Chapter 2092 Coming to the door

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 The show is over.

Professor Hao stayed alone. He was going to discuss some issues with Liu Miqiao, and Xiong Benji's female apprentice Xue'e also stayed.

"Mu Qiao, as the chairman of this province, you have to stand up. I'm about to retire." Professor Hao said, "What do you mean, if you don't serve as the provincial chairman, you won't serve as the national chairman."

No. You should be the chairman of the national committee. You can recommend Zou Qingxiang to be the chairman of the province. At my level, I always sit in this position, and my morality is not worthy of the position."

Liu Miqiao said: "Professor Hao, you have both talent and political integrity. The chairman of this province should be someone like you. I can only be regarded as a nouveau riche. I will work step by step with great professors like you and work hard based on my ability."

I'm far from where I am now."

Professor Hao said: "Nouveau riche? Are you considered a nouveau riche? Financially speaking, you are considered a nouveau riche! But academically, you are a genius."

Liu Muqiao quickly waved his hand and said: "We won't talk about this anymore. You haven't left. Do you want to discuss the work of medical identification?"

Professor Hao said: "I don't think it is necessary to overturn the framework of medical appraisal, nor is it easy to overturn it. However, when we make appraisals, we must take into account the particularity of Chinese medicine. We cannot simply Westernize Chinese medicine. Every time Chinese medicine participates in the treatment,

Yes, at least one Chinese medicine expert must participate in the appraisal, what do you think?"

Liu Muqiao nodded and said: "This is very good. You can use your prestige to influence the leaders in the hall. This is also academically tenable."

Xue'e, Kumamotoji's female apprentice, quickly said: "Professor Hao said something fair, and I think it should be like this. In this appraisal, the five experts are all Western medicine, and basically all of them have no background in traditional Chinese medicine."

Professor Hao said: "You go back and tell Mr. Xiong, so that he can rest assured. With Liu Maqiao's dinner tonight, his problem will definitely be solved and he will not lose again in the final trial."

Liu Muqiao shook his head and said: "I feel that this matter is a bit unethical now. It is affecting the sentencing of a specific case. However, if I do not intervene, I really feel that I have wronged Chinese medicine practitioners and it is detrimental to the development of Chinese medicine.

Professor Hao said: "There is nothing immoral about this? You are standing on a fair and disciplinary standpoint. This is responsibility, this is responsibility."

Xue'e also said: "You are the first to stand up and speak for Chinese medicine. There will definitely be similar cases in the future. If no one stands up, it is equivalent to giving many pitfalls to Chinese medicine. These pits must be filled one by one. Someone must stand up."

Come out and fill it in."

After chatting for a while, the topic changed.

Liu Muqiao didn't want to keep talking about this matter. After one night, the goal had basically been achieved, so he could let it go.

It’s about Kumamotoji’s body.

"His basic diseases are now stable. You gave him acupuncture last time, and his blood pressure and blood sugar returned to normal. The problem now is that he has some mental anxiety and fear. He is afraid of getting involved in medical disputes.

He was afraid that the ghosts of the dead would come to claim his life. He said that he was worried that the doctors in the underworld also studied Western medicine, and they would encourage the dead ghosts to cause trouble for him..."

Professor Hao shook his head, "This won't work. You have a mental problem and you must adjust it well. Mu Qiao, isn't your Su Yajuan good at adjusting? As a master, you should be even better. What's your special trick?"

Liu Muqiao said: "In a few days, I will pay a visit to Mr. Xiong. He once gave me several prescriptions. Now, looking back, I have to give him a few prescriptions back. You take a pen and record it, Professor Xue'e, give it.

Your master actually gave it to you."

Liu Muqiao submitted 4 prescriptions to treat depression and anxiety.

Professor Hao tried hard to remember, but he couldn’t help it.

Liu Muqiao noticed it and said: "Professor Hao, in your neurology department, you can send a few people to communicate. I am not a stingy person. You can also use the Chinese medicine prescriptions we use. The prescription just given to Xue'e,

Don’t forget it. One day, we will have a special communication. Do you think we will be conservative? I have a lot of ancient Chinese medicine prescriptions."

Soon, Professor Hao received a call from the hospital saying that there was an emergency and he had to go back, leaving Kumamoto Yoshi's female apprentice Xue'e.

"Professor Liu, thank you so much. I know that you are risking your life to speak for us. If the patients find out, they will be dissatisfied with the loss of millions in compensation. I'm worried that they will come to you.

Trouble." Xue'e said.

Liu Muqiao smiled and said, "It's okay. I'm not selfish. I don't have any personal concerns. I'm just talking about the situation. I can't let your master be wronged. In his later years, he will be carrying a heavy psychological baggage.

To be honest, the key point is that your master was right. If he was really wrong, he would feel at ease if he paid hundreds of thousands of millions."

In fact, in medical lawsuits, the hospital's attitude is very simple: if it should be compensated, it will be compensated. If it is compensated, it will not hurt. If it is not compensated, it will feel aggrieved.

This is what Kumamotoji means.

He is a master of traditional Chinese medicine. There is no actual retirement plan for a master of traditional Chinese medicine. He belongs to the establishment of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Even if the compensation for medical accidents is compensation, he will not pay it himself, it will be paid by the hospital.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Kumamotoji pays the compensation himself, the figure of one million is not a big number. There is no need to be so melancholy.

Liu Muqiao said: "I am not worried about the patient coming to me for trouble. In fact, I have inquired about his condition and he should definitely come to me. I don't know why, they did not come to Antai Hospital for treatment."

"It's really strange not to come to Antai Hospital for treatment. It is said that the son of this family is a lawyer. It may be due to the limitations of his thinking. He is restrained and only thinks of litigation. If he has the opportunity to make a fortune, he will feel that if he doesn't make it,

It has desecrated his profession."

Xue'e said.

Her analysis is generally accurate.

Everyone has their own thinking habits. Just like flowers in the park, botanists will immediately classify them when they see them, and which family they belong to; poets will immediately compose a poem; lawyers will think that others picking them will offend.

Which management regulations, etc.

Everyone has their own thinking logic.

What the lawyer has been thinking about all his life is fighting lawsuits. His father is ill, very ill, and what he has learned in his mind is how many levels of medical malpractice can be rated.

Second-level medical malpractice has the highest compensation, which is higher than first-level medical malpractice because there is also the issue of follow-up treatment costs.

Besides, this person has a completely different mentality towards the next generation than towards the previous generation. If it is the next generation, he will think of doing everything he can to treat it, but on the other hand, it is completely different towards the previous generation.

Take Lawyer Qiu, for example. So far, he has not made any efforts to further treat his father.

In his impression, Kumamotoji has no cure for his disease, and there will no longer be a doctor in the world who can cure his disease.

Xue'e's estimate is correct.

I just didn’t expect that Lawyer Qiu would come to my door the next day.

This chapter has been completed!
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