soon? Reaching the globus pallidus? Is he destroying the globus pallidus?"

"Yes, his eyes seem to see the globus pallidus."

"It's over?"

"Isn't it too fast?"

"Oh! The first operation was completed so easily? Old Fang, your life is terrible."


Liu Muqiao took a short rest after destroying the globus pallidus. Zhao Yilin checked the patient and found that the muscle tension was significantly reduced.

"Okay, the effect is good."

"Well, then I will continue with the second operation."


Liu Miqiao took the second puncture needle from Dr. Zou and put it on the pacemaker directly. He paused before inserting the needle. After grasping the direction, he resolutely inserted the needle and stopped after inserting 4.6 centimeters.

"Report physical signs."

Zhao Yilin checks muscle tension.

Increased muscle tone is the most critical sign of Parkinson's patients.

"It's gone down, it's normal."

This is a sign that the pacemaker is working.

Liu Muqiao gently pressed the button.


The pacemaker detaches from the puncture needle.


Next door.


"Is this done again?"

"Isn't it difficult? Look, it only takes 12 minutes."

"Isn't it difficult? Try it."

This chapter has been completed!
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