Chapter 2100 Ding

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 The one who came to pick up Liu Miqiao was naturally Peng Shan.

Along the way, they were chirping like little birds.

Long time no see, I have a lot to say.

The two of them didn't stop talking about missing each other until they reached the first hospital of Beijing University.

Liu Muqiao has to undergo an operation at the First Hospital of Peking University before the formal meeting tomorrow. After the operation, he will report in.

Professor Long is already waiting in the office.

"Mu Qiao, it's been a long time since you came to Peking University for surgery? Do you remember the last time?" Professor Long said slightly reproachfully.

Although there are three people at Peking University who can perform Vilishi-style surgery for pancreatic cancer, without Liu Maqiao's guidance, the fourth person has not yet appeared.

Vilishi surgery is really not a simple surgery. It cannot be learned by hard work. It also requires a skilled teacher.

Today's surgery is of course the Vilishi surgery.

There is no need for Liu Maqiao to take the stage for other techniques.

The level of the First Hospital of Peking University is quite high, and there are very few surgeries that they cannot handle that require Liu Maqiao's rescue. Among the more than 10,000 medical staff at Peking University, about 200 are top international talents, with talents in all aspects.<


Pancreatic surgery is only valuable when the tumor invades the abdominal aorta.

This situation is rare, and it is rare to encounter one in several years.

To be honest, the tumor has already infiltrated into the abdominal aorta. Generally, hospitals will tell the patients’ families to go home and eat and drink as they should. Don’t have any scruples and just do whatever you want.

If these words come from a doctor, especially an expert, someone with a little knowledge will understand that the patient is hopeless.

This sentence means that if you have diabetes, you can eat sweets if you want. For patients with high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, if you want to eat fatty meat, you can eat in large quantities. If you have liver cirrhosis, you can drink alcohol, even if you are drunk to death.


Therefore, it is definitely not a good thing to hear from a doctor that there are no taboos in life.

Back to the basics, doctors treat diseases. In their eyes, everyone is a patient. Even if they are not patients now, they will be patients in the future, especially for future patients. Nowadays, if the emphasis is on treating the disease before it is cured, the doctor will tell the patient, less salt, less salt.

Fat, light, eat more vegetables, eat more fruits, don't eat anything, avoid contact with something.

Anyway, there are many taboos.

The more taboos you have, it does not mean that you will get more sick, but it means that you have the value and necessity of taboos. When there are no more taboos, it will be over and it will be too late!

In the past year, Liu Muqiao participated in very few surgeries at Peking University. The main reason was because he was too busy. He only performed a total of 5 surgeries at Peking University in a year.

A live broadcast is scheduled today.

Although it can be watched on mobile phones, the three open academic halls are still crowded with people in front of the big screens. One of the three academic halls is the most advanced and can only seat 100 people. The qualifications are stipulated. Unless ordinary people go through the back door, otherwise

Can't get in.

The second academic hall is for the general public. Even graduate students can enter. The seats are up for grabs. This academic hall can seat 300 people. But today it was occupied by the Pancreatic Surgery Department of the 123rd Hospital of Peking University.

The third academic hall is a large conference room that can seat 800 people.

It's open here, and no one checks in or out. There are mainly undergraduate students, followed by graduate students. There are relatively more girls.

Liu Muqiao's preparation time took half an hour, including the so-called "pre-operative discussion".

According to regulations, a preoperative discussion is required before surgery. According to the procedure, the preoperative discussion for this patient had already been discussed the day before yesterday.

That is a legal procedure.

The current discussion between Liu Muqiao and his assistants is actually a communication. Liu Muqiao explained the ideas and steps of his surgery, as well as the precautions.

Then he went on stage.

Today’s assistants are all relatively young. The first assistant, Professor Li, was promoted to professor the year before last. He is a technical doctor with extremely strong hands-on ability. When practicing surgery, he can help mice perform partial pancreatectomy and pancreatic repair.<


The pancreas of a mouse is very small, and ordinary people cannot perform mouse pancreas surgery. He has also performed a mouse liver transplant.

This man is a wizard in the medical field.

He hopes to become the fourth person in Beijing University who can perform the Vlishi technique.

Liu Muqiao is also willing to provide guidance.

The second assistant is a female doctor who was promoted to professor this year. She is also a skilled doctor with a high degree of education. She has a graduate degree and has been a postdoctoral fellow for three years. Her postdoctoral position was at Yale School of Medicine, and her direction is now

Major, pancreas.

Sanshu is a deputy chief doctor.

Therefore, the quality of today’s teaching surgery is very high. In Professor Long’s words, if you want to learn basic skills, this surgery team is a dream combination.

Liu Muqiao is also very satisfied with this combination.

He had been on stage with Professor Li and knew that Professor Li's hands-on ability was fast, precise, and his technique was very stable.

They took the stage together.

The operating room of Peking University First Hospital is one of the best in the country. It is basically on the same level as Antai Hospital. However, in terms of the selection of materials for wall decoration, Antai Hospital has the advantage of being a latecomer.

Although Liu Muqiao had read the patient's information, he was still a little surprised when he saw the patient.

Why are you so thin?

It is estimated that the patient only weighs about 60 pounds.

Liu Muqiao suddenly heard a "ding" in his head.

This sound is a bit strange. Generally speaking, after the smart system "dings", there will be a prompt sound. Even if it rewards a junior treasure box, there should be a sound of "getting a junior treasure box".

However, this time is different, different from any other time in the past.

Liu Muqiao began to wonder if it was an illusion.

However, he still said cautiously: "I want to do a physical examination on the patient."

Professor Li and the female professor both looked at him and said, "You have already washed your hands and put on your clothes."

Washing hands and dressing indicate that the operation has started. The patient has been disinfected and draped. Just waiting for the knife to go in is like a rocket taking off.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the last 10, 9, 8...1, ignition.

However, both Professor Li and the female professor realized that there must be a reason why Liu Miqiao asked for an examination.

Liu Muqiao opened the patient's sterile drape and began to examine.

Something is wrong. There are several small bleeding spots on the skin of the body. These bleeding spots are all fresh and have only been bleeding recently.

"Check the coagulation time urgently!" Liu Miqiao gave oral medical advice.

The patient's coagulation time was measured during preoperative preparation, and it was normal. Now Liu Maqiao suddenly asked to check the coagulation time. Everyone in the operating room knew the reason, but in front of the mobile phone, the people in the academic hall were confused.


Why, the preoperative preparations at Peking University First Hospital were so sloppy? They didn’t even do the clotting time?

If this is the case, the demonstration teaching surgery itself failed before it even started. A demonstration surgery should have no loopholes and should be considered perfect.

The nurse acted very quickly, completing the blood draw in 1 minute and hurriedly sent it to the laboratory.

This chapter has been completed!
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