Chapter 2115 An extra sum of money for nothing

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In the past, the annual fixed budget of Antai Hospital was only 12.1 million yuan. After it was taken back to Qingjiang University, the municipal financial allocation was canceled and replaced by provincial finance, which was increased to 15 million yuan. Qingjiang University itself gave Antai Hospital 10 million yuan in scientific research funding.

This is the fixed allocation for the whole year. What does this little money count for?

Now that it is under the control of the Ministry, it must increase the number, at least it must be close to the old hospitals. The annual headcount budget of the old hospitals, such as Union Medical College, is 1.3 billion; Friendship Hospital has 1.5 billion; Jishuitan Hospital has 1.1 billion; Xuanwu Hospital has

There are 1.2 billion.

The conclusion was quickly reached. Antai Hospital’s annual capita expenditure is 1.3 billion. Since it is a newly added hospital, it must be supported. In the past five years, 1 billion has been given as an additional project budget every year for infrastructure construction.<


In other words, in the past five years, Antai Hospital has received an annual capitation budget of 1.3 billion, a special budget of 1 billion, and the association's strong project expenses of 800 million, which adds up to a total of 3.1 billion.

Suddenly, for no reason, I received an extra 3.1 billion in income every year. It’s true that the rich get richer.

Of course, Liu Miqiao is not afraid of having too much money, nor is he worried about running out of money. Now, he needs money. The foundation of the Second Hospital has been completely bulldozed. Not a single wall or brick is left, and the plan has been redesigned.<


Where is it still under trusteeship? The Second Hospital was officially allocated to Antai Hospital, called Antai Second Hospital. The investment budget there is 30 billion, which will be invested in 5 years, which is 6 billion per year.

With the money from the ministry, there will be no gap in the construction funds of Antai Second Hospital. With the money in place, the project progress will be faster.

Antai Second Hospital is designed according to the best hospitals in the world and will lead the way for many years to come.

Antai Second Hospital and Antai Second Hospital are parallel hospitals and are not complementary. After analysis, if Antai Hospital and Antai Second Hospital were to become a complementary hospital, competition would be lost within the hospital and the disciplines would not be complete.

Finally, it was decided that the two hospitals should be sister hospitals. This would also have the advantage that talents would not be buried and talents would have more opportunities to come forward.

One hospital or one discipline only needs one leader, and two hospitals need two leaders, doubling the opportunities for the doctors below.

Liu Muqiao returned to Qingjiang City. As soon as he got off the plane, he was greeted by a group of people. Sun Tao, Gao Jian, Zeng Xuefei and Zhao Jing were all here.

Everyone is happy!

Pingdi was promoted to a level, and in the blink of an eye, Sun Tao became the deputy department, and Gao Jian, Zeng Xuefei, and Zhao Jing became the main department. Such a promotion came too cheap and easy.

Especially Sun Tao, he never dreamed that he would reach such a high position.

Today I picked up Liu Muqiao by bus, an 8-seater Toyota Alpha.

"You have really gained a lot from your visit to Beijing this time. We, our ancestors, have accumulated virtue and have the opportunity to become prosperous with you."

Sun Tao was grateful to Liu Miqiao from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes, yes, Dean Liu, how can we thank you? Really, we have gained too many benefits from following you."

Gao Jian understood even more that when he was arrested this time, it was not because of Liu Muchiao's words or because of Liu Muchiao's strong relationship. He might have to stay in prison for many years.

He was even more grateful to Liu Miqiao from the bottom of his heart.

Liu Muqiao glanced at him and wanted to say a few words, but stopped. He would rather stop preaching. You, Gao Jian, are not a child anymore. You should have been taught enough lessons to wake you up and stop.

Besides, the ministry will be more strict in the future. If you continue to behave in the same way, don’t blame me if you lose your job in the future.

Liu Muqiao did not say this.

Zeng Xuefei and Zhao Jing also said a few words, nothing more than expressing their gratitude.

When I arrived at the hospital, as soon as I entered the door, I found that the hospital was decorated with lights and huge banners were hung to congratulate Liu Maqiao on his promotion to the position of president of the National Hospital Association, and to congratulate Antai Hospital on its promotion to a hospital directly under the Ministry of Health...


Liu Muqiao went directly to the conference room.

The conference room is full of middle-level cadres. Today is a happy day.

Sun Tao and the others held a celebration meeting in the hospital, and the theme was to ask Liu Miqiao to tell everyone about the hospital's promotion process and future prospects.

This is easy to say.

Liu Muqiao recounted what he had seen and heard in the meetings over the past few days, and also talked about the advantages of being promoted to a hospital directly under the ministry. At least, in the future, the hospital will have more funding and more opportunities to win projects. The future prospects will definitely be better than doing

University Hospital is much better.

Liu Muqiao also emphasized that we are still an affiliated hospital of Qingjiang University, but in terms of personnel relations, it is no longer Qingjiang University, but the ministry.

In other words, from now on, you guys will all be appointed or approved by the ministry, and some of your departments will be promoted to one level. The office, medical department, logistics department, and discipline inspection will all be deputy departments, and the rest will still be in the same position.


The meeting lasted for nearly two hours in a cheerful atmosphere, and it was time to get off work in the afternoon.

Liu Muqiao was about to go to Jiang Wei's place when he was detained by Gao Jian, "I have something to report to you."

Liu Muqiao had no choice but to stay.

His relationship with Gao Jian is very ordinary. I have to report to you today, so it’s hard to change the time. If it were someone else, he would say to change the time.

"Dean Liu, thank you very much for what happened last time. How can I express my gratitude to you?" Gao Jian had to talk about this matter alone. He himself knew how serious the matter was.

"Don't talk about the past too much. Just pay attention to it in the future. You know, the ministry is very strict." Liu Muqiao took this opportunity to say.

"I will definitely pay attention, you can rest assured. Oh, by the way, I don't want to be in charge of the pharmacy. Let me focus on the business." Gao Jian said.

Liu Muqiao's heart tightened. Are these words sincere, or are they retreating in order to advance?

After what happened last time, it stands to reason that Liu Muqiao could consider re-dividing labor and taking the trouble-prone part out of Gao Jian's hands, and he wouldn't have much objection.

Now, Liu Muqiao hasn't come to him yet, but he raised it himself. What is his true thoughts in his heart?

Liu Muqiao couldn't guess.

Some people just like this and often do some tricks, but Liu Miqiao is not good at doing this.

He said: "I haven't had time to think about this yet."

He can only prevaricate, and cannot be led by Gao Jian.

When it comes to others, Liu Muqiao doesn't need to be cautious. When dealing with Gao Jian, he still has to think more about it. Although he has worked with this person for several years, Gao Jian has never become his good friend.

Regarding this point, Liu Muqiao has also analyzed it. It's not that Gao Jian didn't come to curry favor with him, or that Gao Jian has something special that is an eyesore. Liu Muqiao can't figure out why, and he doesn't like him very much.

"Dean Liu, now that we are a hospital directly under the ministry, we must be very strict with ourselves. Besides, the workload in the business area will be much greater in the future. In order to do a good job, I also want to focus on one thing.

.So, I request that other tasks be assigned to others."

This chapter has been completed!
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