Chapter 2097: This life and the next

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 Liu Muqiao was speechless when he encountered this kind of donkey-rolling behavior.

He had no other choice but to remain silent.

Xiao Na is still cursing Liu Miqiao and the flight attendant.

Master Kong could only remain silent.

The flight attendant was very busy, and she kept comforting Xiaona.

Business class passengers all ate melon with gusto and watched the excitement.

They didn't know Liu Muqiao at first, but after Xiaona made such a fuss, they all knew that this was the famous Liu Muqiao.

Great doctor, great entrepreneur.

If you don’t know that Liu Muqiao is a great doctor, it’s understandable. The only people who pay attention to doctors and medicine are those patients. People who are not sick or in pain will pay attention to hospital doctors? Although Liu Muqiao is famous, he is not a household name.

As for Liu Miqiao's other identity, as a qualified bystander, Liu Miqiao's identity as an entrepreneur is basically a household name.

How can someone who can fly first class not understand who is the richest man today and who is the potential richest man?

Therefore, as soon as Xiao Na started scolding, everyone immediately knew that this young man was Liu Miqiao.

Melon, it tastes more delicious.

As for Xiaona, almost everyone knows her. Who hasn't listened to a few songs? One song "Drunken Butterfly" is famous all over the country. Xiaona is not only famous for her singing voice, but also her charming appearance and figure.

It’s so lively now.

Xiao Na, who is nationally famous, is abusing Liu Miqiao, who is also nationally famous. Such excitement is really rare to see.

People who know Xiaona’s present and next lives can’t help but sigh, “It’s such a pity that the true colors are revealed!”

It is indeed a pity.

Because someone is videotaping her at this time, her glorious image among fans is likely to collapse.

Some people can't help but feel sorry for her.

It’s not easy!

It’s really not easy for Xiaona to get to where she is today. She has endured a lot of hardships and struggled a lot.

Just as everyone was watching the fun with great interest, suddenly, Xiaona burst into tears "Wow".

Shawna cried.

Liu Muqiao was dumbfounded.

Xiaona cried so sadly.

Because, she remembered her past at this time.

Three years ago, she failed the college entrance examination and returned to her hometown in the countryside. Suddenly, the door was filled with proposals and matchmakers, and her parents and relatives all persuaded her to get married as soon as possible.

Her parents are not very knowledgeable. In their eyes, 500,000 yuan is an astronomical figure. With 500,000 yuan, they can agree to anyone's marriage proposal.

There is a reason for someone to marry Xiaona with a gift of 500,000 yuan.

Wang Kaichen, the richest man in the county and the king of fireworks and firecrackers, the richest man in Nanxiang, his second son fell in love with Xiaona and was willing to give 500,000 yuan as a gift to the Xiao family without any money from the dowry. In addition, he also gave Xiaona a car.


Xiaona's parents were moved and worked on Xiaona's work overnight.

Xiaona was ready to give up her resistance. She realized that when she came to this world, her fate was already determined. If she married a rich man, she would at least have enough food and clothing in this life, especially her children would be able to live a good life. Thinking of this, she agreed.


However, she still has to stick to her last red line.

"I want to meet someone first." Xiaona said.

"There is no ugly face in a man."

The mother quickly said that this was her personal experience as a woman in the past. In the past, she paid attention to the appearance of men and finally married this man. She regretted it all her life. Because from the day she married this man, she had been in a

In the traditional Chinese culture of hard-working and hard-working, she practiced traditional Chinese culture.

She is very beautiful, her husband is also very handsome, and the children she gave birth to are also outstanding in appearance. The son is now working in Shenzhen City, working 12 hours a day. Among the migrant workers in Shenzhen City, there are so many handsome people like him.

Xiaona has never thought her mother was beautiful.

It is true that from the time she became sensible, her mother was simply a rural woman who was better at farm work than men, at least better than her father.

His father is a famous playboy - the nickname given to him in the village.

My mother deeply experienced that a woman must marry a responsible and capable man, not his looks and sweet words.

"Is it ugly?" Xiaona was keenly aware that the man who wanted to marry her must be ugly.

"Not very, so-so." Xiaona's mother told the truth.

"Then I won't see you!" Xiaona is definitely not ready to marry an ugly guy. She doesn't have this ambition. She still has dreams.

She's gone.

Ran away from home.

When she really ran away from home, she secretly took a look at the man and saw that he was too ugly, so she made up her mind to leave her hometown and go to Shenzhen.

However, once she arrived in Shenzhen City, she was frightened. This was not the dreamy place she imagined. She chose to work as a general worker, but no one was willing to recruit her as a general worker. Many people came to ask her to work in the service industry.

She didn't dare.

A woman's unique sense of smell told her that there was an abyss ahead of her.

After all her money was gone, she went home.

After returning home, she was ready to face reality and find a man to marry who had decent abilities and average family background, but must have decent looks.

However, it is not enough for you to have this wish. There is no such man in the world waiting for you.

After kissing each other 6 times, this is the 7th time.

This time, her heart was hurt.

Her parents actually agreed with him, and even mobilized her to marry a senior Wang Laowu from the next town, a 35-year-old cement factory owner. He had just divorced. This was his second divorce. Her parents agreed to marry this man.

A person becomes the third wife.

She ran away for the second time.

This time I ran away with anger.

It just so happened that the TV station was holding auditions for Super Girl at this time.

Xiaona's singing is not good and out of tune.

Unexpectedly, it was so unexpected that she passed all the way and entered the finals.

She knows her own level. People who can't sing out of tune enter the finals because of their looks. Apart from her looks, she really has no merit.

She also knew that her good luck should end here. She felt that no one would sign a contract with her.

Just then, a fat man found her.

He proposed that he would sign a long-term contract with Xiaona. This contract spanned 10 years. He promised to make Xiaona the new singer and a rich woman.

"Look at the terms, if you want, I can let you win first place in the finals."

Shawna was shocked.

She never believed that this was true.

"How is it possible? At my level, if I sing out of tune, there is no way I can win the championship." Xiaona answered seriously.

The failure in the college entrance examination taught her that one plus one equals three is absolutely wrong.

"Don't worry, you can reach the finals now because I'm helping you." Fatty said.

"I won first place, so what else is there to do?"

Xiaona's heart is still pure. She knows that the nine people in front of her are definitely better than her in singing and other talents. Even with their academic qualifications, they are all college students, and some are college students in art colleges.

"Tianli?" Fatty suddenly laughed, "Have you seen Tianli? Is it red or yellow? Is it round or square? Xiaona, you are really naive."

This chapter has been completed!
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